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Can A Computer Completely Replace A Human?

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 6

This Written Assignment 6 is also your final project paper. You will combine and integrate the four written assignments into one final paper. 

Final Project Part 5

Create the fifth essay, combine and integrate with the other four parts (written assignments 2, 3, 4 and 5) as a cohesive final project that reflects the mentor’s feedback. The focus on the fifth part of this project is to write a 3-5 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing three of the six topics below for the new technology or application selected in the previous written assignments. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include four or more references.

•Any potential ethical considerations

•Short or long-term medical concerns, if applicable

•Economic effects from the deployment of the new technology or application

•Alternative perspectives from NGO (non-governmental agency) experts

•Approaches to minimize the environmental impact (using green and renewable resources) of the new technology or application

•Possible social media influence on the new technology or application deployment

•Political implications, influences and barriers to gain or prevent acceptance of new technology or application

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Can A Computer Completely Replace A Human?
Project soli involves the use of a chip to read the motions of the human hand using radar. The chip then translates the motion of the human hand into actions that could be used to give instructions to machines such as computers, watches, and mobile phones (Langer, 2012). The developers have done an incredible job in development of gesture recognition technology. These new innovations can be merged with other newer technologies to open up possibilities geared towards a new era of a post keyboard world for computers. To accomplish this more research and data collection from the real world is needed. With more research and improvement of the technology, a number of ethical considerations would be required (ESIA, 2007). To get started, ethics involved with research and data collection includes details about interviews, surveys, observations, and analysis. Google should seek permission of the people it will engage when gathering information. The company will be required to collect data on their consumer base and market trends in which case it would be required to be careful to create a good survey and interview questions.
Although no medical issues has been established in relation to the deployment of the new technology, the most significant approach that Google can utilize in the application of the new technology so as to minimize environmental impact is green marketing. The American Marketing Association defines green marketing or environmental marketing as all the marketing activities that seeks to satisfy consumer needs with minimum detrimental effects on the natural environment (Rae, 2009). The key focus of green marketing is the safety of the environment and therefore the business activities presumed to be environmentally safe. Green marketing would be an important element of marketing strategy for Google because it cares for the environment especially in this time when global warming is increasingly being felt.
Green marketing means that the marketers must consider the quality of the product they create to be eco-friendly (Ginsberg & Bloom, 2008). However, implementing green marketing is a challenging task for any business because they first need to understand the sure steps that lead to green marketing. When conducting green marketing campaign, marketers are required to act honesty and sincerity in providing quality products that are environmental friendly.
With this new development, a shift can be expected for computer users in how they interact with their smart watches and computers. Successful implementation of project Soli will have many economic benefits. It is also notable that project soli can minimize the amount of waste ...
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