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Women, Gender and Society

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Women, Gender and Society 

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Gender Identity

Women, Gender and Society
For ages women and men have had different identities, some which have been given through the cultural beliefs and others have been driven by research. The element of men and women being different has been debated for some time. Men are taken to be more masculine physically and emotionally, while women are taken to be much more nurturing and emotionally connected to that which is around them at a more subtle manner than the men. In times of, war most of the world cultures have considered men to be more affront with military strategies than the women. As such, men are even roles in the military and most of the high governance positions as they are considered more direct and detached emotionally, thus are considered to make better choices that are not affected by emotions. Women on the other hand are given more subtle roles that require emotional reference and nurture. The society has constantly shaped what men and women roles and identities are through the media and social cultural systems that are designed to enhance these elements. Platform such as the media and most guardians have designed socialnorms that men and women identify with in the roles that they play in the society and the way that they carry themselves within the public and personal spaces.
Thesis statement: Society has constantly defined the identity of both men and women, sanctioning lesser elements to women.
Gender Identity
I identify my gender as a woman and as someone that has to fight for the right to get recognized for her efforts and even existence. I constantly have to make sure that my rights are well recognized otherwise, I will be passed up as lesser person in the society and even in the basic family unit. At this day and age, one would wish that basic human rights are as good as they look and sound on the legal papers. As a woman I am considered weak and devoid of any form of clinical abilities in matters that are considered grave and of great importance, especially where the society is involved. My mistakes are more pronounced as a mother and a sister, that the fellow male companions are taken(Schwalbe, 2002). My identity is a woman, and it is colored in struggles for equal recognition within the society as the men.
Learning the gender roles
The society has continually defined the roles that women should take and those that men should take. One of the ways that I have learned to identify my gender is through the media platforms. Televisions, songs and even books that have the elements of the society, constantly paint the picture of women as servants and weak. There are certain aspects that women should not be involved in, such as war and politics, especially where the stakes are high. Whenever, there are aspects of calamity, women and children are grouped in the same category. This is a common aspect especially in the news and in the books. Women are graded the same way as the children are. While it may be taken to be a kind gesture of care towards the women, it paints the elements subordination for women. While men are taken to handle situations such as calamities in a much better way that the women, the differences are clear on which gender is taken to be superior(Schwalbe, 2002). Movies have also become part of the social definition of what is acceptable, what is trending and what is the norm. Movies have constantly shaped the way I feel as a woman, and much of it relates to how subordinate I am in the society and how men should be my guardian. However of all the media platforms that defines my role and ...
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