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The Role of a Return to Work Coordinator

Essay Instructions:

Final Assignment #3 Inbox assignment. 40% of the final grade

Word count excludes the cover page, introduction, and bibliography.

The final assignment is an open book Inbox assignment. You will receive a series of emails. You will assume the role of a Return to Work Coordinator and you will craft a response to each of the emails. All six Parts of the assignment must be completed. The Inbox assignment will be posted on the last day of the course and you can submit your response at any time before July 31, midnight Eastern Standard Time to complete the assignment. The entire assignment will be graded out 40. Each Part will be evaluated according to the Assignment Evaluation Criteria for Assignment #2 as shown in the Course Outline, and the weighting of each Part is noted at the end of each Part.

Writer, I have included the assignment as an attachment. Please utilize the rest of these sources as references to the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Role of a Return to Work Coordinator 
This paper contains the responses to various emails and cases. The responses mainly provide solutions to the concerns of the senders. The responses also assure that the senders will feel that the company is always willing to lend ears and hands to help them.
Part 1
Response 1
To: Maxwell Cox, Warehouseman
From: (Your Name, Position)
Re: Claim for compensation
Good day, Maxwell!
I hope everything is going well for you. The incident has already been reported to me. We are relieved that you can return to work this week. Fortunately, your short-term disability plan covers your work absence, and the Worker’s Compensation Board has approved your claims. However, we can only compensate for the days wherein your disability lasts since you can already get back to work even though there are still restrictions. All you have to do is enter your banking information and wait for further instructions. In addition, because you are not yet capable of performing heavy tasks, we are allowing you to return to work as a packer. In this way, we can help you get back to work and continue earning money, and you can also help the company since we need staff.
We are hoping that you can work safely and healthily in the company.
Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any other queries or concerns. Thank you!
(Your Signature)
Response 2
To: Trevor Smythe, Case Manager – Workers’ Compensation Board
From: (Your Name, Position)
Re: COX, Maxwell – Claim Number XXXXXXXXXXX
Hi, Trev!
Thank you for your quick response. Maxwell will surely be delighted to hear the news about the approved claims. I also instructed Maxwell to provide the banking information and any additional information you may require so he can receive the amount immediately. With regards to the RTW, Max can already start this week. I have also informed Max that we can only cover his six-week absence. I have also told him that his request to return as a packer is granted since he still cannot do the heavy lifting. With this, you can already push through with his one-time compensation. I apologize for the inconvenience this may bring.
Thanks, Trev! Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any other queries or concerns.
(Your Signature)
Response 3
To: Alex Gentry, Warehouse Supervisor
From: (Your Name, Position)
Re: RTW for Max
Hello, Alex!
How are you doing? Max has not fully recovered from his injury. However, he can already return to work this week. It is deplorable that Max cannot do any heavy lifting and requests to be a packer. I know your situation; however, we need to grant Max’s request. We can only compensate for his six-week absence, and we can no longer pay him beyond that. Thus, he needs to get back to work to earn money. We know how hard life is today. I hope you can understand the situation, and I believe you can make this arrangement possible for Max, right?
Thank you very much for your understanding, and I hope you can resolve your issues there too. Please let me know if you need anything else. I would always be glad to help.
(Your Signature)
Part 2
To: Amy Wong, Quality Control Technician II
From: (Your Name, Position)
Re: Responses to your Queries
Good day, Amy!
How are you? Your current situation saddens me. Please know that we care for you and are willing to help you in the best way possible. Here are my responses to your queries:
1 Here is the computation for the potential monthly benefit.
$5,000 (monthly salary) x .65 = $3,250
Therefore, you shall receive $3,250 per month. The question of whether it is taxable or not depends on who pays for the LTD plan. If the company partially or wholly pays for the LTD Plan, your benefits will be taxable. However, if you pay for the LTD plan, the benefits will be non-taxable.
2 To qualify for EI, you must have paid EI premiums, met the criteria for obtaining EI sickness benefits, experienced a loss of regular weekly earnings equal to or greater than 40%, and worked at least 600 hours during the qualifying period. If you have met these criteria, you are eligible for EI and only need to follow further instructions.
3 If the worst thing happens, the company will still ensure you can get a job through Vocational Rehabilitation. This is a process that can help you to get a job using the skills and knowledge that you have. Do not worry since we can offer you pieces of training that will allow you to acquire a job.
4 The company assures that its employees are safe at all times. Thus, the company prioritizes its employees’ health. However, there are instances when risks are incorporated into the industry. The company takes full responsibility for events like this. And in your case, this can be included in your LTD plan.
5 Know that the company will still help you when the worst scenario happens. We offer various interventions and methods to help our employees. One method is Vocational Rehabilitation. We can assess your capacity and help you look for a job that suits you well. In this way, you do not have to worry about your income and your family’s welfare. Also, if you have insurance, this will be covered.
Moreover, I am hoping for the success of your surgery. I also understand your frustrations and worries right now. It is normal to worry about your future, especially if your job is at stake. Furthermore, please do not think that your queries are bothersome. I am always willing to answer your questions and concerns. I am also ready to help you. Please let me know if you still need clarification on any matter.
(Your Signature)
Part 3
To: Sergi Ketrov, Shop Steward – Health and Safety
From: (Your Name, Position)
Re: LTD Plan Joint Task Force
Hi, Sergi! It has also been a pleasure to meet you, and it is a greater pleasure to provide help. Please know that I am open to a discussion regarding this matter. Here are the paragraphs for the outlines that you have prepared.
LTD Plan designs
The Long-Term Disability plan or LTD plan kicks in when the Short-Term Disability plan or STD plan finishes. A standard LTD plan can cover 60 to 70% of an employee’s average earnings. The plan’s coverage also varies depending on the injury or illness intensity. Also, the LTD plan’s coverage is until 65 years old only.
Paying the Premium
The employer and the employee may pay a premium plan. In some cases, only the employer or the employee will pay. In some cases, they will contribute to the cost of the premium. Suppose the company pays for the LTD Plan, whether partially or wholly, the benefits of the employees will be taxable. However, if the employees pay for the LTD plan, the benefits will be non-taxable.
Exclusions from Coverage
There are exclusions from the coverage, and some people are not eligible for these benefits. A coverage may exclude a person because of the job, position, or industry they belong to. For instance, the LTD plan is only for employees below 65 years old. However, the list of the excluded persons must be decreased to serve more needy people.
CPP Disability
The Canada Pension Plan – Disability or CCP-D is for employees who acquired an illness. CPP-D is considered universal, and it fits all, and people may use it along with other benefits or insurances. CCP-D targets a larger population. To be eligible for CPP-D, an employee must have e...
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