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The Media and the Promulgation of Stereotypes and the Islam Terrorism Phobia

Essay Instructions:


Read the case, The Media, and the Promulgation of Stereotypes (linked here, and also on page 49 in the textbook), and respond to two (2) of the four(4) questions at the end of the case in a short two-page paper.

Your paper MUST contain a cover page, in-text citations, headings, and reference page (APA Style 7th ed). Also, check proper use of paragraphs.

Paper MUST be formatted in APA style.


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Check anything APA at Purdue Online Writing Lab or in the Writing Resources area of the course.

APA is always double space, no more no less.

The title page must have a header and page number.

The Center of the title page has the title of the assignment, your name, and the college name. NO MORE!

Don't forget the References page. If you list a reference, it must also appear as an in-text citation and vice versa. Never use the words "Works Cited" on the References page. Use the word "References".

Refrain from using the following phrases when writing an academic paper: "I believe" "In my opinion" "I think" "I". The reason you use references is so you can write about what has been researched, this information has validity.

Use headings to take the reader from one point to another. Remember the reader has no idea what this case is about.

Case:The Media and the Promulgation of Stereotypes

News reports, television, movies, and commercials communicate stereotypes about perpetrators and victims of crime, gender roles, age groups, and numerous other diversity issues. People tend to believe what they see on television and read on news sites, implicitly trusting writers and reporters to be objective conveyors of what is actually occurring. Yet those who write and choose stories are not unbiased. Instead, they are products of a society in which racial, ethnic, gender, and other stereotypes exist; and can contribute to perpetuation of stereotypes. For example, minorities are disproportionately portrayed as perpetrators of crime in the news. One study found that over fourteen weeks, minorities were shown to be crime perpetrators in 20% more cases than would be predicted based on FBI statistics.

Although Whites comprise a greater proportion of arrests for drug-related crimes (67%), Blacks (31%) are more likely to be shown on television being arrested for such crimes. News reports are also more likely to portray Black on White crime, although most crime is intra-racial (e.g., Black on Black or White on White). The term “Black on Black” crime is well known, but “White on White” crime is not.

Chapter 4 describes research in which college-educated Black applicants without a criminal record received fewer positive responses from employers than college- educated White applicants with a record. In some cases, the Black applicant was asked in advance whether he had a record, reflecting beliefs likely in some part fueled by media representations. Divisive and erroneous stereotypes about Black men contribute to their higher unemployment when compared with comparably educated White men, lower participation rates (see Chapter 4), and a host of other individual, organizational, and societal problems. Researchers have documented relationships between television viewing and stereotyping of women and racial and ethnic minorities. For minorities, less actual contact with a group exacerbates the relationships between media viewing and stereotyping.

Questions to Consider

Chapter 2. Theories and Thinking About Diversity

Diversity in Organizations, 3rd Edition by Myrtle P. Bell

1. In addition to racial, ethnic, and gender stereotyping, what other kinds of stereotypes have you seen in the media? How do frequent portrayals of such stereotypes affect people’s perceptions of their veracity?

2. Choose one weeknight and one weekend night to watch television news during prime time. Describe the race, sex, approximate age, and other notable factors of people featured in the news. What diversity-related factors do you observe?

3. One commercial that has attempted to change what was a stereotypical statement is the revised Jif ® peanut butter commercial. Previous commercials said, “Choosy Moms choose Jif ®”; the newer one says, “Choosy Moms ... and Dads choose Jif ®.” What other stereotype-resistant commercials have you observed? What stereotype-supportive commercials have you observed? What messages are being conveyed?

4. Investigate the circumstances surrounding the 2010 Shirley Sherrod/USDA media-driven disaster. What could have prevented the disaster from spreading with such fervor?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media Stereotypes
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Media Stereotypes
Islam Terrorism Phobia
Stereotypes exist within societies, and they are ingrained in the behaviour of people. With the advent of technology, stereotyping has become the norm, and numerous discriminative and oppressive ideas are spread at a quicker pace. It is critical to assess the impact of such stereotypes, but we should not overlook the role that the media plays. One of the most common stereotypes is that all Muslims are terrorists and that they are partly or actively involved in criminal terrorist activities globally. Such stereotypes are as a result of globalization, and the context is always applied while attacks occur in places outside Islamic jurisdictions, especially in the middle and Far East (Sommer & Kühne, 2020). Such stereotypes are the catalysts of islamophobia which refers to the fear of Muslims. The statistic shows that the rates increased two-fold after the 9/11 attack on American soil. Among the countries which display high levels of islamophobia include Canada, America and the United Kingdom.
Show Stereotypes
Drug abuse has become a menace in America and over the weekend and weekday shows there is the constant portrayal of the black youths as primary abusers. In weekday shows, most drug abuse and drug bust news show that the minority black community is directly involved although statistics from human rights and Drug Enforcement Agency show that the problem is common among the white and black races. Most weekend shows feature murder news, and here the black minority is also targeted and portrayed as the perpetrators. In drug abuse news it is usually the uneducated male black youth involved while in murder cases, it is usually the...
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