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Analyzing Ethical Dilemma and Evaluating Gut Solution

Essay Instructions:


For this second paper, you will use the Morality Framework (from the course text) to evaluate your initial “gut reaction” solution to the ethical dilemma identified in your Ethical Dilemma Paper: Initial Reaction Assignment.

Considering what you wrote as your initial “gut” solution, you will apply that solution/decision to the framework presented in the textbook. After working through each step of the framework, you will re-evaluate your initial “gut” solution, and develop at least two alternative solutions (at least one must be biblically principled). Additionally, you will address the role that supervision and consultation would have within this dilemma.

This paper must be at least 4 pages long.The title and reference page are not included in this page count. This paper should be written in current APA 7th edition formatting. Be sure to include appropriate references and citations from the text and scripture. The proper use of headings will help organize your paper.


1. Use the Morality Framework on pages 44-49 (Step 1, #1–10 and Step 2) to analyze the ethical dilemma identified in your part 1 paper. Note: The moral rules are provided on page 43 of your text.

- Please number the steps in your paper and use level two headings to organize your paper. Do not write this portion in paragraph form. You are strongly encouraged to utilize the template provided in the assignment resources in the assignment description (you can save this and type your own information into it).

- If any of the steps are not applicable to your situation, please note this in your paper. Simply leaving the steps out or marking them N/A will result in a loss of points. You need to explain why the step is not applicable, in order to demonstrate your understanding of each particular step. Thoughtful analysis for each step should be applied here.

- Remember that you are analyzing the decision you must make as the worker in this dilemma.

2. Re-evaluate your initial “gut” solution.

- Now that you have worked through your initial solution utilizing the framework, analyze your solution. This section should demonstrate an ability to see all sides of a dilemma and make decisions that reflect social work values and a focus on the client. Simply stating, "I still agree with my initial reaction," will not suffice here.

3. Describe at least two alternative solutions and provide a rationale for each.

- At least 1 of the solutions must reflect a biblical worldview, and you must support this solution with scripture and biblical principles. This area should reflect your ability to conceptualize alternative actions, and how those actions will impact your client.

4. Discuss how you could use supervision and consultation as a resource when evaluating the potential solutions.

- What would be the benefit in talking with your supervisor about this dilemma? How would you approach your supervisor about this situation?

- Are there others who would be appropriate to consult about this particular situation? If so, who and how do you think they could be of assistance to you?

- What additional resources could you examine (e.g. agency policy, State or federal laws, etc.) to assist you in evaluating the potential solutions?

When submitting your part 2 paper, please also re-submit your part 1 paper. It will not be re-graded, so no changes are needed. This will allow the instructor to quickly reference your part 1 discussion and identified gut solution.

The paper is to be written in APA format. The paper will be graded per the rubric, which reflects a 70/30 break-down (70% of the grade is weighted for content, 30% is weighted for mechanics/grammar/formatting). There is no need to include an abstract in the paper. This paper assesses Competency 1- Ethical and Professional Behavior (knowledge, values, cognitive & affective processes).

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

NOTE: This is what I was writing about below and I want the Moral Framework assignment based on:

This paper is about a school-based helping professional who began meeting with a 16-year-old girl who was experiencing significant emotional turmoil. The girl’s parents are divorcing. During one session, the girl tells the helping professional that she just found out she is 6 weeks pregnant. The girl says she wants to terminate the pregnancy but refuses to give permission to the worker to share this news with her parents. My gut solution was to inform the girl’s parents about her decision to terminate the pregnancy even though it was against what she wanted. This decision was based on the fact that she is not an adult yet and therefore even though her parents are in divorcing, they still deserve to know what’s going on with their daughter since she is still under age.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Dilemma Paper: Moral Framework Assignment
Student Name
Department, University
The key to resolving an ethical conundrum is to analyze the options and decide what is best for the individual in the circumstances. A dilemma has a solid emotional foundation, but the solution should still be practical. When solving a dilemma, one should put facts and practical solutions ahead of feelings or emotions. In this essay, the author will attempt to address the problem of a 16-year-old girl who is experiencing mental difficulty due to the fact that she is six weeks pregnant and her parents have divorced. The 16-year-old wants to end the pregnancy secretly. However, I think the best course of action is to inform her parents about both the pregnancy and the abortion because the child is still a minor, and they will eventually end up getting divorced, so they have a right to know. In this essay, the author will attempt to reconsider the professional's choice and determine whether it is the best course of action.
Step 1: Morally Relevant Feature
What moral rule is being violated
Not accepting the 16-year-decision old's to keep her parents in the dark is one broken moral principle. The girl has a sense of trust for the employee that she has somehow developed, and if she learns the truth, it will be disastrous for her. However, when you stop to think about it, the child is only 16 years old and still has plenty of time to earn forgiveness and live a normal childhood. Even though her parents are divorcing, they can still give the child guidance and care. Because they are adults, the parents should be in charge of their daughters. Although it will be devastating for the girl at first, time will heal everything and make everything great again. In order to provide emotional support for the girl, they believe that the girl's womb will be beneficial for her in the long run and in the future, as she is still a minor. I considered the girl's future when I came up with this kind of gut-wrenching answer.
What harms are: (a) being caused by the violation; (b) avoided by the violation;(c) prevented by the violation?
The girl and the worker's breach of the mutually agreed-upon terms will result in greater emotional agony than previously. The girl is simply afraid of being reprimanded by her parents for what she has done, which is what the violation of the ethical dilemma prevents and also avoids: hiding the secret from her parents, which would not be advantageous if they did not know it for a long time. Additionally, she no longer wants to add to the issue and stress that her parents are dealing with due to their current circumstances.
Step 2: Consequences
The girl would suffer the effects as a result of the added pressure from the parent's response to the situation. Because of the unintended pregnancy and her parent's divorce, the minor already has a lot on his mind. On top of that, he also worries about the reprimands her parents will give her if they find out. The girl will experience additional emotional and psych...
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