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Agile Methodologies: Scrum and Extreme Programming

Essay Instructions:

The Case for this final Module involves what are generically known as "Agile methodologies" for software development. If you are new to this whole area, a good place to start is with the following brief articles and discussion of Agile Software Development.
For the Case, you should consult the following short readings.
VersionOne. (2011). Agile Methodologies. Agile Made Easy. Retrieved from http://www(dot)versionone(dot)com/Agile101/Methodologies.asp
Mountain Goat Software Blog (2015). http://www(dot)mountaingoatsoftware(dot)com/blog/differences-between-scrum-and-extreme-programming
CollabNet. (2011). Scrum methodology. Retrieved from http://scrummethodology(dot)com/
Scrum Alliance. (2011). Scrum is an innovative approach to getting work done. Retrieved from http://student(dot)labranet(dot)jamk(dot)fi/~salesa/mat/WhatIsScrum.pdf
Ambler, S.A. (2007). Answering the "where is the proof that agile methods work" question. AgileModeling. Retrieved from http://www(dot)agilemodeling(dot)com/essays/proof.htm
Wells, D. (2009). Extreme programming: A gentle introduction. Retrieved from http://www(dot)extremeprogramming(dot)org/
The dialogue about the relative value of extreme programming vs. the more traditional approaches continues to be lively and largely civil. These issues make up a page in the PPT wiki: http://c2(dot)com/cgi/wiki?TheCaseAgainstExtremeProgramming. Please scan the variety of opinions expressed here, and evaluate the various arguments made in light of what you've learned about extreme programming.
Consult the assigned material, supplemented if you wish with material from the optional readings and perhaps the supplementary background as well, and even other outside reading you might find by yourself to be useful. Then write a short paper stating your position on the question:
"What are the criteria of effectiveness used to support the claim that 'agile software development methodologies' are a superior design method? Why are Scrum and XP rapidly emerging frameworks as methodoly techniques?”
Your paper should be short (5-6 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner.
You are expected to:
•Begin this paper by stating your position on this question clearly and concisely
•Citing appropriate sources, present the reasons why you take this position. Be sure to make the most effective case you can.
•Then present the best evidence you can, again citing appropriate sources, against your position -- that is, establish what counterarguments can be made to your original position.
•Finally, review your original position in light of the counterarguments, showing how they are inadequate to rebut your original statement.
By the end of your paper, you should be able to unequivocally re-affirm your original position.
Remember though that you need to cite when you make assertions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Agile software development methodologies are superior design methods
Agile software development methodologies are superior design methods
Project management of software development has experienced rapid changes over the years. Most of these traditional methodologies are linear and sequential and hence find it challenging to overcome the volatility problem. Highsmith refers to these methodologies as ‘fat process’ (Highsmith, 2002). Agile methodologies came in to solve the problem of volatility. Volatility is the ability of a company to cope with the dynamic changes that occur every day and affect the business such as technology and market changes (Cockburn, 2002). The traditional methodologies like waterfall could not meet the changing requirements of the user. Once the project has started, it was easy to adapt to any change that occurs during the development stages. Agile software development methodologies are flexible and use simple and short iterations. Apparently, these methods have had many advantages over the conventional methods. The main aim of this paper is to discuss the criteria of effectiveness used to support the claim that agile software development methodologies' and especially scrum and extreme programming, are superior design methods. This paper affirms that agile software development methodologies' and especially scrum and extreme programming, are superior design methods by explicating their advantages over the traditional project methodologies.
Agile software development methodology is a conceptual framework used by project managers in software engineering projects (Version one, 2016). It is based on models that are in support of iterative and incremental software development (Turk, France, & Rumpe, 2014). It does not use concrete steps of software development. There are several agile methodologies such as dynamic systems development model (DSDM), crystal clear, feature driven development, extreme programming, and scrum (James, 2013). Most of the agile methodologies differ from the traditional waterfall methodologies in that they work in short time iterations. These alterations last for one week to one month. Each of the iterations is like a miniature project (Association of Modern Technologies Professionals, 2016). Each iteration consists all the tasks that the whole project contains. These are; planning, analysis of requirements, designing, coding, testing, and documentation. This makes the entire project to be less risky. At the end of every iteration, the project team evaluates the priorities of the project.
Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile methodology that has emerged as one of the most controversial and popular methodologies. It focuses on high-quality, early and continuous delivery (Paulk, 2002). A scrum is a lightweight, agile methodology that is used in project management. It is widely applied in the management and control of incremental and iterative projects. Its approach to agile development of software marked a dramatic departure from the traditional waterfall methodology. It has become popular in the community of agile software development because of its productivity; simplicity and ability to perform like a wrapper for several practices of engineering that are promoted by other methodologies of agile. To become an expert in these two methodologies, one has to be study different disciplines (Highsmith, 2002). The following are advantages of XP and scrum methodologies that show that agile methodologies are superior designs that the conventional methodologies.
High customer involvement
Scrum enables the owner of the project to follow up with the project closely (Version one, 2016). This enables the owner to identify and prioritize functionality of the system. The owner of the project uses a product backlog, which consists of features non-functional requirements and bug fixes that are required for the delivered system to be delivered. The working team is able to deliver increments to the owner of the project for verification. XP also supports high involvement of customer (Version one, 2016). The customer is able to define functional units.
Rapid Feedback loops
Both XP team and scrum team work in iterations called sprints, which are delivered after short periods. The Scrum sprints are delivered after 2-4 weeks while the CXP sprints are delivered after 1-2 weeks (Cohn, 2007). The customer specifies the requirements to the programmers who create a sprint within a period of less than a month. The programmers then send the sprint to the customer who then gives feedback on the level of satisfaction. Once satisfied, the customer then gives other requirements according to the evolving technological or market needs. Agile methodologies focus on delivering software at regular short intervals (Dingsøyr, Nerur, Balijepally, & Moe, 2012). These rapid feedback loops prevent any accumulation of errors.
Strict priority order
XP and Scrum teams develop sprints in a strict priority order. For XP, the customer prioritizes features and the team work on them as per the order (Cohn, 2007). However, Scrum does not receive a priority order from the customer. The customer prioritizes the product and the Scrum team determines the sequence to use to develop the backlog items (Cohn, 2007). Despite being given the freedom to choose the order of development, Scrum team always chose to develop items depending on their priority.
Close teamwork
XP and Scrum methodologies emphasize on teamwork. The communication is real time, either over written documents but preferably Face-to...
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