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World Technologies and Learning

Essay Instructions:

Reflection Paper 

Assemble and display your thoughts about the World Technologies and Learning. Please submit a reflection about the three topics below.

Write a 1375 words (maximum). The word count does not include works cited lists or appendices.

Write a 1375 words document on how the three topics below have influenced your thinking in relation to your personal life. Be sure to reference and cite your sources provided in this document as well as other sources.

1. How do you think that technologies are changing democracy?

 Watch the video below about Nicolas Maduro elected by popular vote, and Juan Guaido, president of the National Assembly, whom claims that Maduro’s election is illegitimate and declared himself as the interim president of Venezuela.


Jorge Ramos is a journalist that has been recognized for his clashes with powerful political figures in Latin America and the USA. On February 25, 2019, he went to Caracas, Venezuela, to interview Maduro. The video below of the interview (in Spanish with English subtitles):

https://youtu.be/IOlSWdzx9z0 (please watch)

A couple of hours later, Ramos and the two-person crew were taken to their hotel. There, Venezuelan officials gave them instructions to leave the country before the next day. Ramos’ equipment was initially confiscated but returned to his crew before they departed from Venezuela. The interview recording was deleted from the equipment before it was returned. However, the video of the interview was released, by an internal Venezuelan whistleblower, three months later.

This video below Ramos wanted to show to Maduro. It was captured on a cell phone the day before. What was in it that would make Maduro so angry?.

https://youtu.be/-5pX1KrW_YQ (please watch)

 Question 1. How does these technology videos above between Ramos and Maduro influenced your thinking in relation to your personal life. How do you see technology changing democracy? (458 words maximum)

2. Education Innovations and Their Impacts on Culture

Watch these five different videos about education innovations to see What is the innovation, what are some challenges faced by the people being discussed and how does the innovation help to alleviate or fix the challenges?

Learning to Teach in Practice: Finland’s Teacher Training Schools

The World’s Most Ambitious Parenting Program

Meet Eddie Woo, the Maths Teacher you Wish You’d Had in High School

SB Film

A Documentary on Finland’s Schools

Question 2: How does these education innovations videos above influenced your thinking in relation to your personal life. (458 words maximum)

 3. What is disruptive technologies?

One of the most disruptive technologies around the world in the last decades is mobile phones. In a few years, we witnessed how having a mobile subscription gone from being a perk to becoming a commodity. Almost everyone now has a mobile phone. Even kids! Indeed, it is common to observe how there are more mobile phone lines than people in many countries.

Regarding mobile devices, the disruption process has been even more significant. Smartphones have become indispensable devices for so many people that can't live without them. Most people didn't use their phones to make phone calls, but they carry their lives in them. From banking to social networks, people can do almost everything on one of these devices nowadays.

Question 3. Analyze how this phenomenon regarding mobile phones have influenced your thinking in relation in your personal life. (458 words maximum)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Influence of Technology on Human Thoughts
Influences of Technology in Human Thinking
Q1. Technology on Democracy
It is no doubt that technology influences personal human thinking about various things they interact with within everyday life. For instance, a simple video about a specific person can influence an individual to create a particular perception about different sects of people related to the subjects they see on a video. In the first video between Jorge Ramos, and President Nicolas Maduro, it is evident that the video creates a particular perception about politicians. For instance, the video, even without providing tangible evidence to prove the illegitimacy of president Nicolas, the fact that Jorge is a journalist, and the arrogance that Nicolas displays is enough in influencing an individual to think that and believe that Nicolas presidency is indeed illegitimate (Univision Noticias, 2019). Furthermore, the short video has done more than enough to create a negative perception of Venezuela's politics to the outside world.
There is also the other aspect that Jorge has worked on basically baseless facts in his interview with Maduro. There is a seemingly general occurrence that technology has been used in the wrong manner, as the journalist uses various pieces of tweets as evidence for specific failings of the government. In a real sense, these tweets are simply opinions that are highly nonfactual and only work based on sensationalism. This gives a new perspective on technology and democracy. Democracy can be promoted or undermined based on how technology is applied in one way or the other. Simply put, technology can be used to influence and dictate how the politics of a country is done.
The second video, where Jorge Ramos is capturing people feeding on trash in the streets, is a perfect example of how technology has influenced democracy in the contemporary world. For instance, with current smartphones, which can take videos, different people can view trends among ordinary citizens. Still, their messages can reach heads of government and let them know about their discomfort. With such arrangements, democracy has shifted from journalists who government officials traditionally accused of misrepresenting the public. However, the officials can get the exact message from the public directly without any distortion with the current technology. This way, technology has done a great deal in promoting democracy in different countries.
On the contrary, too much freedom of expression can also hinder democracy, especially where the freedom of expression is misused to abuse other people (Univision Noticias, 2019). It can also be used badly when people are given too much freedom to write and share anything on social media. It can breed negative propaganda, which can work to bring down the positive efforts made by a country.
Q2. Education Innovation
With technological advancements, education has been made a lot easier, thanks to education innovations that have been realized in the past. The first video, titled "Learning to Teach in Practice: Finland's Teacher Training Schools has proved to help aspiring teachers in training institutions as it encourages them by improving confidence while interacting with learners. The video influences an individual's thinking by impacting how practical lessons are important (StandfordSCOPE, 2017). The other video about the Crianca Feliz parenting program also influences human thinking about parenting as it expands parenting of young children to be beyond feeding the children. It brings to the fore the realization that parenting is a complete package consisting of so many things and not just the title of a parent.
From the video, one begins to understand that aspects such as eye contact and motor skills can be instilled in children from a tender age of below three years (Quartz, 2018). By looking at how the child behaves concerning various influences in their environment, a parent can decipher exactly how to relate to the kid and how to teach a c...
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