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Alignment of IT Strategy in Civilian & Military Organizations Strategy

Essay Instructions:

The Case for this module pursues the idea of the development of competencies through the use of information technology based on the overall strategy by examining the interesting convergence of civilian and military management. Two articles and a video from TED are of particular interest here. The first suggests that the military is becoming much more like a business, at least in terms of its information and financial management:
Thomas Barnett: Let's rethink America's military strategy (https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/thomas_barnett_draws_a_new_map_for_peace)
Thomas Barnett (2005), Let's Rethink America's Military Strategy, TED 2005, Retrieved from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/thomas_barnett_draws_a_new_map_for_peace.html
Wang, M. Y.D. (n.d.), Factory to Foxhole: Improving the Army's Supply Chain, retrieved from http://www(dot)naefrontiers(dot)org/File.aspx?id=21911
IBM, (2008). Supply Chain Risk Management: Management A Delicate Balancing Act - IBM Global Business Services A multi-faceted view on managing risk in a globally integrated enterprise Retrieved from http://domino(dot)research(dot)ibm(dot)com/library/cyberdig.nsf/papers/2A4BBFF62659E48B852573A1007488DF/$File/rc24415.pdf
Both perspectives have much to recommend them. It is also true that the strategic environment in each of the two sectors differs significantly, and that the basic competencies of the military should therefore differ from those required for achievement of civilian purposes. But, it can be argued, the environment within which information technology is employed is largely similar. What do you think?
Case Assignment
When you've read through the articles and perused relevant items from the Background Readings and other sources that you may have located, please compose a short (4- to 5-page) paper on the topic:
-Agree or disagree (pick one!): Planning for and implementation of information technology in civilian and military organizations based on the overall strategic goals require essentially similar organizational competencies.
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Alignment of it strategy in civilian and military organizations' strategy
Alignment of it strategy in civilian and military organizations' strategy
1.0 Introduction
For many centuries, nations have continued to struggle to adapt powerful weapons in their militaries to as a gesture of capacity to protect their territories and concur weaker nations. The tactics and strategies developed in military operations by countries are mostly been based on innovative powerful weapons and enhanced communication systems that enhance automation in combat wars and how they are managed (Barnett, 2005). Countries that fail to adopt such strategies are defeated and succumb to invasions by their opponents (Beers et al., 2012; Adamsky & Bjerga, 2010; Khosrowpour, 2010). A parallel of this can be drawn from the current globalization of businesses where companies across the world are competing in international markets using technology as a leverage to their competitiveness. Before organizations move to take a position in global market competition, first they have to get on the level footing with larger companies which have already established the necessary technologies in their structures. Another way is through enhancing their products in terms of functionality with top innovation compared to that of competitors. Just as in the case of military, business organizations that fail to adhere to this kind of strategy succumb to defeat or end up being dissolved by their competitors. The use of technology especially Information Technology in business operations as a strategy is critical in both business organizations and in the military (Beers et al., 2012; Keller, 2008). This paper seeks to discuss how planning for and implementation of information technology in civilian and military organizations based on the overall strategic goals require essentially similar organizational competencies.
2.0 Planning for and implementation of IT in civilian and military organizations
2.1 Operations and Administration
Most businesses make sure they correctly align their IT strategies to business strategies to achieve the desired goals. Alignment of IT with business operations optimizes the significance of IT values to the organization. Similarly, in the military, the modern warfare environment demands and highly relies on IT strategies in all military operations (Liles et al., 2012). Current military formations are even more complex and require advanced coordination between different agencies, military groups and multiple coalitions. IT alignment in the military takes the form of all military operations from the political environment, operational environment and logistics section. IT strategy is deeply embedded in every level of military operations starting from the strategic level, operational level, tactical level and technical level (Beers et al., 2012).
In business, organizations are now involved in different markets across the globe with dynamic market characteristics influenced by varying political, legal structures, social and economic factors. Businesses enter new markets through different means such as mergers and acquisitions, franchising and opening branches and new production and manufacturing plants in overseas markets. All these advancements heavily rely on IT to be able to link to the organization's headquarters and ensure smooth flow of information among management teams, technical teams and the overall workforce. Resources sharing especially information as a critical resource is the heartbeat of these organizations that determine their survival (Beers et al., 2012.)
In the military, joint force mentality, inter agency coordination, combination of different military functions and organizations are crucial to today's complex and uncertain warfare environment (Adamsky & Bjerga, 2010; Khosrowpour, 2010).
2.3 Supply Chains
IT strategy blends into every aspect of the business supply chain process. Supply chains management and procurement in civilian organizations is increasingly becoming a priority (Basu et al., 2007). Today's economy supply chain processes are extremely complex and requires companies to develop a fully integrated supply chain strategic approaches (Trunick, 2010). Similarly, military supply chain has also become advanced complex involving multiple sections, each with various diversified needs from suppliers and partnerships (Manning, 2015). Leadership personnel in the military now require advanced systems and information flow that will deliver advanced analytics needed in enhancing demand forecast for supply planning (Qrunfleh, 2010). The military supply chain teams also depend on information technology effectiveness in implementing warranty analysis techniques as one strategy of improving military fleet management (Manning, 2015; Wang, n.d).
Supply chain management now more than ever is being integrated into the organization's business strategy and the driving forces behind this are the need for quicker response times, sustainability, proximity, emerging markets and costs among many others (Basu et al., 2007). However, the most important aspect is developing an enhanced coordination structure between suppliers and the organization to allow new product and service innovation, R&D, risk mitigation and cost reduction (Osterhaug, 2006). IT strategy stands at the center of all these needs. In response to internal and external customer responses is critical and this requires the development of new key performance indicators, improved technology, efficient supply chain networks. IT strategy in business supply chain management ...
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