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Concepts or Processes in the Study of Demography

Essay Instructions:

  1. Choose 5 concepts or processes related to the study of Demography that have been covered in the Lecture Videos and/or Lecture Notes for Chapters Four, Five, or Six.

  2. Precisely define each concept/process as defined during the lecture videos and lecture notes.

  3. Apply each concept/process to a real-world event or situation.  Real-world applications must be in your own words and expected length is between 7 and 10 sentences, although longer is fine.

Further Directions

  1. Do your own work; do not work with another individual or group of individuals.

  2. The concepts/processes that you choose to define must be related to demography, complex, and should have been covered in the lecture videos and/or lecture notes.

  3. Don’t choose obvious concepts/processes to define, you will do poorly.  If you could define and apply the concept/process before the semester started, don’t bother.  Choose a more complex concept/process that you hadn’t heard or considered before, define and apply that. Alternatively, if you opt to define a relatively straightforward and commonly understood concept/process, then the application of it should be complex and detailed if you want full credit.

  4. You can use my exact words for definitions, but if you do so, quote and cite me and indicate to me the lecture where you found your sociological concepts; like so – (Kane, Video 1).  Always cite any sources that inform your work whether from outside the course or inside.  Even if a concept/process definition is in your own words, where you learned the info must be cited.  If it’s just general knowledge, choose a more complex concept/process.

  5. ALL APPLICATIONS TO REAL WORLD SCENARIOS MUST BE ENTIRELY IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  And please come up with your own independent applications of the concepts/processes rather than just regurgitating the applications and examples I used during the lecture videos.

  6. Number each concept and its associated real-world application.  Remember, you need to choose 5 relatively complex concepts/processes and each should be applied to a real-world scenario.  Your real-world-scenarios should be AT LEAST 7 to 10 sentences in length, and longer is usually (but not always) better.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 2
First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
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Instructor’s Name and Title
Assignment 2
1) Doctrine of Mercantilism – An idea that emerged among new European nation-states that defined national wealth as the accumulation of precious metals (Weeks, 2015).
The doctrine of mercantilism has critical implications for population management. Nation-state wealth within the doctrine of mercantilism was acquired by carefully managing the balance of trade to create surpluses that were then stored in the form of precious metals. Notably, mercantilism compelled states to encourage population growth through increased birth rate and immigration. However, such strategies introduced a question as to whether a growing population truly benefited society regardless of its impact on the economy. In a nutshell, mercantilism in the contemporary sense demands an analysis of the benefits and shortcomings of unrestrained modernization.
 2) Principle of Population - Thomas Robert Malthus’ idea that the perfectibility of society rested on the capacity to manage challenges associated with population growth (Weeks, 2015).
              Human society undoubtedly carries significant promise. However, Malthus accurately posits that the attainment f such promise is challenged by the difficulties that emerge from an ever-expanding population. For instance, population growth strains finite natural resources creating barriers to human happiness and development. The principle of the population continues to carry significant implications for modern society owing to the reality that it holds for sustainability. Despite the weaknesses in Malthus’ theory, there is a need for a combination of positive and preventive controls to address the risks to sustainability that emerge from population growth.
3)  Social Capillarity – A concept attributed to Arsène Dumont, who argued that people possess an inherent drive toward...
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