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Understanding Politics and Social Welfare Research

Essay Instructions:

Politics permeates all stages of policy creation. “Although there are elements of rationalism in policy making, the policy process is largely political” (DiNitto & Johnson, 2012, p. 10). Therefore, social workers/human service workers’ involvement in the political process of policy making is crucial to client relationships and positions held in organizations and communities. In other words, it is important to examine political factors as they come into play during the various stages of the policy process: problem definition, the framing of policy solutions, policy enactment, and policy implementation. In this discussion, you will learn how both the rational and political approach shape bureaucracies and institutions in which social welfare policies are implemented. You will also focus on how social policy functions as policy orders and governs social relations between classes and groups through institutional structures such as economy, education, politics, social welfare, etc.

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Policy Process
Policy Process
The policy process is one that is quite complex relative to the many factors that have to be taken into consideration. Of importance to note as well is that, most of the factors tend to have some element of dynamisms. Such, which what the stance is today may rapidly change in manner of hours. For policy makers, they have to juggle with quite a number of aspect before they can finally narrow down on the policy alternative that they can work with (Popstoolkit.com, 2016). Even then, the policies have to be evaluated for their suitability to all the parties involved. It is rarely possible for a policy to satisfy all the needs and concerns of the parties involved, as such policy makers have to come with best and most fitting policy for all the parties, with relative compromise and benefits for all.
One of the category of factors that is quite unpredictable and one that has massive impact on the policy process and thus the selection of the policy alternatives is the social factor. This a category that includes aspects such as war, immigration, demographic factors and urbanization among others. When there are shifts in this aspects, the policy alternatives also have to shift (Kazmi, 2013). For example, in case of a war policy developments involving greening of the cities are likely to be put on hold relative to the fact that, the country has to deal with the war crisis at first before any other developments internally and externally. Economic factors also play a great role in the policy process and thus the choices between alternative policies. In the case of a development such as a recession, it is possible that the alternatives of the various economic policies are going to be reevaluated to accommodate the current changes. Technological changes also tend to have massive impacts on the policy process and the choices made between alternative policies (Flat World Knowledge...
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