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Military Policy Differences between the US and China

Essay Instructions:

comparing an aspect policy of your country(China) with an aspect policy of the US that you find interesting.

I give an outline on file, and you can use one from the outline, and choose one by yourself.

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Military Policy Differences between the US and China
Military Policy Differences between the US and China
China has experienced a sharp economic growth in the past two decades compared to the United States. Glaser (2015) explains that the rapid economic developments revealed by this country to acquaint it with a global status acts as a source of concern of how the international landscape will acclimate the emerging powers revealed by China. Heginbotham et al. (2015) reveal that the emergence of China onto the global stage presents the world with the hope that is aspects of civilization will enrich the international landscape. Cimbala and Forster (2016) explain that the international landscape looks at the United States as the pivot point of the current international form of leadership as it stirs negotiations on its inherent relationships with the Chinese government that is considered to be independent minded. The military policies of China and the United Sates reveal multiple variations. Harding (2015) reveal that while the Chinese military policy puts a lot of consideration on the issues of “civil military integration”, the United States’ army emphasizes on fighting the issues of terrorism. The current study seeks to undertake a critical analysis of the existing Military policy differences between the United States and China based on the premise that while China’s military policy pus a lot of focus on pursuing internal battles within its territories, the United States puts a lot of emphasis on the policies aimed at strengthening its war against terrorism beyond its borders.
The Chinese military policy puts a lot of commitment on the issues of civil-military integration. According to Brooks and Wohlforth (2016), the military forces of China embrace the activities that are aimed at propelling the country towards attaining its goals in the economic and social landscapes. According to Glaser (2015), the Chinese government obliges its army men to foster civil-military integration (CMI) by ensuring that they are active participants in the processes of enhancing the country’s social and economic construction by maintaining and strengthening its social stabilities. Further, Cimbala and Forster (2016) reveal that the army men in China are faced with the obligation of ensuring effective coordination of its agenda of coordinating national defense advancement with the goals of economic development. Such a vision can only be achieved through adoption of strategies aimed at fostering effective associations between the military and civil agencies. China promotes economic development with the military by promoting joint programs in areas such as exploration of the water bodies, outer space and the air as well as sharing the resources needed to foster the processes of surveying, mapping and meteorology. Comparatively, the United States’ military puts a lot of consideration on the issues the concern he country’s diplomatic affairs. Harding (2015) explains that the U.S army’s operations are highly concentrated on the promotion of democratic principles beyond the country’s territorial borders. According to Heginbotham et al. (2015), the United States puts a lot of investment in foreign wars with the sole aim of curbing terror groups such as Al Shabaab, Taliban and Alquaeda that are distributed in multiple international territories.
While the Chinese army fosters its programs by adopting a volunteer-conscripts notion, hat of the United States adopts a true volunteer’s ideology to undertake its activities. Harding (2015) explain that the China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) obliges its military men to work as conscripts for a period of two years and allows the best service men to work as noncommissioned officers. Heginbotham et al. (2015) reveals that in comparison to the Chinese conscripts’ ideology, the army men are allowed for enlistments for a period of up to three years. Further, Brooks and Wolfforth (2016) reveal that the service men depicting great academic abilities are not prohibited from attaining the rank of noncommissioned officers.
The Chinese military forces menace higher degrees of keenness in ensuring proper coordination and integration with the country’s civil sector. According to Cimbala and Forster (2016), China adopts its civil-military integration activities as a way of boosting its economy. Glaser (2015) reveals that over the years, the...
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