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Can Robots Substitute Human Companions?

Essay Instructions:

-paraphrase, dont quote.

-use alot of transition words.

-use all articles in this essay.

-search for 3 or 4 subtopics from the articles. 

- introduce the subtopic.

- use a counter argument.

- then support what you think about from the articles. Dont use "i" or "we" bring proof from the other articles that i gave you

-At least 2 authors in one subtopic

- read the prompt well and follow the instructions


Article 1: http://www(dot)sciencemag(dot)org/content/322/5909/1800.full

Article 2: attached Cant find it on the internet.

Article 3: http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2013/06/08/education/for-homebound-students-a-robot-proxy-in-the-classroom.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&&pagewanted=print (click on print under twitter and it will be easier to read/print)

Article 4: http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2013/01/27/opinion/sunday/our-talking-walking-objects.html?_r=0

please paraphrase. plase follow the prompt. please use transition words. please use all 4 articles i this essay. please use 3 or 4 subtopics. please use at least 2 articles that I gave you in a subtopic.

follow the same organization on the prompt for the body paragraphs. this is for the body paragraph. u must have this in each subtopic. use at least 2 articles for each subtopic 

• Counterargument

• Your refutation of the


• Reason + Evidence for your


Please follow the prompt: LING_100_Fall_2014_Kurber_Argu 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Can Robots Substitute Human Companions?
Can Robots Substitute Human Companions?
Recent times have seen the growth and development of new technologies in the world with the intention of complementing human efforts in enhancing efficiency in daily human operations. With more research and improved innovations, scientists have managed to develop various robots with some capabilities similar to those of human beings (Diana, 2013). Some of the robots can converse and interact with humans just as human do. More developments have led to the invention of robots that can express feelings, something that has raised some concern on whether the robots will ever behave, think, and feel like human beings do. To the developers of such robots, such inventions give them the opportunity to explore intuitive ways that can allow people and machines to co-exist in the workplaces and at home, complementing each other’s efforts (Diana, 2013). Despite the good intention of the robot-makers of advancing the world technologically, contentions have risen on whether robots can replace human as companions to fellow human. Although some people believe robots are substituting human companions, the technological inventions have demonstrated some inadequacies in their emotional connection to human, and inability to provide reasonable care, besides the risks they pose to the human society.
In her article, Diana (2014) advocates for the embracement of robots within homes and work places owing to their vast abilities to perform many duties similar to what human can do. Designers of modern robots have managed to develop robotic machines that can execute different roles without the need of being controlled by human beings. This way, robots have become equally efficient and reliable as human beings, qualifying robots as their perfect substitutes when one needs a helper and a partner to interact with at home and in workplaces (Diana, 2013). Such a claim may be true to some extent, but it fails to address the true nature of humanity where social interaction is based on emotional development and connection. It is true that robots can perform other duties equally well as humans, but the invention cannot interact and develop a reasonable relationship with people (Turkle, 2005). For instance, a person cannot have an intimate relationship with a machine owing to the inability of machines to develop real feelings towards the ‘partner’. Although supporters of robots could argue that machines could be good lovers or companions due to their inability to cheat, hurt or hide their true feelings, the emotional value derived from robot-human relationship cannot replace that between human-human relationships (Turkle, 2005). Human relationships are made stronger by the how they shaped by human biology, history, and joy, which are some of the experiences that robots have not the ability to share.
Robots have demonstrated their various abilities to care for people especially those of special needs in the society, such as babies and the elderly. Research have also found out that children have grown fond of robots as their caretaker because, in addition to their care, robots acts as children entertainers, allowing them to have robust experiences which they could have, while under the care of human beings (Sharkey, 2008). As more parents are considering adopting robots to provide care for their children, there are concerns about what could possibly happen if children are almost exclusivel...
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