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Radical Imagination

Essay Instructions:

The details of the paper are all in the pdf please read the Pdf carefully and follow the instructions on there

Hey Instead of using the text I gave to you kindly approach it using

3. An organization or movement, current or historical.

For this option, rather than read and think about one text, you will need to do a bit of

research. Sources can include documentary films, primary texts produced by the

organization i.e. like a manifesto or statement of principles, academic journal articles, and/or

book chapters. I chose the Black lives Matter movement so please find academic sources on that and talk about the black lives matter instead of the single text I put in the pdf, Thank you

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Radical Imagination
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Radical Imagination
Radical imagination is the ability to visualize the world, culture, social institution, economy, and political not in the present but as we would like them to be in a perfect world. This is attributed to the steep and drastic growth of movements seeking social equality, such as the Black Lives Matter Movement. Radical imagination emanates from long-standing injustices against people of a certain ethnicity. Radical imagination is characterized by the visualization of an equal society propagated by violence, war, etc. On the surface level, radical imagination entails the comprehensive evaluation of ways to change the social, political, and economic atrocities deep-rooted in the system. Most of these problems arise based on racial injustice and inequality (Ivey, 2016). Implementing involves systematic and collective responsibility from all spheres of the community.
It is a commitment to challenge stereotypes, reinvigorate the norms and shape the future we all desire. Radical imagination is anchored on the ability to challenge traditional social, economic, and political systems. Challenging conventional wisdom does not only stir polarizing parties but creates a platform for
change and an opportunity to improve social standards. However, radical imagination is all about action to change the narrative and achieve the different futures that we aspire. It involves bringing people with the same mindsets and interests together to steer the movement forward. From this perspective, it is crucial to draw inspiration from history and amplify the oppressor's voices through collaborative action and effort to achieve collective solidarity today. Similarly, radical imagination draws insights and knowledge to inform and decipher the different stories and happenings in today's world.
Radical imagination embraces the power and impact of past struggles in today's world. Without radical imagination, the world will be a political, social, and economic playing ground for the elite. All our dreams and aspirations will become nightmares of racism, poverty, violence, hopelessness, insecurity, and precocity. Radical imagination fuels our minds to criticize, analyze and imagine a better future (Ivey, 2016).
The Evolution of the #Black Lives Matter
A classic example of the radical movement is the recent surge and rise of the Black lives Matter movement. The movement has attracted massive crowds across the nation in a bid to eradicate white supremacists institutions systematically targeted to eliminate black people. Large There is a rallying cry through demonstrations, public rallies, and protests for social equality and justice for the black victims. Originally the phrase #Black lives Matter was coined in 2013 after the release of George Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin's shooting but died down by the end of next summer. The hashtag was revived after the death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown who was shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. News of Michael Brown's death and images of his lifeless body lying on the ground circulated on social media elicited nationwide protests that garnered activists' and liberators' attention (Ivey, 2016).
After the incident, there was an intensive social media cry for justice for the victims, which quickly escalated into a political movement that will serve as a reference for future generations. The murder of Brown marked the beginning of a long-awaited revolution. Since the highly publicized incident, the Twitter hashtag# Black Lives Matter Social institutions, Government officials, and the public have joined forces in the fight against racism. These people have come together to advocate and address police brutality, systematic racism, and other deep-rooted social and cultural issues in America. Over the last two years, activists have rallied under the BLM umbrella to seek justice for the deaths of black men at the police's hands. Since the advent of the Black lives Matter movement has sparked revolutions that revolve around just futures (Alem, 2016).
The root cause of Police Brutality
Most of the problems affecting the black community are rooted in systematic racism. For decades racism has the core of the gruesome atrocities conducted against people of color. Historically it is evident that most people who died between 1990 -1994 were people of African and Hispanic descent who had been wrongly convicted (Police Brutality, 2010). Today crime and violence are mainly prevalent in black communities. As a result, Police officers often use excessive force in situations where moderate force is warranted because they feel intimidated or outnumbered during a confrontation with a black American.
In such a scenario, the police officer can strike or injure an individual. It may be hard to prove the use of excessive force as the police officer can legally use force. Police brutality can also be affiliated with classism. Police officers also falsely accuse people of a crime of crime they have not committed based on the color of their skin. The wealthy in society tends to look down on lower-class people. This can often lead to harassment, fear, and intimidation, leading to wrongful conviction or even killing.
The rationale for Social Change
The movement is geared towards eradicating police brutality, which is a deep-rooted problem in the nation. The movement envisions a future free of police brutality, a functioning justice system, and social equality. With this, every American citizen will enjoy the great America our forefathers had envisioned. The movement's key objective is to eradicate all the fears and anxiety that we may have about the future by challenging our present. It is the role of the movement to debunk myths and stereotypes saturating the world about black communities (Black Lives Matter, 2020).
The Black Lives Matter Movement is made up of liberators aiming to eradicate the white supremacist and boost solidarity and local power to reduce violence inflicted against the Black communities. The group revived th...
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