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Impacts of Bills on Women Research Assignment Paper

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Using what you saw in Atlanta and the 13th documentary, read about in Davis' article, and know about intersectionality , how much choice and freedom do you think boys really have in the types of masculinity they adopt as adults?

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Impacts of Bills on Women
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Impacts of Bills on Women
Whenever Bills are passed by the Congress regarding women different opinions are always shared by the public regarding women’s place infringement or elevating women to participate in different ways especially to the issues that affect their rights either directly or indirectly. For example, a recently passed H.R. 586, a divisive “personhood” bill by the Republicans in the House of Representatives has drawn a heavy criticism from the advocates of reproductive rights. However, the impact of such bill on women is yet to be observed. Likewise, other bills such as the Healthy Youth Act, 12-Month Supply of Contraception, Equal Pay, and Pregnancy Accommodations still have not been examined further to reveal their overall impacts on women. It is noted that initiatives such as the WREN. In the midst of such turmoil, women such as Melissa have been striving to have their rights through coordination with media outreach, WREN's communication initiatives among other institutions. Based on the asserted need for women's rights, the essay brief presents the different ways through which the above-highlighted bills will impact on women if implemented.
First, the Health Youth Act is provided to help teens and educators understand sexuality education and their application as parents, school administrators, and teachers. When the Act is passed, it will be beneficial to students who become sexually active and have successfully completed the comprehensive sexuality education in terms of their awareness of the need for safe sex, advantages of using protection such as condoms and or contraceptives. Besides, such students are likely to have healthier relationships, help students delay and deal with sexual pressure, help them learn more about testing and the different risks associated with oral sex and how to prevent sexually transmitted infections among others.
On a separate note, the 12-month supply of Contraception Act will be beneficial in terms of prevention of unwanted pregnancies among the women students and other women who engage in unwarranted sexual activities. Furthermore, these sexually active women will have ample time to better plan for the right time to have pregnancies as well as ensuring that women who have no access to pharmacies or who are unable to obtain regular refills due to work or child care have better plans for pregnancies.
Regarding both equal pay and Pregnancy Accommodation Acts prevent employers from discriminating pregnant women by firing them from work. Furthermore, it prevents employers from declining to hire pregnant women. In addition, such Acts as elaborated by Melissa, grant women time off from work and enhances accommodation for the pregnant women who do n...
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