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Woman Human Rights: The Need for Illegalization of Abortion

Essay Instructions:

Touchstone 3.2: Draft an Argumentative Research Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Using your outline and annotated bibliography from Touchstones 1.2 and 2.2, draft a 6-8 page argumentative research essay on your chosen topic.

A. Assignment Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Argumentative Thesis Statement

❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?

2. Argument Development

❒ Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?

❒ Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?

❒ Is your essay 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words, not including your references or reflection question responses)? If not, which details do you need to add or remove?

3. Research

❒ Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?

❒ Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?

❒ Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?

❒ Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?

❒ Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?

4. Reflection

❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?

❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

B. Reflection

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

1. Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences)

2. Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4 sentences)

C. Rubric

Advanced (100%)

Proficient (85%)

Acceptable (75%)

Needs Improvement (50%)

Non-Performance (0%)

Argument Development and Support (40 points)

Provide a clear argument with sufficient support.

The argument is thoroughly developed with highly relevant details to support it, including the use of rhetorical appeals and source material.

The argument is well-developed with relevant details to support it, including the use of rhetorical appeals and source material.

The argument is not fully developed; while it is supported by some relevant details, including rhetorical appeals and source material, some aspects of the argument are neglected.

The argument is poorly developed with irrelevant details that frequently distract from the argument; there is little evidence of the use of rhetorical appeals and/or source material.

The argument is not developed and/or the composition is not argumentative; details are irrelevant and distract from the argument.

Research (30 points)

Incorporate sources through effective quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.

Cites all outside sources appropriately; incorporates credible sources smoothly and effectively through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary.

Primarily cites outside sources appropriately; incorporates credible sources effectively through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary.

Generally cites outside sources appropriately; incorporates credible sources adequately through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary.

Cites outside sources, but most are cited improperly; incorporates sources through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary, but the integration is not smooth and/or the credibility of the sources is unclear.

Does not cite sources, or citation is consistently inappropriate; does not reference sources and/or sources are not credible or appropriate.

Organization (15 points)

Exhibit competent organizational writing techniques.

Includes all of the required components of an argumentative research paper, including an introduction with relevant and engaging background information and an argumentative thesis, an adequate number of body paragraphs with topic sentences, a body paragraph addressing counterargument(s), and a conclusion with a concluding statement.

Includes all of the required components of an argumentative research paper, including an introduction with background information, an argumentative thesis, an adequate number of body paragraphs with topic sentences, a body paragraph addressing counterargument(s), and a conclusion with a concluding statement.

Includes nearly all of the required components of an argumentative research paper; however, one component is missing.

Includes most of the required components of an argumentative research paper, but is lacking two components; sequences ideas and paragraphs such that the connections between ideas (within and between paragraphs) are sometimes unclear and the reader may have difficulty following the progression of the argument.

Lacks several or all of the components of an argumentative research paper; sequences ideas and paragraphs such that the connections between ideas (within and between paragraphs) are often unclear and the reader has difficulty following the progression of the argument.

Style (5 points)

Establish a consistent, informative tone and make thoughtful stylistic choices.

Demonstrates thoughtful and effective word choices, avoids redundancy and imprecise language, and uses a wide variety of sentence structures.

Demonstrates effective word choices, primarily avoids redundancy and imprecise language, and uses a variety of sentence structures.

Demonstrates generally effective style choices, but may include occasional redundancies, imprecise language, poor word choice, and/or repetitive sentence structures.

Frequently includes poor word choices, redundancies, imprecise language, and/or repetitive sentence structures.

Consistently demonstrates poor word choices, redundancies, imprecise language, and/or repetitive sentence structures.

Conventions (5 points)

Follow conventions for standard written English.

There are only a few, if any, negligible errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are some significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are frequent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

There are consistent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

Reflection (5 points)

Answer reflection questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses, following or exceeding response length guidelines.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; includes multiple insights, observations, and/or examples, following response length guidelines.

Primarily demonstrates thoughtful reflection, but some responses are lacking in detail or insight; primarily follows response length guidelines.

Shows limited reflection; the majority of responses are lacking in detail or insight, with some questions left unanswered or falling short of response length guidelines.

No reflection responses are present.

D. Requirements

The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:

· Composition must be 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words, not including your references or reflection question responses).

· Double-space the composition and use one-inch margins.

· Use a readable 12-point font.

· All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.

· Composition must be original and written for this assignment.

· Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.

· Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.

· Include all of the assignment components in a single file.

· Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.

· Your annotated bibliography must be graded before your research essay draft will be accepted.

E. Additional Resources

The following resources will be helpful to you as you work on this assignment:

1. Purdue Online Writing Lab's APA Formatting and Style Guide

a. This site includes a comprehensive overview of APA style, as well as individual pages with guidelines for specific citation types.

2. Frequently Asked Questions About APA Style

. This page on the official APA website addresses common questions related to APA formatting. The "References," "Punctuation," and "Grammar and Writing Style" sections will be the most useful to your work in this course.

