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Week 7 Paper

Essay Instructions:
Select one or more current or past international conflict(s) from the news or history. Your example(s) may include war, either between nations or civil, ethnic or religious tension, political or economic tension, or other situation for which a nation might consider outside peacemaking or peacekeeping intervention. You may choose an example in which international peacekeeping/peacemaking methods or agencies were employed, or an example in which they were not. Considering the information provided in the assigned readings, your studies from the previous weeks of this course, and your own research, submit a 2-3 page paper on one of the following topics: If peacekeeping or peacemaking methods were employed in the example you chose, do you believe they helped or hindered the situation? Explain and support your answer with information and references to the readings and resources and your own research. Or; If peacekeeping or peacemaking methods were not employed in the example you chose, explain what method could have been used to help make or keep peace in that situation. Explain and support your answer with information and references to the readings and resources and your own research. Submit your paper using the assignment link. Resources: Textbook The Dynamics of Conflict - Chapter 12 Articles Beyond Intractability: PeacemakingLinks to an external site. gives a general overview of peacemaking theories and processes. Wikipedia: Peacemaking Links to an external site.provides a comprehensive overview of peacemaking theories, processes and concepts. Conflict Resolution: When Should Leaders Step InLinks to an external site. explains the circumstances in which it is prescribed or appropriate for a leader to become involved in a conflict. Conflict Management: Why is the Study of Conflict ImportantLinks to an external site. provides an overview of the importance of learning how conflict works, the pros and cons of conflict, how to resolve conflict, and how to move on from conflict. Rubric Paper Rubric (PSY/ORG) Paper Rubric (PSY/ORG) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent & Analysis 35 pts EXEMPLARY Offers a lucid and logical argument. The content of the paper is well developed and the ideas are explained and accurate. 32 pts GOOD Argument is present, but is not fully developed. Ideas are explained and accurate. 29 pts SATISFACTORY Argument is attempted, but lacks clarity and/or ideas are not developed and explained. 26 pts MARGINAL Summary and description are present, but analysis and a logical argument are not. 22 pts UNSATISFACTORY No logical argument present. 35 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Evidence 35 pts Used and clearly identified 3 high quality, scholarly, sources that effectively supported and enhanced ideas. 32 pts Used and clearly identified 3 scholarly sources and some/ most sources used clearly enhanced ideas. 29 pts Only 2 scholarly sources were used and clearly identified and/or some do not clearly enhance ideas. 26 pts Only 1 scholarly source was used and clearly identified and it does or does not support/enhance ideas 22 pts No sources were used or the ones used were not scholarly and/or did not support/enhance ideas. 35 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Paragraph 5 pts Clearly and eloquently identifies a demonstrable and nuanced central argument. Provides the reader with a clear sense of the nature of evidence that will follow. Reveals the organizational structure of the paper. Guides the reader smoothly and logically into the body of the paper. 4.5 pts Thesis paragraph clearly identifies a demonstrable central argument. Gives the reader a reasonably good sense of the nature of evidence that will follow. 4 pts Thesis paragraph identifies a central argument that is demonstrable, though not stated sufficiently clearly. (and/or…) Does not guide the reader into the body of the paper. 3.5 pts Thesis paragraph does not have a discernible central argument (and/or…) The argument is not demonstrable. 3 pts No thesis paragraph present 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization & Structure 10 pts Organization is sequential and appropriate. Paragraphs are well developed and divided. Ideas are linked and smooth transitions are present. 9 pts Organization is competent. Paragraphs are appropriately used, but some transitions are not smooth. 8 pts Organization is attempted but is not sequential and/or appropriate. Paragraphs are used, but some are not appropriate and/or transitions are not smooth. 7 pts Organization, if evident at all, is weak and disjointed. Paragraphs, if used, are weak and transitions are lacking. 6 pts No organization and structure present. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA 5 pts APA formatting is flawless. Title page, Abstract, Running Head, and Reference page are present and correctly formatted. In- text citations are used and correctly formatting according to APA style. 4.5 pts Used and clearly identified 3 scholarly sources and some/ most sources used clearly enhanced ideas. 4 pts Some (2-5) independent errors in APA formatting are present. 3.5 pts Several (5 or more) independent errors in APA formatting are present. 3 pts APA formatting was not used. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics & Style 5 pts Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 4.5 pts Occasional (1-2) independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 4 pts Several (3-5) independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 3.5 pts Numerous (6-8) independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 3 pts An overabundance (9+) of independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar 5 pts Sentences are structured effectively and vary in length and style. 4.5 pts Most sentences are structure effectively and vary in length and style. Occasional (1-2 sentences) contain independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 4 pts Sentences contain several (3-5 sentences) independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 3.5 pts Sentences contain numerous (6-8) independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 3 pts Sentence structure throughout paper made it difficult and/or impossible to read. There were an overabundance (9 or more sentences) of independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 5 pts Links: http://www(dot)beyondintractability(dot)org/essay/peacemaking/ https://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Peacemaking http://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/sites/85broads/2014/05/15/conflict-resolution-when-should-leaders-step-in/#64996c6c3333 http://www(dot)cios(dot)org/encyclopedia/conflict/Asignificance1_dailylife.htm
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name Subject and Section Professors Name June 23, 2024 The Role of Peacekeeping and Peacemaking in the Rwandan Genocide The events of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 demonstrate all the tragic outcomes of the ethnic conflict, as well as the necessity of the prompt and efficient actions of the international community. To achieve this, in this paper, a comparative analysis of the peacekeeping and peacemaking measures adopted during this crisis shall be made, its effectiveness evaluated, and possible other types of intervention that could have helped to reduce the violence examined. Drawing on the insights from of various articles and pieces written on the subject, this analysis will aim at giving a detailed understanding of the roles of the international community in such conflicts. Background of the Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan genocide was conducted between April and July in the year 1994 when the extremist Hutus killed an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus. This mass violence was due to the ethnic tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi elites, which were stimulated by political instabilities as well as economic difficulties (Daniel Mozo). The government's response, especially that of the United Nations, has been severely condemned for inefficiency and timeliness. Keeping of Peace and the Effects to Achieve It The UN deployed the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in October of 1993, whose primary duty was to facilitate the implementation of the Arusha Accords, which called for peace between the Hutu-dominated government and the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). Nonetheless, while the actual genocide was being conducted, the UNAMIR mandate was not strong enough to prevent or even stop the killings. According to some soldiers, the mission was underfunded and restricted by ROE and int'l support. In his article "Peacemaking," Julian Ouellet described the kind of peacemaking that entails negotiation, mediation, and force, although the third is only applied if possible. In this case, UNAMIR's mandate was compromised because of its limited mandate given to it by the internationa...
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