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HLS 501 Assignment 3: Volcanic Eruptions in the World

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 3
Research three (3) past volcanic eruptions worldwide.
For this assignment, prepare and submit an essay of between 1,250 and 1,750 words (with a typical font and spacing this will be between 5 and 7 pages in length) identifying:
harmful impacts on populations and critical infrastructure, including primary health impacts that occurred in nearby communities,
the damage to critical infrastructure and resultant impact on local populations,
agency response (governmental or private agencies) and ethical dimension,
the psychological and economic damage resulting from the eruptions,
your opinion as to the communities’ current readiness to protect populations and infrastructure from similar eruptions in the future.
Please cite at least seven (7) credible references. Much of this information can be obtained from government Internet sites, historic news articles, and research studies.
All citations included in your assignment must follow APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Volcanic Eruptions in the World
Course Title:
Volcanic eruptions and impact on community and economy
Mount Tambora explosion
The Mount Tambora volcanic eruption occurred in 1815 and recorded as the largest ever explosion (Singh, 2013). This eruption recorded a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 7, thus a super-colossal volcano. Moreover, the Mount Tambora volcano is located on the Sumbawa Island, and still active. It is also one of the highest peaks in the Indonesian archipelago. The eruption was so loud that it was heard more than 1200 miles away (Gunn, 2008). The explosion caused the death of roughly 71,000 people, as well as clouds heavy ash dropping on far-way islands. The Mount Tambora eruption had harmful impacts on populations and critical infrastructure, including primary health impacts (Gunn, 2008). For instance, estimated 11,000-12,000 people were destroyed directly by the explosion of Tambora. In addition, the eruption led to tsunami waves of up to 4 metres that struck several Indonesian islands, further augmenting the death number. Eruptive fallout damaged agricultural productivity resulting to famine and diseases that caused deaths.
The eruption had damage to critical infrastructure with resultant impact on local populations. The Mount Tambora volcano spewed out towers of fire and terrific cloud of ash and gas into the air (Sanchez, 2013). The eruption continued for over three days where lava and ash damaged the island’s soil, as well as poisoned streams and rivers. The contaminated streams and rivers led to poor hygiene, increased diarrhoeal disease plus a malnourished population. Moreover, it ruined rice paddies, no crops would grow, no fish to catch; nearly all animals were killed. The local population was trapped and without food and starved to death. The local people on Sumbawa and near islands led simple lives.
Some of the psychological and economic damage resulting from the eruptions include destruction on landscape, destruction of buildings housing businesses and companies, death of economically-productive, and ash and lava flow damaging crops and water in farms (Gunn, 2008). The affected population is affected psychologically through traumatisation because of death and ruin of their homes and land. Victims have to evacuate from their lands to prevent more deaths.
Indonesia is a highly disaster-prone country and regularly experiences landslides, tsunamis, flooding, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and drought. In view of communities’ current readiness to protect populations and infrastructure from similar eruptions in the future several organisations have responsibilities. The bodies include the national disaster management agency, the government, the National Centre of Volcano and Geological Hazard Mitigation (Sanchez, 2013). Through the response system, the community is able to evacuate populations in case of a disaster. The emergency protocol involves early warning as well as preparedness. The government uses a risk communication strategy to inform the community about danger, coordinate evacuation, and risk mitigation.
Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption
Mount Pinatube sits in Luzon, Philippines and experienced a volcanic eruption in 1991 (Ganeri, 2009). It was the second-largest volcanic explosion of the century to affect a highly populated area. The explosion produced high-speed flows of hot ash, huge mudflows, and gas hundreds of miles in the area.
Luckily, scientists from the U.S Geological Survey and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology had predicted Pinatubo’s eruption. As a result, this forecast helped save at least 5,000 lives and estimated $250M in property (Ganeri, 2009). In addition, commercial aircrafts were warned on the danger of ash cloud and most evaded it, however, a several jets flying to the west of Philippines came upon ash leading to damages of estimated $100 million. Some of critical infrastructure ruined includes two biggest U.S military bases-Subic Bay Naval Station and Clark Air Base-that were largely destroyed by the volcano’s ash (Reilly, 2009). Estimated 20 million tons of gas were blown into the air, causing global temperatures to fall temporarily by about 0.5°C (Reilly, 2009). The explosion greatly ruined homes, housing 3 million residents in Central Luzon. In addition, 20,000 local Aeta highlanders living on the slopes of the mount, were completely displaced, and started living in resettlement camps (Fisher, Heiken, & Hulen, 1997). Estimated 200,000 of victims returned to their homes but continued to experience danger from lahars that buried several villages and towns (Fisher, Heiken, & Hulen, 1997). The volcano also affected sugar cane fields and rice paddies.
Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption affected Philippines economic in various ways. The fertile soil lands in the Central Plain and the richest agricultural area was destroyed immensely (Guzman, n.d). This region has a productive irrigation system plus favourable weather, and produced three rice harvests annually. T...
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