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Quest to Delay Aging

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By the completion of this activity you will be able to:

Analyze recent developments and current trends in human longevity

How can developmental biologists contribute to the quest to delay aging in humans? Read about and provide a review of the work of one biologist, or group of biologists. Review their work, detailing their evidence, and cite any possible applications. Are you sold on this? See any valid applications for the work yet?

300-500 words with the highest grade point possible at 300 words.

Use APA format to cite sources.

The textbook must be incorporated into the essay, in addition to outside sources.

Wikipedia and similar sites are not acceptable.

You may use peer-reviewed research articles. One good source is the Public Library of Science.

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Quest to Delay Aging
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Ageing is defined as the time-related weakening of the physiological functions essential for fertility and survival. Conn (2011) opines that the maximum lifespan is the maximum number of years that human species is known to live and survive. A baby born in Britain during 1780s could be expected to live up to 35 years old while in the same period in Massachusetts, life expectancy was averaged at 28 years. During that time, that was the normal range of life expectancy for most human races. In the present period, the life expectancy in certain regions of the world (for example, Afghanistan, Togo, Cambodia and other third world countries) is less than 40 years. A child born in 1985 in United States can expect to live 78 years. In 2010, the maximum recorded life expectancy for humans was 116 years for males and 122.5 years for females. This clearly illustrates that with better health standards; people can live long and delay aging.
Human beings are the only living species aware of their fact of aging as well as its inevitability. While some people find comfort through promises of religious and metaphysical afterlife, others are not satisfied with such promises and have gone further to quest delay aging scientifically (Conn, 2011). At the present era, developmental biologists continue to contribute to the quest to delay aging in humans. A good example of a developmental biologist is Dr. Zir Barzilai who opened his conversation by saying how people can die while young at a very old age. Dr. Barzilai conducted a research whose techniques in the biology of aging show the roles of genetic determinants of lifespan and the role of nutrients as vital in prolonging life and delay aging.
Dr. Barzilai claimed that there are successful efforts in the goal of ensuring that aging is delayed. He demonstrated that healthy lifespan has been prolonged in several animal models and explained relevant drugs have been utilized in humans. Developmental biologists are looking at not only why people age at different rates, but also try to understand the factors, which can prolong longevity (Chanson, Epelbaum, Lamberts and Christen, 2013). Dr. Barzilai explained that people who live longer life have protective genes which assist in their longevity. Dr. Barzilai identified age as a major risk factor for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. He explained that although a...
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