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Video Games and Games in Therapy

Essay Instructions:

I want to focus on games and video games impact in therapy. Both potential and practical. I want a huge focus of the paper to be on \"super better\" the alternative reality theraputic game.

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Video Games and Games in Therapy
In the recent years, video games have found their way into the medical use and this is common in clinical care of the youth. This has therefore, raised much academic interest in the field. Due to their popularity among the youths, they may qualify as appropriate approaches to therapy among children and adolescents but also proving effective among adults. An increasing number of health professional are becoming interested in innovative and cost effective methods of therapy. It includes incorporation of serious games in therapy CITATION Kal12 \l 1033 (Kalapanidas, 2012).
Data bases reviews reveal that out of a total of 1,474 reports on video games, 1,121 were published only in the last decade. The most common clinical uses for video games reported include are psychoeducation in management of chronic diseases to increase treatment adherence and physical therapy and rehabilitation after a traumatic brain injury CITATION Cer10 \l 1033 (Ceranoglu, 2010). They also serve as adjuncts in the management of pain during medical procedures, induction of anesthesia, or Chemotherapy in cancer CITATION Cer10 \l 1033 (Ceranoglu, 2010).
The repeatability attribute of video games compared to other forms of games has proved useful in the development of manual-based therapeutic interventions similar to the ones utilized in cognitive-behavioral therapy. In the area of group therapy, it has been proved useful in treating distress among the youths and also facilitates the stage of moral development CITATION Cer10 \l 1033 (Ceranoglu, 2010). Other games have been used to develop social skills among children with developmental disorders. They provide virtual environments allowing the individual to control an avatar using the relevant external hardware and through this environment the player rehearses social and problem solving skills learned CITATION Cer10 \l 1033 (Ceranoglu, 2010).
The progress of science and technology has also revolutionized the methods of providing occupational therapy across all ages. The development of a Virtual world in the gaming world has occasioned the development of virtual rehabilitation that provides unique treatment methods. CITATION Hal08 \l 1033 (Halton, 2008)
This is using virtual reality (VR) and virtual environments (VE) in rehabilitation to provide a natural or real-life environment and individuals forget of their surrounding and focus on the task within the simulated environment CITATION Hal08 \l 1033 (Halton, 2008). For example, in November 2006, Nintendo a video game company released the Wii game console that is based upon the wireless controller (Wii Remote) that utilizes accelerometers in three axes and an infra-red sensory bar that recognizes environmental gestures. This is utilized as a general treatment in occupational therapy as regular treatment in adults with client and occupational therapists reports being positive CITATION Hal08 \l 1033 (Halton, 2008).
SuperBetter a social game developed by Jane McGonigal is designed to improve and individual's physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. SuperBetter was design with a multidisciplinary team from neuroscience, positive psychology, and medicine CITATION Wan14 \l 1033 (Wang & Singhal, 2014). Gaming elements that build compelling quest, provoke emotions that are positive, strengthen social connections, and improves an individual's resilience was incorporated. Here players can invite their loved ones who have had similar experiences (“Allies”) to assist in developing their personal goals (“Quests”), barriers (Bad Guys”), motivators (“Power-ups”), and rewards (“Achievements”). Therefore, serves as a self-management tool and a social support platform that is structured for the family and friends to support the individual in times of crisis CITATION Wan14 \l 1033 (Wang & Singhal, 2014).
Clinical trials are being conducted on SuperBeter's efficacy in traumatic brain injury recovery, weight loss and fitness, and dealing with clinical depression CITATION Wan14 \l 1033 (Wang & Singhal, 2014). For example, a collaborative study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and the SuperBetter Labs LLC in 2013 on patients with depression. The post test results after 1 month revealed the SuperBetter players reported decreased scores of depression (12.9 points) that were higher compared to a waiting group population that was waiting to use the SuperBetter game (5.1 points). Patients who had played the game also reported a greater decline in symptoms related to depression. The Pre-test was conducted six weeks later and the participants reported an even higher decline in their number of symptoms (8.5 symptoms) compared to the waiting list participants (3 symptoms) that were experienced 3-4 days in a week CITATION Uni13 \l 1033 (University of Pennsylvania & SuperBetter Labs, LLC, 2013).
The use of games in therapy (gamification) is effective in panic disorders treatment as they help the client keep track of their exercises, practice meditation, and have a healthy lifestyle. This helps them feel better and reconnect and reach out to their friends and family CITATION van13 \l 1033 (van der Laar, 2013). The use of the game should provide an experience and help the patient stay up to date with the therapist and compare people with other people in order to compare scores or provide support. The game should create an epic story that helps an individual with panic disorder that will indicate to the client that they are doing well CITATION van13 \l 1033 (van der Laar, 2013).
In panic disorder, SuperBetter can help the individual cope with everyday life and improve their lifestyle hence become less stressed. The Power Ups help the individual feel better and the Bad-Guys represent the disease symptoms and negative behaviors promoting the progress of your condition. When the enemy is defeated in the game, it helps the client believe the negative behaviors and symptoms can be dealt with effectively CITATION van13 \l 1033 (van der Laar, 2013). The quests help the patient plan and work towards achieving the set goal. When the goal is attained they receive a reward or praise. This helps the patient find meaning and purpose, keep track with the therapist and stay committed and socially connected CITATION van13 \l 1033 (van der Laar, 2013).
Proposals exist for the creation of a gamified site for Alzheimer's Therapy (Prevention and Care). The aim here is to educate the population at risk and engage them in stimulating activities and habits (protective factors) CITATION Ler13 \l 1033 (Leroux & Rivas, 2013). The site would combine an exercise tracking, activity logging, daily reminder, calorie counting, and articles on aspects regarding Alzheimer, brain games, therapeutic music, sleep monitors and “quests” involving outdoor activities participation and social community CITATION Ler13 \l 1033 (Leroux & Rivas, 2013).
The key area in Alzheimer's rehabilitation is fostering new memory formation. Research reveals that by building the Brain's plasticity could help repair the brain and provides positive treatment for Alzheimer's CITATION Ler13 \l 1033 (Leroux & Rivas, 2013). Therefore, the site containing games and Apps would simplify this task by incorporating principles of patient centered therapy by including different apps and games for carers and patients at different stages of the disease. In addition, it will accommodate the patient's declining abilities, disease acceptance and increased reliance on caregivers CITATION Ler13 \l 1033 (Leroux & Rivas, 2013).
A market research conducted revealed different solutions to address the Alzheimer's problem and several games and applications were identified including SuperBetter. It was found effective in Alzheimer's as it created a heroic storyline that could strongly motivate the patient towards self help CITATION Ler13 \l 1033 (Leroux & Rivas, 2013). The goals of the game can be customized and hence made to fit the different stages of the disease. Moreover, the game is adaptable and can be used on populations susceptible to Alzheimer's to train their minds or delay the onset of the disease CITATION Ler13 \l 1033 (Leroux & Rivas, 2013).
Phone applications, serious games, and other persuasive technologies all target one goal; the creation of an engaging and efficacious experience that is directed towards positive behavior change CITATION Par13 \...
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