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100 year marking. It's the 100th anniversary. What do you think?

Essay Instructions:

The documentary(she's beautiful when she's angry)and ends with the 50 years Women of the World Unite March that marks the 50 year anniversary of women getting the right to vote (19th Amendment). In one or two pages (no more) reflect upon what you think a 100 year marking of this seminal event should look like. What gains should be celebrated for sex equality, and what might be cause for protest? Be sure to conclude with whether you think the centennial (in two years!) should be a protest or party (or both). You don't have to look at the documentary. It's the 100th anniversary. What do you think? High school levellevel

Essay Sample Content Preview:

100 Years Mark
100 Years Mark
The approval of the 19th Amendment by the Senate marked the beginning of the journey towards women empowerment and gender equality. In celebrating the 100 year anniversary, women have to look at what they have achieved by considering the impact that the 19th Amendment has had on their life, and also deliberate on future plans to make sure that the journey is not cut short.
The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote and by doing so, women have been able to elect leaders that are willing to bring change and support gender equality. Through voting, women have been able to effect change in the legislature. For instance, women have taken charge of their reproductive health and decision through legalization of abortion and enhancement of family planning. This is an achievement that calls for celebration because as a result, women have been able to make progress in their careers without being held back by their reproductive health, although there is a lot of work that is required to promote equality at the workplace.
Despite the voting rights, women still continue to be underrepresented in politics and other areas of leadership. A report by Pew Research Center (2018) indicates that while women ...
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