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Why Marijuana Should be Legalized at Federal Level

Essay Instructions:

I need a persuasive essay trying to get my audience to agree with me that Marijuana should be legal at a federal level. It needs an introduction, a body with 3 main reasons why with supporting details and conclusion.

this is an example of what I need.

Proposition: To persuade the audience to stop using credit cards.


This past year, a rather traumatic event happened to a good friend of mine—she and her husband were forced to file for bankruptcy due to excessive credit card debt. They lost many of their worldly possessions in the process, and their credit rating was ruined for the next several years. Did you know that Americans currently owe in excess of $540 billion in credit card debt and that the forecast for the future is that this debt will only increase because of our addiction to the mighty credit card? Today, I want you to quit using credit cards The great end of life is not knowledge, but action. because it will save your money, your sanity, and your future. Let’s examine each of these powerful reasons.


I. The first reason you should give up credit cards is to save money.

A. It will eliminate high annual fees.

B. It will eliminate high annual interest rates.

C. It will reduce unnecessary spending.

1. According to Gerri Detweiler in her book, The Ultimate Credit Handbook , “Credit card companies recognize human nature and play upon the fact that credit cards make it easy to overextend ourselves.”

2. Story about my friends overextending themselves on credit cards.

II. The second reason you should give up credit cards is to save your sanity.

A. It reduces your worry over unnecessary spending.

B. It reduces your anxiety over ever-increasing debt.

1. Margorie Hillis, in her book, Orchids on Your Budget, warns that credit card debt will destroy your peace of mind.

2. This anxiety can express itself in physical ailments.

C. It gives you more time to think about more positive things in life.

III. The third reason you should give up credit cards is to save your future.

A. It can prevent future bankruptcy.

1. Mike Yorkey, in his book, Real Solutions for Getting Out of Debt, explains that “giving up credit cards is a real prevention against future bankruptcy.”

2. Story about Josh Ling being saved from bankruptcy.

B. It helps maintain excellent future credit ratings.

1. Sean Mills, credit counselor, says that “living within your budget and not using your credit cards can insure a good credit rating.”

2. List Sean Mills’s life goals for your money future.

C. It can foster a healthy attitude toward future spending.


Today, I’ve given you three excellent reasons why you should give up using credit cards—it will save your money, your sanity, and your future. So begin your path to financial health and spiritual freedom by actually cutting up your credit cards in a hundred pieces and getting the pieces of your life put back into place. Proverbs warns us that “A fool and his money are soon parted.” Be wise and part with those credit cards and not your money!


Detweiler, G. 2003. The Ultimate Credit Handbook. New York: Jeremy Thatcher/Putman.

Hillis, M. 2010. Orchids on Your Budget. London: Virago Books.

Mills, S. Mar. 11, 2009. Credit counselor, San Jose, CA. (408) 767-1112.

Yorkey, M. 2002. Real Solutions for Getting Out of Debt. Ventura, CA: Vine Books.

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Legalize Marijuana
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Legalize Marijuana
Over the weekend, I was relaxing in the house when I saw a documentary showing Colombia's bad roads. In the film, a certain farmer who used to grow marijuana was interviewed. The farmer said he used to earn up to 3000 euros per month from the sale of marijuana. The farmer used this money to support the family and take the children to school. Since his farm was burnt down by the Colombian government, even affording food and other basic needs has been a challenge. For a moment, it crossed my mind that despite the negative impacts of marijuana, there are numerous positive reasons why the federal government should legalize it.
The first reason why the federal government should legalize marijuana is that there is limited research that shows that using it might cause death, unlike other drugs such as alcohol. Research further indicates that countries that have adopted the age-restriction policy of marijuana reduce its consumption among the youth (Grucza & Plunk, 2022). Secondly, marijuana research has proven that marijuana has medical benefits. It can be used to improve short-term sleep for patients that have conditions of obstructive sleeping behaviors. Substantial e...
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