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Compare the Situation of the Maori of New Zealand to that of the Aborigines of Australia

Essay Instructions:

Just a simple homework on the topic"Compare the situation of the Maori of New Zealand to that of the Aborigines of Australia."and "Describe the reaction of at least two Southeast Asian countries to the impacts of cultural globalization."One page for each of these topics (About 250-300 words). No cover page and running heads needed.Need it in an hour. Any sources from google will be fine EXCEPT WIKI.

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Geography Essay
The situation of the Maori in New Zealand and the Aborigines that come from Australia have their similarities and differences. The 1st commonality is that both of their urban societies were structured by the British for the past 300 years and its foundation is from the invasion of populations from outside the cities. The 2nd one is about 20% of their country are all migrants and the 3rd one is that they are very close to each other (Revington, 2005).
Even if they share the same commonalities, their differences are because of their historical and environmental influences that placed a cultural contrast between them. For instance, it was the penal colony that founded Australia and religious colony were the ones that founded New Zealand. Moreover, there are a lot of dry land in Australia so they almost always experience drought and a lot of snakes are found there. If a person wants to see a lot of glaciers, lakes, and rich soil, they are going to find it in New Zealand.
Their beliefs systems are preserved by keeping their oral traditions. The Aboriginals have more than one role for their deities because a variety is given for them to do. They are categorized as Ancestral Beings, Creation Beings, and the Totemic Beings. They call the creation story “Dreamtime” and based on their beliefs, the interpretation of dreams come from memories of the period of creation. Maoris think that natural elements and all living things are bonded by a geneology. The folklore of the Maoris are described as mankind’s creation from an original couple’s unwanted separation (Lee, n.d.).
Japan is known to be one of the richest Southeast Asian country, but the effects of globalization still affected them. The Japanese people are still not free from its impact because of their closed history in Tokugawa. One of the effects is human dispersal and only accelerated in the recent years that have passed because of the availability of cheaper, faster, and better means of transportation. Human dispersal in Japan began in the 15th and 16th centuries, but it took a break when the Tokugawa Period happened. The increasing dispersal done by the Japanese people only had a deep impact to the international Nikkei communities and their social, political, and cultural life back in Japan. On the other hand, the positive impact of globalization can be seen from the women in Japan because it has led to changes in employment legislations except for the social change.
Singapore is another Southeast Asian country that was affected by globalization, especially when it comes to their family values. The pillars of globalization, which are secularism, cynical liberalism, and commercialization have caused a displacement to their organic fam...
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