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Networks. Topology and architecture

Essay Instructions:

Please follow INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT AND FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES FROM THE LINK BELOW http://support(dot)trident(dot)edu/files/Well-Written-Paper.pdf)


The case for this module intends to ensure that you can: (a) describe the general structure of a computer network, (b) present some typical procedures for securing and maintaining networks, and (c) identify the links between the technological components and the overall sociotechnical framework of the firm.

Before writing-up this case, read and review the following documents (we recommend reading in this same order):


  • Network Structure: http://www(dot)pcmech(dot)com/article/network-structure/
  • CISCO (2010). Internetworking Technology Handbook. Retrieved from http://docwiki(dot)cisco(dot)com/wiki/Internetworking_Technology_Handbook 
  • Paquet, C. (2013). Network Security Concepts and Policies. CISCO Press. Section on Security Policies. Available at http://www(dot)ciscopress(dot)com/articles/article.asp?p=1998559&seqNum=3 
  • Ten steps to securing Networks: http://howto(dot)techworld(dot)com/security/1862/ten-steps-to-secure-networking/
  • Sociotechnical systems in the 21st century:http://www(dot)bayswaterinst(dot)org/storage/Sociotechnical%20systems%20theory%20in%20the%2021st%20Century.pdf
  • Sociotechnical knowledge creation and storage in organizations: 



Now, imagine you are starting a new business; you are opening a medium-sized food store in your hometown. (if a food store does not suit you, then any similar-sized business is fine for this assignment.) Specifically, you now must design the technology and networking architecture for your business.

For this case, write a 4-5 page description and justification for the technology and network architecture you decide upon and design. Be sure to articulate the structure, your procedure for securing and maintaining the  network, and discuss and rationalize the sociotechnical linkages that you design between your organization and the technology.

Case assignment expectations:

Your assignment will be graded following these expectations:

-          Precision: the questions asked are answered.

-          Clarity:  Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.

-          Breadth and depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

-          Critical thinking:  It is important to read the “required readings” posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate YOUR reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

-          Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited and listed (refer to TUI guidelineshttp://support(dot)trident(dot)edu/files/Well-Written-Paper.pdf)

-          Your paper meets the page requirements not counting the cover page or the references pages.


When your paper is done, send it in.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trident University
Course ITM 301 module 3 case
Networks are typically divided into protocol, topology and architecture. Protocol relates to the rules and signals that enable computers to communicate. Topology is the layout of elements in the network, and architecture is the layout in the network and includes peer to peer or clients/ server. For peer to peer networking there is no server and computers communicate to share information in the network. While in client/server computers in the network are either clients or servers a centralized server helps to feed information and requests to the clients which may be connected remotely.
In designing network systems, it is essential to highlight on security policies as rivals and threats to the system might result to little or no benefits for the enterprise (Pacquet, 2013). Thus, at the initial stages of design process it is necessary to identify the assets of the enterprise, and the information system vital to the operations of the business. The security policies adopted are the measures undertaken to set out the expected behavior from users and administrators. Nonetheless, the written down rules are not rigid and need to be updated in line with change in the organization operations and employees. Additionally, the security policy is an effective tool for the management to communicate to staff on the need for security protocols. The security policy needs to take into account stakeholders interested in the organization including the government, end users, and also incorporates technical issues (Pacquet, 2013).
The basic design detail of the computer network is to have an effective client design so that there is communication with the server.rus. Thus, the client/ server network is the most applicable fort the start up food store to enable monitoring progress. In essence, failure of one client will inconvenience the users, and hence it is necessary to highlight on the hardware and network storage. User data will be in the network to provide a backup in case of loss in data, and the switching side will be the collapsed core design. The core layer is the meeting point for the layers in the collapsed core design, which is two tiers consisting of the access and the collapsed core. Furthermore, it saves on cost unlike the three tier design model, and applicable for the size of the business.
Use of the same switches for distribution and the core functions is an integral part of the design process as this lowers the entry cost, without impacting negatively on the performance. In expanding the food store business it is possible to use the old switches as the new distribution switches. Furthermore the two tier design layer is beneficial than the single layered design where it is more difficult to upgrade. In essence, the single layer model is cheaper in the short run, but in the long run the two layer design is better able to handle the network and hence saves on cost.
Redundancy is another factor that will influence the design of the computer network, to back up files in case of failure in the network, and in this case there are redundancy trunks and cores in the access switches. The main aim of resulting to redundancy is that the failure of the core switches might hamper the functioning of the whole system for non redundant design. Thus, each trunk port typically has two core switches, where by each access has tow trunks, and each trunk is connected to core switches. This design has been selected since as the food store expands then it will be possible to expand whereby the access switches can be connected to two or more switches when need arises.
The spanning tree is another essential component to be incorporated in the computer network. The most important detail is root replacement and the topology will have no loops, and the main aim is to direct communication through the loop free redundant link. At the same time, the bridges will be configured in a way to allow the core switches to ...
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