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SOC 213 Assignment: Families, Women and Gender Inequality

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following questions in essay format using APA format. Submit your responses as one document clearly marking each question. You may make use of ONLY course materials to support your answers; this includes your readings, videos, lectures, forums, emails and Internet links provided in the course. Each question is worth 10 marks and each response should be no more than 4 pages in length (1000 words). Please submit as either a Microsoft Word Document or as a Rich Text file do not submit as a PDF. 1) To what extent should the federal government develop policies and programs to redress many of the problems created by earlier policies? Provide examples. 2) Critically analyze the notion that women are naturally inclined to cook, clean and raise children with respect to how this ideology is used to justify gender inequality. *****Sources: http://wherearethechildren(dot)ca/en http://www(dot)nfb(dot)ca/film/in_the_shadow_of_gold_mountain/ http://www(dot)nfb(dot)ca/film/sharia_in_canada_part_2/ http://www(dot)nfb(dot)ca/film/sharia_in_canada_part_1/

Soc 213: Summer 2013

Major Paper 30%  


Your paper was evaluated based on three dimensions.  Each dimension of the different parts will be marked as such: Aspects, done well (Y), requiring some improvement (OK), requiring much improvement (X), done poorly (XX).


  1. A.      Introduction                       ____/ 25


Provided a good introductory discussion as to the relevance of this topic ____

Provided a clear understanding of what the issues are regarding the topic ___

Provided a clear outline for the direction that the paper is going to take ____

Provided a clear summary statement of what the paper set out to accomplish ____























  1. B.      Crafting and Making the Argument                           ____/ 50


Arguments need to be succinct and well thought out ___

Acknowledged the counter arguments ____

Provide documented evidence to support arguments ____

Set out argument in a logical and coherent manner _____

Demonstration of the originality of the argument ____

Concluded with a clear and concise position_ ___























  1. Professionalism                                ___/ 25                                                                               

APA Formatting:

Title Page __ Abstract   In-text Citations ___Reference Page __  Met Minimum Number of Sources __ Overall Use of APA___



Spelling ____ Sentence Structure _____ Organization of the Paper _____

Overall Clarity of the Writing _____


Paper Grade:

Section A:      ___ / 25

Section B:       ____ / 50

Section C:       _____ / 25

Total:              ___ / 100=__/30



Essay Sample Content Preview:

SOC 213 - Families
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Women and Gender Inequality
Nowadays, it is popular and common to find women with their careers (Olivia, 2014) and in some instances their husbands remaining back at home. A few years back, this would have been deemed unfashionable and unusual. Therefore, it is seen that there has been an evolution of gender roles, and more precisely the roles of women which have metamorphosed gradually.
The fundamental ideology of women as beings only specialized in the kitchen has changed and now they are equally seen in workplaces of the same caliber as men. However, the debate on whether women ought to own careers or not is intensifying. The women in jobs have been portrayed as selfish and have been viewed as unable to balance between personal life and work. Even though the society is transitioning to an egalitarian one, gender inequality is still prevalent amongst people. This development has led to many comparisons between men and women who undertake similar roles thus portraying the practicability of gender inequality. A female politician is treated differently from their male counterparts who have the upper hand in authority. (Olivia, 2014)
Women, sadly, are not making the top of any profession in the world (Sheryl, 2010). She goes ahead to give the statistics of the number of women who are reprinted in politics. Also in the corporate world and other heads of state, it is clear that the statistics show a huge variance of the women representation. This statistics still show that there have not been significant changes since 2002.
With the current society of civil rights, this matter ought to be addressed in-depth since it is still reflecting the confinement of the past on women. The community needed to be sensitized on the capabilities of women and made to understand that they are capable of what man can do. Whether a female is in the job market for professional success or personal fulfillment, they need to be given a chance to prove themselves and exploit their potentiality and abilities to the fullest without any fear or hindrances of how the society will perceive them.
Programs and mentorship activities should be emphasized on to train women on the much they can do. Empowerment of women is a necessity which if embraced can be of great help to the society as a whole. The few women who have struggled their way to the top have portrayed exemplary success amongst them receiving Nobel award for work well done. Self-help groups could also help women build themselves in a productive way.
Women will cease to be a shielded gender. Virginia (1929) argues that eventually women will be able to participate in all activities and exertions that were once denied to them. Exploring what life of a female has been lik...
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