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Productivity Improvement

Essay Instructions:

The focus on the fourth part of this project is to write a 2-3 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing the following topics below for the new technology or application selected in the previous written assignments. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include four or more references.

•Describe specific engineering and manufacturing process planned to be used in the development of the new technology or application

•Potential defects and that cause deviations in the development process

•How this process can be used to minimize the amount of waste and maximize productivity.

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Productivity Improvement
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Productivity Improvement
Technicians and engineers should understand the engineering and manufacturing processes for different products. This owes to the reality that the engineering and manufacturing processes enables manufacturers to meet their market demands by producing dependable products. What is the meaning of the phrase manufacturing and engineering process? It is the process of converting raw materials into final products (Anvari, Ismail, and Hojjati, 2011). It is critical that the engineering and manufacturing process also enables engineers and technicians to maximize productivity while minimizing waste. Evidently, the engineering and manufacturing process is important to practitioners from the production industry. Therefore, professionals studying teleportation will also benefit from studying the engineering and manufacturing process. It is the reason why this paper discusses the engineering and manufacturing process for teleportation by including how the process could be used to maximize productivity while minimizing waste.
The Lean Manufacturing Process
It is believed that the lean manufacturing process was begun in Japan by the Toyota Motors organization, but Ford Motors used the manufacturing process earlier. The lean manufacturing process is a manufacturing process that focuses on cutting down waste. Simply put, the lean manufacturing process considers the use of resources for purposes other than the customers’ benefit or the creation of value wasteful (Dennis, 2007). It could also be understood as a production process that uses less human effort, minimizes waste, less investments, less engineering, less manufacturing space, and less engineering. It is also critical that Black (208) argues that lean production targets at reducing waiting times as a way of cutting down the cost of production. In short, the lean manufacturing process focuses on using less input to maximize production while maintaining value for the end user of a product.
Specifically, the lean production system reduces waste by avoiding overproduction to avoid scrapping of good products because of the products lacks a market. It also reduces delays by minimizing movement and transport because delays could result in poor delivery time. Critical to the discussion is the fact that Dennis (2007) argues that lean production also maximizing performance, producing quality products, and avoiding storage. The same author further reveals that lean production discourages unreasonableness. For instance, the production process has a philosophy of providing solutions rather than blaming others for problems in the production system (Anvari, Ismail, and Hojjati, 2011). Ultimately, the production system advocates consistency in order to reduce variability in the manufacturing process. It is evident that the production system focuses on eliminating waste, promoting consistency, and avoiding unreasonableness. These are also known as the three Ms of lean production, which are the Muda, Muri, and Mura for waste, incons...
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