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The Status of Democracy and Human Rights in China Today

Essay Instructions:

Authoritative and reliable sources are crucial for the success of your research project. You need at least two academic sources for your research. Academic sources include scholarly journal articles and books, such as the reading materials for this course. Web sources must be used with careful selection. Newspapers, magazines, personal blogs, etc., are not allowed.

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The Status of Democracy and Human Rights in China Today
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The Status of Democracy and Human Rights in China Today
China is described by Wasserstrom and Esherick (2018) as one of the authoritarian states across the globe as it has systematically instituted policies and regulatory frameworks aimed at demeaning its people from proper access to certain fundamental human rights such as the freedoms of religion, expression, and assembly. According to Chen and Kinzelbach (2015), the government institutes such a harsh position with the view that the move to avail its citizens with utmost democracy and an environment that allows for total practice of these human rights would act as a source of threat to the country's one-party rule. However, Blackwill and Tellis (2015) explain that since the inception of the current government in 2013, multiple steps have been advanced to protect certain fundamental human rights. The authorities have undertaken positive developments in fostering the eradication of the traditional system of arbitrary detention that was popularly referred to as Re-education Through Labor (RTL), instilling multiple adjustments to the hokou scheme of household registration that has been influential in demeaning the state's internal migrants and internally displaced persons of essential social services and allowing persons with disability to have greater access to the most significant university entry examinations.
Despite the fact that the Chinese government has remained restrictive to the issues of positive criticism from democratic quotas such as the media, whistleblowers, and lawyers, multiple efforts have been advanced to limit the conventional assaults on basic human rights. According to Chen and Kinzelbach (2015), the current government has imposed multiple extraordinary attacks against the agencies that emerge to fight for basic human rights. Wasserstrom and Esherick (2018) explain that as such ferocities heighten in the course of the constitutionally stipulated period of leadership of the current government; there are tendencies that it will rule until 2023. Chen and Kinzelbach (2015) demystify that the government imposes threats on media outlets, lecturers, scholars and members of political institutions on the need to foster the “correct” viewpoints put forth by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The researchers explain that the threats take the form of directives warning against the jeopardies associated with gaining awareness of certain “universal standards” as well as human rights by insisting on the importance of ensuring that the citizenry is dogmatically instilled with a pro-CPP stance. The current study seeks to undertake a critical analysis of the Status of democracy and human rights in China today by reviewing the detrimental role of the government in hindering proper institutionalization of human rights defenders and the challenges facing foreign players in their efforts of promoting democracy in this single party state.
China’s Atrocities on Human Rights
The government of China has increased its levels of hostility against key human rights activist institutions for a long time now. Chen and Kinzelbach (2015) explain that the death of key players in this field such as grass root activist Cao Shunli played a critical role in illustrating the hostile nature of the country’s administration against whistleblowers. The researchers reveal that Cao Shunli was detained in 2013 for his move to participate in the United Nations Human Rights Council’s (HRC’s) Universal Periodic Review of China’s human rights review in Geneva. The scholars explain that the Chinese government denied the activist the fundamental right of accessing proper healthcare despite the fact that she was seriously sick; an aspect that caused her death.
The anti-corruption campaigns put in place by the government of China have played a crucial role in limiting the processes of strengthening certain freedoms such as the right to access proper judicial processes. According to Wasserstrom and Esherick (2018), the anti-corruption campaigns were only put in place to target senior government officials such as Czar Zhou Yongkang (a former security personnel). Blackwill and Tellis (2015) explain that while the campaigns are aimed at regaining the embezzled public finances, they were carried out in frameworks that hinder proper institutionalization of the rule of law. For instance, Chen and Kinzelbach (2015) reveal that the accused persons were unlawfully held in the country’s systems of imprisonment without being allowed to get proper access to certain basic protections that are provided for by law and were forced to make confessions through coercion. On the other hand, Wasserstrom and Esherick (2018) explain that civic alignments known to organize for public campaigns against corruption such as the New Citizens Movement has been a victim of the current government’s harsh reprisals.
Human rights activists in China continue to face multiple tortures and atrocities such as unnecessary imprisonments, house detentions and confinement to mental facilities without following the due process. On the other hand, Wasserstrom and Esherick (2018) explain that in the Chinese political and legal frameworks, the issues of physical abuse, torture, and intimidation are considered to be a routine. For instance, Chen and Kinzelbach (2015) reveal that in 2015 alone, the government of China had convicted and impri...
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