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Week 7: 3 Cybersecurity Questions

Essay Instructions:

1. Explain what psychological factors can often motivate hackers (eg, addiction, crime, greed, status, etc….), and give examples where these motivations were a factor in a cyberattack. What can organizations do to be more proactive in identifying and mitigating hacker threats? 2.As the cybersecurity field expands, the larger community discourse leads to changes in terminology. While some of our course materials may differentiate between the terms "hackers" and "crackers" as threat actors, we will use the terms "ethical hackers" and "nonethical hackers" to make the same differentiation. How do the profiles for ethical and nonethical hackers differ? Should these psychological attributes make a difference as to the amount of, or nature of the punishment meted out to those who are caught? Why or why not? Describe how certain factors can also motivate ethical hackers, or those who defend against cyberattacks (sometimes called cyber warriors or cyber patriots)? (eg, revenge, patriotism, fear of government abuse, pride, respect for the law, ownership, anger, retaliation….) 3.Some mental health and criminal justice professionals contend that hacking is an "addiction," and causes obsessive, risk-taking behavior in a manner similar to illegal narcotics—hackers hack to "get high" from the thrill of breaking into a system and getting away with it. Should policy makers look toward treatment, rather than incarceration, as to the disposition of hacker cases? Why or why not? How do profiles of ethical and non-ethical hackers differ?

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Institute of Affiliation
Question 1.
Psychological factors include the thoughts, feelings and other cognitive factors which impact on the behaviors of a person making them behave in a different manner. Such individuals become greedy and engage in criminal activities, just to satisfy their needs. The psychological drives have subjected cyber terrorists to continue with their evil acts of hacking computer systems for their personal gain, for example, to be paid hence the drive for money is a key factor. Financially oriented individuals opt to attack credit card accounts, information from the bank, or sometimes organizations that collect and utilize the information for financial transactions. Attaining this data allows individuals to sell the data or use it for their financial gains.
An example of theft cases was in Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta where names and addresses were stolen of about 57000 identities in the year 2003 (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1974). The organization being proactive in mitigating these crimes it requires knowledge of what is happening and how it is going to prevent cybercrimes. They have to identify who is the threat, and determining if and when an attack can occur to the organization. It is also about intelligence gathering, and then having the analytical ability to use that knowledge to make critical and strategic business decisions that limit the vulnerability to cyber-attacks (Aiken & Mc Mahon, 2014).
Question 2.
Ethical hacking differs with non-ethical hacking such that, ethical hacking is done for the good of the organization. It is done by an I.T expert to secure the system for the owner, by seeking vulnerabilities that an unethical hacker could exploit. The owner's consent is required in this form of hacking hence punishment is not necessary. Ethical hacking is motivated by patriotism, a sense of loyalty towards one's organization (Fitch, 2004).
Non-ethical hacking is conducted with negative motives to cause damage to the network system. The hacker breaks into the system, for var...
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