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Cadmium telluride technology and Thin film solar panels

Essay Instructions:

The focus on the first part of this project is to select a particular technology in your discipline and write a 4–5 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format providing an overview addressing two of the four specific topics below. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include four or more references. Technology selected including what it does and how it works Benefits and disadvantages of the technology Identify the major competitors in the marketplace Origins of technology

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Current Trends & Application: Cadmium telluride technology and Thin film solar panels
Cadmium telluride technology and solar panels
One of the current trends in solar energy is use of cadmium telluride technology. Even though, the technology has been there for some time, it is only recently that the technology has increasingly been adopted. One of the main reasons for this is that using the thin film technology making it more efficient. First solar is one of the manufacturers of solar panels utilizing this technology integrating the benefits of thin film modules and cadmium telluride technology. Solar energy is one of the commonly used forms of renewable energy, and since the panels can be assembled in a variety of places the CdTe is necessary in harnessing energy, and use of the thin films increases efficiency in the technology.
The thin film solar cell outperforms the conventional cells in solar technology, and they are able to absorb light through the thin layers. Since the semiconductors used in the solar panels are not thick there is increased efficiency as they can absorb light more efficiently. Like the traditional solar panels, use of semiconductors is an important in harnessing solar energy. The semiconductors are insulators that conduct electricity after combination with other materials or after heating, where there can be an n type and p type semiconductor. In case of CdTe technology, cadmium telluride is the semiconductor. A combination of CdTe with other materials results to n and p type layers necessary for the photovoltaic cells to function. Even though, traditional cells are still in use , CdTe has the potential to improve the solar energy sector as use of the thin film can improve absorption of solar energy with increased innovation.
Benefits and disadvantages of the technology
Adoption of any technology has its benefits and drawbacks just like CdTe thin film solar modules. One of the main advantages of this technology is that there are cheaper to manufacture than conventional modules and hence manufacturers can take advantage of the economies of scales. Improved efficiency in the manufacture of these solar modules also comes from less consumption of energy and water during the manufacturing process. Similarly, the production utilizes less semiconductor materials in comparison to silicon manufactured modules (First Solar, 2014). It is easier to change a sheet of glass into solar panels because the technology relies on thin film and this makes it cheaper to manufacture the solar panels. Furthermore, the solar panels have a better temperature coefficient than conventional solar panels allowing then to increase efficiency for solar modules with the same power ratings (First Solar, 2014)
Nonetheless, use of thin film is a relatively new technology unlike crystalline panels, and there is little evidence to prove its durability especially in harsh conditions and terrain. On the other hand, crystalline panels have long been used since the 1970’s and there have been various innovation s to make them more durable. Even though, the cost of production is low compared to crystalline panels, in grid connect packages it more difficult to use thin film especially plate glass, the CdTe panels also tend to be rigid. One other major drawback of CdTe thin film solar modules is that cadmium is highly toxic and when not handled properly can create lifelong health problems. In the long run, thin film CdTe modules degrade faster than conventional solar modules, and the prices of silicon based solar modules have been falling. At the same time, thin films solar panels take a lot of space and hence not suited in many residential areas. The solar panels from the technology have low space efficiency because the support systems required is costly and combined with thei...
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