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Politics of Western Europe

Essay Instructions:


Maya Angelou wrote the above, quoting the Roman slave Terence https://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Terence (who freed himself with his writing), “I am a human being. Nothing human can be alien to me.” But the use of the term refugee as a political rhetoric has left many desensitized to the deeply traumatic experience of migration. Visit the website, Syrian Journey: Choose your own escape route https://www(dot)bbc(dot)com/news/world-middle-east-32057601

undertake this virtual journey as a Syrian refugee and write your travel blog.

Document your experience:

What character did you select? Male or Female?Syrian Journey: What would you take with you?

Check the items some refugees took with them on their journey. Click on the items to see their stories.

Which narrative left an impact on you?

What prized possessions are you carrying with yourself as you are fleeing your country of origin? And Why?

Tough Choices - describe your choice and why did you take that decision

Next? Egypt/Syria

Continue to make the decisions and document your journey and find out if you were able to make it to Europe.

There are some short videos of the journey that some Syrians undertook. Watch them and mention which video/comment resonated with you.

How did this virtual experience affect your views on migration and refugees?

Your grades will depend on how well you are able to address the questions in the outline above.



What was EU's migration policy before the migration crisis of 2015?

How did various EU nations deal with it?

Briefly discuss the causes of the migration crisis.

What measures were adopted to deal with the flow of migrants/refugees.

Compare the behavior of the Visegrád Four – Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia with other EU nations.

Discuss the immediate impact (positive, negative - Brexit, human trafficking etc.) of this crisis on the EU.

What do you think will be the long term impact of this crisis on EU.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Politics of Western Europe
Part 1
For my journey, I have chosen to go as a female character. I take this journey with my two daughters; hence, I have to protect them in any threatening situation. The only thing that we would take with us is a change of clothes. I would not want to be in a foreign country looking dirty and disgruntled because this will only make our family stand out. From the items in the BBC News (2015), most refugees undertook their journey with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The most impactful narrative is that of a person who had to be smuggled into the UK in a hot chocolate truck. The chocolate completely covered him to his neck, and while the warm chocolate was a slight reprieve from the cold, it soon became very uncomfortable, not to mention the risk of drowning or getting burned. Eventually, they all had to leave because the reality of staying in a crumbling tent was much better than dying in chocolate (BBC News, 2015).
Besides the $20,000 I got from selling my house, the only prized possessions I have in my person are the clothes on my back, my backpack, a water can, a pocket knife and a flint lighter. They are all the basic survival kits necessary for the incredible journey across the Middle Eastern desert. Travelling light is also essential given the long journey and the great escapes from authorities and militia groups that I am bound to encounter along my journey.
So, I have left Syria, and I am bound for Egypt. Turkey was a plausible option, and I could get to Europe by land, but Egypt is much cheaper, and I could get to Europe via sea. Going via sea is very dangerous, but at this point, I have seen enough death to make danger a companion along my journey. In Egypt, my daughters and I are lucky to get visas, and after being in Cairo for a week, I meet Ahmad, who says that he can help me get to Europe. He tells me that I can get to Italy from Alexandria via sea, but there are high chances of getting caught or going to Libya, where the sea crossing is much shorter, but there are militia groups. I chose Libya because of my children. I would not want to see my children suffer after getting caught, and the thought of going back to Syria was unwelcome.
Cairo's journey to the border with Libya is an uncomfortable 10-hour long journey, but we make it. Ahmad gets us into a house and tells me not to leave under any circumstances because I may risk getting caught. I disobey him because we are running out of supplies, and I need medicine for my youngest girl, water and life-jackets for the seas crossing. After two days, Ahmad comes back with the news that he has found a truck to get us into Libya. When we get to Ajdabya, Libya, the driver tells me to choose between going to Zuwara or Benghazi.
The trip to Zuwara is $3,000 per head while Benghazi is $4,000 per head. I chose Zuwara due to my limited finance, and while the trip is longer and the risks of getting caught are high, the boat journey is shorter, and I have to think about my daughters. Eventually, we get to Zuwara, scared and exhausted, and we meet another smuggler who gives us accommodation for the night, awaiting the journey to Italy the following evening.
The boat that we are to travel in is only 10 meters long, and there are already twenty people crammed in. However, we have got this far, and we are about to reach the end of our journey, so we cram in, and we cast off. Fifteen minutes into the journey, a boat approaches us, and we are not sure whether they are the Libyan coast guard or the militia. Shots are fired, but I hold onto my children, hoping that they will be paid off and leave us alone. The people in the boat demand money, and after being paid by the smuggler, our journey to Europe continues. However, when we reach international waters, the hull gives in, and the boat begins to capsize. Luckily, the boat has inflatable rings that we can all hold on to, and the life jackets I got earlier also helped a lot. We are all terrified, the water is cold, and there are dead bodies around us, so I huddle close to my children to keep them warm and safe while we keep swimming. Eventually, an Italian ship appears in the dark, and I together with the other immigrants, shout at the top of our tired lungs to get their attention. The crew sees us and brings us to Europe, thus completing Syria's arduo...
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