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Workplace Insurance and Benefits

Essay Instructions:

Margo was very confused by the Rodrigo file. Rodrigo had been off work from his job as a night janitor for nearly six months. What started as a reported back strain had morphed into something far more complex. If the medical reports were accurate, Rodrigo was now suffering from depression and anxiety. He had weakness in his legs and was on a regime of medications that included narcotic pain killers. All this from what appeared to be a minor back strain. To complicate matters, the workers’ compensation insurer was denying the depression and anxiety and was threatening termination of the claim.
Margo’s boss, Diana, was also concerned over the case. Diana had committed to the Board of Directors that the company injury and disability costs would come down. Diana had made it clear that Rodrigo’s case should be resolved quickly and, if at all possible, Rodrigo should be back to work in some capacity as soon as possible.
Rodrigo’s supervisor, Ed, had also sent her an email. It seems Rodrigo’s daughter and his son were on the same hockey team. Ed had seen Rodrigo at most practices and games since the injury. Ed had also heard that Rodrigo’s partner, Sarah, was working two jobs and wondered if Rodrigo was really as ill and unable to work as he seemed. Ed added that Rodrigo’s replacement (a temp named Arlo) was doing a great job and that he was in no hurry to see Rodrigo return any time soon.
Now there was a psychologist’s note. It was not a diagnosis or report but simply a note saying Rodrigo should not return to work at this time.
Margo had a signed release from Rodrigo allowing her to speak with the psychologist, family physician and workers’ compensation insurer. Rodrigo had also signed an LTD claim when workers’ comp threatened to terminate the claim. Margo knew the LTD carrier would conditionally accept the claim but that there would be a lot of scrutiny going forward. It is clear that the back strain should be fully resolved by now and LTD coverage for “depression” or “anxiety” was rarely allowed as both conditions were not seen as debilitating from most jobs like Rodrigo’s.
Margo decided that she needs to figure out what is really going on with this case. She asks Rodrigo’s psychologist, workers’ compensation case manager, LTD case manager and shop supervisor to join her in a team meeting to discuss this case. She faxes or emails copies of the consent form authorizing the discussion to each of these parties and sets up a team meeting. The psychologist and supervisor agree to join her in the conference room while the case managers for LTD and WCB joint the meeting by conference call.

Please write the post in reference to this question below:
After being invited to the team meeting, the psychologist sends an email noting that part of Rodrigo’s depression arises from being bullied at work. He reports that unnamed co-workers have continually teased him about his name, derided his ethnic background and pulled pranks on him. To what extent, if any, is this information relevant to the team meeting and why (or why not)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion: WorkPlace Insurance and Benefits
Institution Affiliation
Discussion: Workplace Insurance and Benefits
The information provided by Rodrigo's Psychologist to the team is relevant as it will determine the claim's direction and justify that Rodrigo was not pretending. In addition, the data will allow the LTD to conduct an investigation and allow coverage for depression and anxiety. Before the information, Rodrigo could have been accused of fraud and deemed. He seemed to exaggerate his illness, yet he was spotted playing hockey after the foot pain. The company believed that Rodrigo should return to work as soon as possible. Even though the company did not think he needed therapy, the bullying allegation put the organization on a pedestal to fully fund and pay the claims through the Workers' compens...
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