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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Journal 3

Essay Instructions:
Each reflection should be no less than one whole double-spaced page to receive full credit. For my assessment, I will grade these as pass/fail based on the amount of effort, detail, and engagement with course material each student demonstrates. These reflections are simply meant as an opportunity for you to engage deeply with the readings and lecture material. They are not intended to judge your interpretations of course material as “right” or “wrong.” Thus, in these reflections, you might try to explain a concept from that week’s reading assignment in more detail. Or perhaps you will try and relate a theory to your own personal experience/current event. The structure and approach you take in these reflections is up to you, but they must engage with some aspect of the readings and/or lecture material. The journals are informal; they are simply meant for you to have a space to digest the main themes of the week on your own terms. Each week’s journal entry should be, at minimum, one full double-spaced page long. Formatting should follow standard rules: 12-inch Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins on all sides, double spacing. No title necessary. Simply write your name at the top of the page
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journal Reflection Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Journal Reflection This reflection focuses on this week’s journal "Black Feminist Thought" by Patricia Hill Collins. Collins’s exploration of the “matrix of domination” triggers new insights into societal structures. One of such social structural prospects is oppression. According to Collins (1990), society has been perceiving oppression against African-American women wrongly. That is because, in the matrix of domination, oppression is not isolated in a particular form. Instead, multiple forms like race, gender, and class combine to structure oppression. From such a perspective, oppression is characterized by multiplicity and complexity that challenges the conventional Eurocentric and masculinist approaches. Reflecting on various concepts by Collins (1990) like the role of knowledge, the “both/and” thinking triggers various personal experiences on social s...
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