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What Is The Effect Of Outsourcing On The Canadian Economy?

Essay Instructions:

This essay is the culmination of all you have learned in the course and should be written in an argumentative form. This is the form you will primarily use in the majority of your essays at the university. Take a specific side to a given topic and prove your thesis, based on the research you conduct. You may not include sources that are not peer-reviewed for the final essay.

Along with the other requirements already discussed involving academic papers, this essay should, at a minimum, include:

a proper title which reflects the thesis

an argumentative tone

proper structure and paragraphs (including introduction and conclusion)

a minimum of two peer-reviewed journals

proper documentation of secondary source material

be 4-5 pages double-spaced

Suggested topics:

What is the effect of outsourcing on the Canadian economy?

How should the federal government deal with the issues in the Canadian north? Consider mineral rights, the Northwest Passage, water or any other aspect you wish to explore.

Do public/private partnerships work for the taxpayers of a given sector?

Are Canada’s Olympic athletes properly trained and economically supported?

Is President Trump correct when he argues that coal is a sustainable resource?

Are boycotts/political interventions acceptable/ effective or not?

Is the Canadian Government doing enough/ too much for refugees?

Is Canada a multicultural society? Choose one specific aspect and argue it through.

Many experts say it is time to introduce alternative forms of energy into our daily lives. Choose one sector of the economy and show how this could, or could not, be effective.

Is the Gateway/Keystone pipeline a positive or negative venture for the future of Canada?

Is foreign aid effective?

Choose a topic of your own design.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What is the effect of outsourcing on the Canadian economy?
Outsourcing is the contracting or subcontracting of non-core elements to free up money to places where the processes are then executed more efficiently by corporations in other countries. Outsourcing is now a common business strategy, used to a large extent by companies in developed countries to increase profitability for those with links to companies in low wage countries there is establishment of business alliances between countries and this has been linked to increased growth. Nonetheless, there are still controversies on whether this approach is beneficial to Canada in the long run. There are winners and losers in outsourcing, and it is the smaller businesses that operate on low margins and low wage earners in Canada who suffer the most (Baatartogtokh, Dunbar & Van Zyl, 2018). There are mostly positive changes in the Canadian economy resulting from outsourcing is as there is greater efficiency, profitability and competitiveness among Canadian firms, but there is also job losses in low wage sectors and lack of real wage growth.
The logic of outsourcing is that companies increasingly require greater flexibility to remain competitive in the domestic and global markets. Flexibility is applicable in the service industry production methods, and getting the inputs, while human capital remains inflexible.
Even as there are automated production methods, human capital remains one of the most important aspects of growth in companies and the economy. Firms without human capital face challenges to grow, but outsourcing has grown as an area that has spurred creativity and innovation. Companies may also face more difficulties trying to reduce labor requirements without affecting productivity, yet it is more flexible to reduce expenditure on other inputs. In any case, outsourcing is linked to improved collaboration in supply chains, which improves efficiency and economic growth as there is more productivity (Bernhardt, 2016)
The jobs that are outsourced are mostly low-skill and low-wage where low cost jurisdictions have advantages because of lower cost of operations. Many of the crevice job outsourced would still be uncompetitive if still in Canada. On the other hand, there has been greater emphasis on improving research and development to improve the quality of jobs available that are high paying. In any case, when companies outsource the low paying jobs it is easier for the Canadian companies to hire more Canadian workers if they get savings from outsourcing (Baatartogtokh, Dunbar & Van Zyl, 2018). What should be prioritized is retaining the workers who lose their jobs so that they can be competitive in a more competitive digital economy.
The most profitable and efficient firms have continued to grow even after outsourcing as there is greater need to maximize efficiency. Canadian firms that have outsourced have focused on value addition and reducing costs, which makes them more competitive and efficient outsourcing then can help to promote growth and creation of local jobs, with the companies operating nationally and expanding internationally (Baatartogtokh, Dunbar & Van Zyl, 2018). Growth in the international market is linked with growing the same level of quality is obtained for a lower cost and combined with training and technical specialization and the Canadian firms benefit when they outsource to make savings and employ more Canadians.
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