3. APA Style: Quick Answers—References

. This page on the official APA Style website provides numerous examples of reference list formatting for various source types.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Woman Human Rights: Abortion
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor’s Name
Woman Human Rights: Abortion
              Abortion, according to Banerjee (2020), entails the process adopted in termination of a pregnancy. The fetus is prevented from developing into a baby as a result of this act of abortion. According to Banerjee (2020), one in every four pregnancies worldwide gets aborted. Despite the fact that abortion is illegal in the majority of countries, the number of pregnancies terminated daily remains very high. Individuals in various societies continue to speak out about the importance of legalizing abortion because it is, like any other, a basic human right. Their primary idea is that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body, including choosing not to carry a pregnancy to term (Cabella, 2022). However, a significant number of people still consider abortion to be immoral and harmful if made a legal right in any country. The paper will discuss on the need for illegalization of abortion as it associated with increasing the risk of women getting diagnosed with breast cancer, tampers with their fertility and increases chances of women getting depressed.
To begin with, abortion should be prohibited because it increases a woman's chances of developing breast cancer. According to Banerjee (2020), if all other factors remain constant, women who have had abortions at any point in their lives are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer than those who have not. The main reason for this is that a woman produces a lot of estrogen when she is pregnant. During the first half of one’s pregnancy, estrogen is produced, and breast cells differentiate during the second stage. As a result, if a woman carries a pregnancy to a time when a baby is born despite the production of estrogen, the breast is protected from cancer due to cell differentiation. However, if the pregnancy is terminated during the first half of the pregnancy, the woman remains at a high risk of developing cancer, as estrogen is linked to an increased risk of developing this disease (Cabella, 2022). Furthermore, breast cancer is a costly condition to treat for both individuals and society as a whole. Hence, because a woman is more likely to develop breast cancer after having an abortion, it is critical to keep it illegal.
Abortion should also be made illegal due to the potential negative consequences of terminating a pregnancy. According to Banerjee (2020), despite the use of advanced medical methods for terminating pregnancy, there is a high risk of women experiencing adverse consequences as a result of the procedure. Heavy bleeding is one of the most common complications that women face. When excessive bleeding is not treated properly, an individual may lose their life. Furthermore, even when modern abortion methods are used, there is a risk of infection. Hence, abortion should be prohibited because it can result in death or other serious medical conditions. Another dire effect is the possibility of a woman who has undergone either surgical or medical abortion having tubal pregnancies in the future. The fetus in this type of pregnancy is said to be outside the uterus, an indication that the life of a woman and that of the fetus are at risk (Cabella, 2022). A woman may end up facing the risk of never having any other children if the condition is not well managed. Thus, if undergoing abortion could possibly lead to internal bleeding or, in some cases, damage to the fallopian tube if the ectopic pregnancy is not swiftly terminated, and then it should remain illegal.
Additionally, abortion should also remain illegal because it contributes to women's depression and suicide ideation. The main association between depression and abortion, according to Cabella (2022), is the stigma one faces in a society that considers abortion immoral. Life is said to begin when conception occurs in religions such as Christianity, and this gives a fetus the right to live. As a result, even if abortion is legalized, a woman who lives in a society where abortion is considered murder of an innocent fetus is likely to face disgrace. Furthermore, if depression is not treated effectively, it can lead to suicidal ideation due to a lack of social support from the society in which one lives. Also, some of the methods used to terminate a pregnancy are harmful and traumatizing, particularly in developing countries. Thus, an individual's life is likely to be lost in the process, and this fear of facing death leads to sorrow and stress if not handled properly. As a result, abortion should continue to be illegal because it contributes significantly to depression.
Furthermore, abortion should remain illegal because it has been linked to a decrease in women's fertility in some cases. According to Cabella (2022), when women live in a society where medical services are not advanced, their fertility rate is likely to decrease on undergoing abortion. Women in some developing or underdeveloped countries are forced to use antiquated abortion methods such as dilation and curettage. Consequently, cases of scarring among women have been reported, and if not treated properly, this can affect their wombs' ability to carry future pregnancies to term. Therefore, increase in rate of infertility among women due to abortion leads to the likelihood of their marriages not working effectively. As a necessary consequence of the harm done to society when abortion is legalized, there is a need to keep it illegal.
Additionally, abortion should be made illegal because it results in the death of an unborn child. Donohue (2020) believes that no human has the right to take another's life simply because of their level of development, size, or environment. According to Banerjee (2020), a fetus has life and should be granted the right to live like any other human. Abortion supporters argue that it is permissible to terminate a fetus a few months after it is formed. A human being, regardless of size, is important, according to Cabella (2022). Due to this, whether a person is a month grown or fully grown, every human being has the right to life. Gyawali (2020) also claims that terminating a fetus simply because it is in someone's womb is inhumane. Most abortion supporters argue that women have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, including making choices on the life they carry in their wombs. However, Elvandari (2020) claims that a person's importance does not diminish simply because of their environment. As a result, abortion should remain illegal because it results in the death of unborn children. 
Gyawali (2020) also believes that abortion should remain illegal due to the psychological impact it has on women. In some cases, despite the fact that abortion is successful, the women's mental health suffers. Following abortion, a significant number of women have been reported to experience nervous tension, sleep disorders, and, in some cases, an increase in suicidal ideation (Dono...
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