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Production Scheduling and Control

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the Session Long Project in Trident University classes is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the module to your own life and work, and to experiment with the module to see how the otherwise academic presentation of a topic may become "up close and personal." This is done in a number of ways—sometimes with cumulative papers, sometimes with practical hands-on experimentation, sometimes with reflections on a place of work or life. The common thread is personal application aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course's material. The main purpose of the written parts of the assignments is to show that you've had some experiences doing the project, that you've thought carefully about what they mean for your own education, and that you can make some personal application of this meaning to your professional and/or personal understanding. Demonstrating this understanding is more important than carrying out any specific step in the project instructions.

For this course, the SLP will take the form of “adventures with simulation"—looking at new things, reporting on what you looked at, and offering some critical evaluation of it. You'll also be invited to reflect on your cumulative software experiences; each module calls for a short summary review of the state of your learning about software up to that point. See below for this module’s specific assignment, but don’t skip over the rest of this introduction, because it contains useful information.

It is a good idea to be sure that your computer is appropriately protected from the "Bad Guys Out There." There are some security precautions that are important to observe before setting out on any Internet excursion, including these course projects. If you are going to download anything from the Internet, you need adequate virus protection and anti-adware/spyware/malware screening. Review our suggestions for preparing your computer for Internet use before you start.

Most online demo sites will require you to register with a name and an e-mail address; if this bothers you, try using a pseudonym and free e-mail account from Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, or a similar provider. All sites want is a place to send a password, generally. It is also possible that you will receive follow-up inquiries from sites that you have visited. For a fuller discussion of these issues, read our policy note/advisory on website relationships.

If you work in an area subject to security clearances and regulations, or if the computer to which you have access is restricted in critical ways in terms of what you are at liberty to download and use (because of capacity, policy and/or security rules, or other factors) then your ability to carry out the assignments may be compromised. Never Fear! Trident is known for its flexibility and ability to reconfigure assignments, and we are ready to help you. Review our policy on assignments and national security. Alternatives are available, and while you might miss some of the learning benefits of the assignment, you can still get a substantial measure. Let your instructor know as soon as you can if you will be operating under any sort of computer limitations, so that you can work out suitable arrangements.

That's the general SLP approach for this course. If you have questions about what to do or how to strategize your exercises, contact your instructor for assistance.

Specific Assignment for Module 1

For Module 1, your assignment is to try your hand at restaurant operations. The challenge is to manage your operations to maximize sales per hour. Sounds easy, right?

Well, actually, it’s only a simulation, so you’re not going to get too rich right away. If you’re unfamiliar with simulation exercises, here’s a good introduction:

Instructional Strategies Online (n.d.) What is simulation? http://olc(dot)spsd(dot)sk(dot)ca/de/pd/instr/strats/simul/index.html

If you don’t know much about restaurant customer throughput, here’s a good reference on that as well:


When you feel you’re ready, try the following simulation on Benihana restaurant’s customer throughput.

Here are instructions for running the simulation:

  1. Go to http://forio(dot)com/simulation/harvard-business-school-benihana-operations-management-sim/login.htm
  2. Username and Password should be filled in. If not, follow the instructions. Since this is a demo you will only be allowed to play the Batch Dining Room Customers challenge.
  3. Review the Simulation Summary, How to Play, About Benihana, and Intro Video sections under the Prepare tab.
  4. Then go to the Analyze tab.
  5. Under Scenario 1, select the Use Batching Option.
  6.  I.        Run the simulation clicking the Generate 20 Runs button.
  7. If you want to watch how the customers are batched from the bar area to the restaurant:

i. Select any single run from the Details section on the left side under the Generate 20 Runs button.

ii. Then click the Animate button on the right side under the clock.

Remember, the serving periods are as follows:

Early dinners – 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Peak period – 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Late dinners – 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

  1. Then, under Scenario 2, select the No BatchingOption
  2.  I.        As before, run the simulation clicking the Generate 20 Runs button.
  3. If you want to watch how the customers are batched from the bar area to the restaurant:

i. Select any single run from the Details section on the left side under the Generate 20 Runs button.

ii. Then click the Animate button on the right side under the clock.

  1. Review the performance of each scenario in the Results section and also the comparison under the Summary tab.
  2. Look at customers served over time by selecting a single run from the Details section and then selecting the Customers tab in the Results section.

In 2-3 pages, address the following questions:

  • What is the impact of batching during peak and non-peak periods?
  • What other sorts of similar production problems might be usefully analyzed with this sort of simulation technique?
  • Briefly describe what you believe you learned, if anything, about operations management from your participation in this simulation.
  • Briefly describe any ideas that occur to you as a result of thinking about the simulation in relation to the module topic and readings.
  • What do you now think of computer-based simulations in general as a learning mechanism? Of this one in particular?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and reflect your personal experiences with this issue. The important part of the project assignments is to carefully assess your own experiences with the topic and then reflect critically on what you might have learned about yourself and about situations through this assessment process.

The more that you can use the exercise to develop personal implications for your growth as a potential businessperson as well as a moral individual, the more value you'll get out of the exercise.

If there are reasons why the entire exercise is impractical for you to undertake at all, explain them to your instructor as early in the module as possible, so that an alternative assignment can be arranged.

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Precision: Carry out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explain the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts. (Running out of time isn’t generally considered an adequate limitation.)
  • Clarity: Provide clear answers that show good understanding of the topic.
  • Breadth and depth: Make the scope of your paper relate directly to the questions of the assignment and the learning outcomes of the module.
  • Critical thinking: Incorporate your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business in a way that illustrates your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

Overall quality: Turn in a well-written paper whose references, where needed, are properly cited and listed. (Refer to the University guidelines (http://support(dot)trident(dot)edu/files/Well-Written-Paper.pdf if you are uncertain about formats or other issues.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Production Scheduling and Control
Restaurants can be very profitable businesses, however, this is especially the case where the managers understand the dynamics of customer flow and use their right incentives (Klafehn, Weinroth & Boronico, 1996). Timing of the services is crucial and goes a long way in determining the number of customers one serves in any given time (Lancaster.ac.uk, 2015). There are dynamics to consider such as the batches of the customers coming to the restaurant, seating arrangements, seating capacities and facilities (Forio.com, 2015). In a simulation, the Benihana restaurant offers the client’s dinner from around 6 to 9 PM. It has a lounge with a 55 seating capacity and customers are batched into groups of 8 at the dining area which has a seating capacity of 112, without reserve seating. On average the customers arrive at the restaurant in groups ranging from 2 to 12 in size. The party sizes are set using probability distribution at a mean of 4. Arrivals are generated exponentially, with intervals of 4 minutes in the first one hour and twenty minutes and one minute in the rush dinner. At the bar the customers take on average one drink every 12 minutes and require about one hour to clear their meals with a deviation of about seven minutes.
Under the first challenge which relates to batching the dining rooms with the customers, there were some intriguing results from the batching and no batching scenarios. Under the simulation scenario where batching is applied, there are quite a number of notable aspects. One is that the profits are much higher on average distribution across the runs (Forio.com, 2015). This can be attributed to the low loss of customers and the fact that the simulation maximizes the capacity of the dining room during the peak hours. This means that the dining area is close to full at all times during the peak hours. There are minimal customers at the dining area and thus make proper use of the bar. The bar also operates at full capacity around the peak hours. As such it is possible to point out that the batching maximizes capacity and profits at the bar and dining during the peak hours and the non-peak hours.
With reference to the non-batching simulation, the profits are much less. This is attributed to the fact that the dining area operates below the capacity while the bar operates at close full capacity. This is especially true given that, th...
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