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Water Quality: Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions carefully as this is a very specific essay. The city that this water report will need to be used from is Marysville, Washington.

Write a 750-1,000-word essay about water quality in your community that addresses the following points:

1. Obtain a water quality report from your local municipality within the last two years and discuss what you found in the report?

2. Identify a water quality issue happening in your community and where the pollution comes from? This includes point sources (for example, water discharge from a factory; contamination from a Superfund site), Non-point sources (for example, agricultural runoff), and Natural sources.

3. Describe how the pollution source is impacting the environment and human health in your community, and provide two examples of each.

4. Identify three management practices to minimize water pollution.

Remember to support your data and information with appropriate citations. A minimum of five peer-reviewed references must be included.

**Here are 2 ways to get your water quality report:

1) google search your city and water quality report 2019 (or the most current year available is OK for this).

2) or go to: http://cfpub(dot)epa(dot)gov/safewater/ccr/

If you have well water instead of city water, please choose a nearby city to answer the questions.

I just figured out how to create a video using loom so I thought I would make a video on how to read the contaminant chart on the water quality report to help answer question 1. Here is the link to that video:


Also, if you need help formatting the water quality report on a reference page in APA format, I also created a short video with an example of how to do this:


I hope the videos help!

For question 1, we just want a brief explanation of the water report (did the water report meet all standards, was it in any violation, where does the tap water come from according to the report, what were some contaminants they tested for, etc.). The very last sentence in this paragraph should then be the thesis statement for the essay (the overall main points for the essay). For question 2, if your water quality report meets all standards and you cannot find a water issue in your city or town it is ok to look for a water issue that occurred in the state instead and talk about that for question 2. Just make sure that you state in this paragraph if your water issue is an example of a point, nonpoint, or natural pollution source. For question 3, this will relate back to the water issue (how does the water issue (or how could it) impact human health and the environment. For question 4, this is a more general question, what are some water management practices that are or could be used to help reduce water pollution in the tap water. I hope this helps. If you have any questions please let me know.**

**Avoid using first or second person statements in academic papers. Using "I" makes the content less credible and using "you" or "we" appears as though you are assuming elements about the reader that may not be correct. Consider using "the author" or "this author" or revise the sentence to eliminate it completely

Contractions should not be used in any academic writing... use the full words i.e. don't or can't become do not and cannot.

Wikipedia is not considered a valid or reliable research resource. You should not use or cite information gathered from Wikipedia, or blog. Look for a GCU library reference, a website ending with .edu, .gov, or a .org that includes references within the article.

If there is no date for an article you still need to have n.d. for your in-text citation and reference.

If there is no author, use the first three words of the article title for the in-text citation.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Water Quality
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The City of Marysville Washington water quality report, the water supplied in the taps of Marysville comes from The well of lake Goodwin (Drinking Water Quality Marysville, WA - Official Website, 2020).The report the water purity and it is normally treated through the following facilities, Stillaguamish filtration point and Sunnyside water treatment facility, the water quality results of 2019 there was no radioactive ,organic ,inorganic ,synthetic or volatile substances that were found above maximum contaminant level. Lead is slightly above the maximum contaminant level. This is because it comes from corrosion of household plumbing system (Annual Water Quality Reports | DCWater.com, 2020). The amount of lead and copper in water is regulated from the consumer taps to make the water more safe. In this essay the main cause of pollution and how it affects the environment and the people in Washington is explained. Ways in which the pollution can be stopped is also explained.
In Marysville, there are many causes of pollution. One of these sources is leakage from subterrene piping and storage. There is usually a risk that the pipes may break while conveying petroleum products, and the contents of these pipes may end up in water used by the occupants of Marysville. Inadvertent leakage sometimes occurs, and that leads to sailing or water pollution. When petroleum products mix with water, it becomes a direct threat to people who drink and use it for other purposes.
The source of water pollution is the leaking of sewers in Marysville. When the pipes that carry untreated water break and leak, the sewage can go directly to the oceans' estuaries, and rivers, causing harm to people who consume the water. Septic tanks that are not properly managed can also cause water pollution and the contents of the septic tanks, which include human excrement, can cause infections such as Cholera (Suner, 2020), which is fatal to human health if not treated within the first few hours.
Moreover, another cause of water pollution in Marysville is the emissions from the vehicles. These emissions can find their way into surface water or underground water. This is dangerous since the emissions may contain heavy metals such as mercury and lead, resulting in cancerous infections. The oil that is left behind a parked car can run off and find itself in water sources.
Furthermore, the fourth source of water pollution in Marysville, is the runoff of agricultural products (Duggal, 2020). Agriculture presents one of the prominent sources of water pollution in Marysville. Agriculture activities tend to release wastes that once in contact with water, cause pollution. The primary sources of water pollution from agricultural activities include manufactured nutrients. If these nutrients are used excessively, they become hazardous to human health (Suner, 2020). Most nutrients contain dangerous nitrates, especially to babies. These excess nutrients can be harmful to aquatic life. Presently, human beings get lesser fish than they used to get. Animal waste can also cause water pollution since when the wastes get washed to water surfaces by the rain, they bring to life harmful waterborne pathogens. Animals produce triple the waste of hu...
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