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Death is Inevitable and Everyone has to Die after Living

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper either agreeing to or disagree with the topic question. Use only the context I upload, no outside sources are needed. I have also uploaded the last paper I wrote for this course which receives 70% grade. Please let me know if there is any questions or concern. Thanks.

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Death: Is it a bad thing for you to Die?
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Death: Is it a bad thing for you to Die?
Human beings are mortal is the phrase that has been used for edges to reduce the fear of death. After all, this phrase is totally true because no man is immortal. Death awaits everyone. Nearly everyone fears death, and no person has ever had a positive feeling about death. It makes people feel terrified. The concept of death has raised controversies, with some believing that death is good while others hold the notion that it is terrible to die. Those who think death is good to attribute it to pain and suffering. They argue that death is good for those who experience extreme suffering, such as individuals with terminal illnesses. People who die do not endure suffering or unhappiness. However, opponents maintain that death is bad because it deprives everyone of happiness. From a different viewpoint, death is a bad thing because it is the greatest harm for the person who dies and those left behind.
In his essay, ''Death'', Thomas Nagel explains why death is bad using a deprivation theory. In this theory, Nagel (1970) argues that death is bad because it deprives a person of happiness and other good things. Ordinarily, humans believe that potential goods give them a future. People often consider material things as good in life because they enhance a person's quality of life. Many believe that an individual is harmed when something like a death occurs, which prevents them from receiving pleasure in life.
Death also prevents a person from receiving a future good. Nagel (1970) further states that death is one of the most significant losses because it deprives a person of happiness and life. According to Nagel (1970), conscious existence ends at death, which ultimately deprives a person of life. Therefore, death robs an individual of conscious existence and the capacity to experience. The experience ability is future-oriented. The inability to permanently experience in the future is evil or bad, according to Nagel (1970). He also claims that death harms the person even if the dead do not experience the harm.
In his deprivation theory, Nagel (1970) recognizes that since death is the permanent end of human existence, the argument against death must be based on the fact that a future life contains happiness and pleasure, and death is bad because it removes them. Nagel (1970) also suggests that the losses of death can negatively affect the dead if death deprives the person of something desirable that they would have enjoyed if death did not occur. He claims that some attributes like desire, thought, and activity are essential to human life. Although capacities such as perception can be occupied with things that improve or worsen life, like pain and pleasure, the ability to observe is positive in the absence of any discernment content. Since some essential things to human life are good, death always takes away these good things, impacting the dead negatively.
Nagel's argument corresponds to Kagan's claim that death is evil due to its deprivation factor. According to Kagan (2012), death is bad for someone who dies in a comparative sense because when a person dies, they lack life, especially the good things in life. Nagel and Kagan's arguments are reflected in Seneca's book, on ...
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