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Dilemmas in the Deterrence of Terrorists

Essay Instructions:

2-The Dilemmas in the Deterrence of Terrorists (Chapter 4 in The Counter Terrorism Puzzle). Why is deterring terrorists a challenge? Do you think terrorists can be deterred? Address both sides of the argument (through diplomacy, information, military, economic, financial, intelligence and law enforcement (D.I.M.E.F.I.L.) means).

2- The U.S. Government published the most recent National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT) in October 2018. For this second topic you are to develop a framework for a brand-new National Strategy for Counter Terrorism of the United States. Address both domestic (homeland) components and offensive overseas elements

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Dilemmas in the Deterrence of Terrorists
The dilemma in deterring terrorism lies in finding the right balance between protecting national security and upholding individual rights and values, and in choosing the most effective and appropriate strategies for disrupting and defeating terrorists while minimizing negative consequences. It is essential to identify the challenges associated with deterring terrorists as it facilitates the development of strategies to combat terrorism.
Deterring terrorists can be a challenge for several reasons. Notably, terrorism requires minimal resources as it is cheap and effective. At outset, terrorists do not require significant investments to accomplish an attack. The damage-payback ratio of terrorist attacks is high, which makes it easy for the terrorist to mount an attack and fund it (Krepinevich, 2019). Existing money guidelines cannot effectively monitor fund transfers among terrorists as they can accomplish that through small transactions.
Notably, most of the asymmetries between terrorists and the targeted government tend to largely offer an advantage to the terrorists. To this end, terrorists often operate in small, decentralized, and loosely organized groups, making it difficult for traditional deterrence methods, which rely on the threat of punishment or retaliation to deter aggression, to be effective (Krepinevich, 2019). The effectiveness of their operation is enhanced by terrorists' ability to easily cooperate. Compared to legitimate governments that place a high value on their security autonomy, terrorist groups easily exchange intelligence and resources. The successful collective action among terrorists enhances their ability to identify and target softer targets as well as send the best-equipped cell to target the weakness.
In addition, other asymmetries benefit the terrorist. While governments provide a target-rich environment for terrorists, organized terrorists can easily blend in with the general population making it hard for the government to target the terrorists. Governments are at a disadvantage, as they have to protect every critical infrastructure, while terrorist can defend only their vulnerable targets (Krepinevich, 2019). In addition, governments generally adhere to rules of engagement and the laws of war, while terrorist organizations often use tactics that are considered to be indiscriminate and targeted at civilians.
Notably, several other challenges make it hard for the government to deter terrorism. Terrorists may not be motivated by the same considerations as states or other traditional actors, such as the desire to preserve their security or achieve certain policy objectives. Instead, they may be motivated by ideology, religion, or a desire to create chaos and disruption. This can make it difficult to predict their actions or to use traditional deterrence methods to influence their behavior. In addition, terrorists may be willing to accept high levels of risk and may not be deterred by the prospect of death or capture (Elbahy, 2019). This can make it difficult to use the threat of punishment to deter their actions.
It is difficult to determine definitively whether terrorists can be deterred, as the effectiveness of deterrence measures can vary depending on the specific circumstances and motivations of the terrorists involved. In some cases, deterrence measures may be effective in deterring terrorists and preventing attacks, while in other cases, terrorists may not be deterred by the threat of punishment or retaliation.
In my view, several strategies can be effectively implemented to deter terrorism. At the diplomatic level, states can try to reduce the appeal of terrorism and deter individuals from joining terrorist groups by addressing the underlying drivers of terrorism. To this end, states can use development assistance and other diplomatic tools to address the underlying drivers of terrorism, such as poverty, lack of education, and political instability (Hoffman & Morrison-Taw, 2019). Further, a country can work with other states and international organizations to strengthen its ability to gather intelligence, share information, and cooperate on counterterrorism efforts. In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate with terrorists to deter them from carrying out attacks. This can be a controversial approach, as it may be seen as legitimizing the goals of the terrorists or rewarding their behavior. However, in certain circumstances, negotiations may be the only way to prevent attacks and save lives.
A state can also deter terrorism and prevent attacks using information and intelligence gathering to inform law enforcement actions. Intelligence and information gathering can help law enforcement to identify individuals who may be planning terrorist attacks or who may be involved in terrorist activities. This can allow law enforcement to intervene and disrupt these plans before they can be carried out. Intelligence and information gathering can also help law enforcement to identify and track the financing and logistical support networks that enable terrorists to operate. By disrupting these networks, law enforcement can make it more difficult for terrorists to plan and carry out attacks.
Further, a state can use its military and economic might to deter terrorism. In some cases, the use of military force may be necessary to disrupt and defeat terrorist groups and prevent attacks. The state can also use its financial resources for community engagement. By working with communities to build trust and understanding, and by providing support and resources to at-risk individuals, states can try to deter individuals from becoming involved in terrorism (Ande...
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