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Victimizing Immigrants

Essay Instructions:

Show your understanding of LEARNING MODULE: Governing and Enforcement of "Immigration" Policies by watching at least two (2) videos of real-world accounts for the victimization of immigrants. Using the lessons and your research, you then will explain how these stories reveal how US policies towards immigration and how it is enforced by police makes immigrants vulnerable.

You will show the depth of your knowledge by doing each of: - learning module attached

(1) Watch at least two (2) of the below videos. Click on title for the link and description.

If the link does not work, search for the title in S Youtube, or PBS website. If you still cannot locate it, to avoid delaying your papers, analyze the issue using the other sources in your lessons (make sure to include citations) and add a comment to your submission saying the video was not accessible. I will note it when grading.

Rape on the night shift


Sex Trafficking in America


Trafficked in America


Hate Crimes - Murder of Vincent Who?

(2) Recall and critically consider the specific lessons about the relationship between law enforcement and immigrant communities. Consider how society marginalizes immigrants to the degree their victimization is shielded from oversight.

(3)Conduct brief research (blogs, podcasts, news stories, journal articles, etc.) for another real-world example that illustrates the unique vulnerability immigrants and the immigrant communities have to being victims of crime. (Note, this is not intended to be complicated or extensive research: you simply are asked to briefly search on the internet for another example that reminds you of what you saw in the video.)

To illustrate:

Illustration (pick a different news story, but this will give you ideas):

Florida massage parlor bust sheds light on human trafficking problem in US (Links to an external site.)

‘Dozens of arrests yet to come’ in sex-trafficking ring, Martin County sheriff says: report (Links to an external site.)

Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Charged With Soliciting Prostitution (Links to an external site.)

CNN singers history in trafficking Download CNN singers history in trafficking

Victimizing the Children of Immigrants Latino and Asian American Student Victimization, Anthony A. Peguero http://citeseerx(dot)ist(dot)psu(dot)edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Intimate Partner Violence in Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Challenges, Promising Practices and Recommendations https://www(dot)futureswithoutviolence(dot)org/userfiles/file/ImmigrantWomen/IPV_Report_March_2009.pdf

(4) Analyze how immigrants and immigrant communities are uniquely subject to victimization. In approx. 2-4pgs (1,000-2,000 words) explain:

(4a) Show your understanding by describing what the victimization was in each video. Do more than list generically(e.g., they were trafficked for cheap labor, etc.); instead, you must specifically describe what the victimization is. Specifically reference parts of the video that your description is based on.

Illustration: "...as part of their work, Z could not leave the factory. And after having worked 12 hours without a break, she earned several dollars whereas the shoes she made sold for hundreds of dollars. What made it victimization goes beyond the lack of pay, but to isolate her from everyone so she couldn't complain.)

(4b) Cut-and-paste a hyperlink, screenshot, or upload a copy of the headline, article, and/or video you found in your research. Summarize in your own words what you found in your research. This is not a long write up, rather, you just need to include a brief summary (in your own words) informing your classmates what you found and how it illustrates or builds on the controversy. Describe the part of the video your research explains or is an example of, and how it relates.

(4c) Based on specifically cited references to the videos and your research, show your understanding of the human impact of the victimization by explaining what you believe the victim lost as a result of the acts against him/her (e.g., dignity, the freedoms they came to the US to pursue, connection to America, etc.) .

Illustration: "When, in the video, they showed Z suffer .... this cost her the dignity of choice which Z came to the US to get."

(4d) Based on our course lessons, explain the role of law enforcement has in perpetuating, if not causing, in this controversy. Use specifically cited references to any of the learning module materials to explain whether, in your opinion, law enforcement helps or hurts immigrant victims of crime. Use the video to illustrate this belief.

Illustration: "When, in the video, they showed that complaints were made to law enforcement several times without any response. .... ."

4e) Based on our course lessons, explain the role of public sentiment and/or media has in perpetuating, if not causing, in this controversy. Use specifically cited references to any of the learning module materials to explain whether, in your opinion, they help or hurt immigrant victims of crime. Use the video to illustrate this belief.

Illustration: "When, in the video, they showed entire streets filled with victims of trafficking. But hardly helping, the neighbors only made it more difficult for the victims by criminalizing them. In my opinion, it seemed like the victims were being blamed or scapegoated. .... ."

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Victimizing Immigrants
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Victimizing Immigrants
Immigration makes for one of the contentious issues in the world today as millions of people are leaving their home countries in search of opportunities to make their lives better abroad. The United States and European countries record an increasing number of illegal or rather undocumented immigrants trying to escape poverty and other harsh living conditions in their countries of origin. Immigrants have recently been in the spotlight following the uproar of politicians in the United States seeking to curb the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States. Such calls by the political elite have exposed them to many challenges, including widespread arrests of undocumented individuals and even deportation to their home countries. The politicization of immigrants further finds its way into the general population leading to the victimization of immigrants by society as a whole. Immigrants are often marginalized and denied access to maximum utilization of public institutions such as the justice system as they lack the proper documentation to use such facilities. Limited access and utilization of such facilities account for the wide range of challenges immigrants face in their quest to secure greener pastures as individuals and their families. Lack of proper documentation and marginalization of immigrants by other members of the United State's society makes them vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, and even violence in their places of work or residence. Authorities have overlooked their exploitation and abuse due to their immigrant status, with public institutions lacking in their abilities and capacity to address their concerns, which leads to their victimization even as they are on the receiving end of social vices such rape and sexual exploitation. Provided herein is a comprehensive overview of the manifestation of immigrants' victimization in a society that boasts of robust institutions established to protect the rights and freedoms of all across the social, political, and economic divide.
A short documentary film by Frontline released in 2015 highlights the victimization of immigrant women who have fallen prey to sexual abuse and harassment while working for some of the leading janitorial companies in the United States. The documentary film Rape on the Night Shift captures the ordeal of female janitors working at night in corporate buildings across the country. In one of the first scenes of the film, Maria Bojorquez narrates a painful ordeal where her supervisor sexually harassed and abused her while working her shift. Bojorquez is raped by her supervisor, who dares to laugh at her face after raping her and claims that no one will believe her if she goes to the authority. Bojorquez worked for ABM Industries Inc, a janitorial company that characterized several cases of sexual assault on women working for the company CITATION Neu19 \l 1033 (Neuman, 2019). Bojorquez narrates her ordeal while pushing back her tears as she recounted the events of that fateful night when she was sexually assaulted by her manager CITATION Neu19 \l 1033 (Neuman, 2019). The worst thing about such occurrences is that the perpetrators often go unpunished, claiming not to have committed such crimes as the victims never report such cases with the urgency required by the law. Bojorquez and other victims of rape, such as Maria Magana, fail the law enforcement age...
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