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US Foreign Policy

Essay Instructions:

You will take your policy brief assignments and turn them into an in-depth policy analysis paper. You will utilize the brief to expand on your key recommendations, flushing out their implications, potential outcomes, and implementation strategy. The final paper will also ask you to consider obstacles your policy recommendations might face and a few suggestions of how to overcome these obstacles.
Building from your policy brief, your full policy analysis paper should be broken down as follows:
A brief description of the relationship between the country you’ve chosen and the US (i.e. significance) and a short background on the policy history of the US on the chosen topic. (~2 pages)
Take your bullet pointed proscribed recommendations and flush out each of the points. Include a short discussion about how you would recommend implementing this recommendation (~3-4 pages)
This should include considering:
What agencies would be included.
Whether or not multilateral engagement is necessary and with whom.
What kinds of resources might be required.
What you would need the other country to do for it to be effective.
A set of expected outcomes as they pertain to political, economic, and/or security implications. Here you should now also include information about what obstacles might occur and how to overcome them. (~2-3pages)
A short conclusion flushing out your broader strategy with engaging your chosen country on your chosen topic. (~½ to 1 page)
One graphic to take up no more than ⅓ of a page.
8-10 pages, double-spaced.
Times New Roman, 12pt font w/1” margins
In-text citations and sources in APSA format.

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POLS 135: US Foreign Policy
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POLS 135: US Foreign Policy
Despite the immigrant challenges that have shaken the USA and Mexico's relationship, there are positive reasons to prove the strong relationship between the two (Harmon, 2021). In 2020, Mexico was regarded as the top three-nation in bilateral relationships. For example, the total exports to Mexico totaled $582 billion in 2020. That alone reflects the significance of the relationship between the two countries. Notably, Mexico is a depot for crude oil, and in 2020, the country supplied the USA with million tons of oil which made it the most significant oil supplier to the USA. On the other hand, the USA exported machinery and other technical products to Mexico. Of note, this particular set of data reflects the 2020 financial year alone.
Their relationship has been concreted for more than five decades. Different reasons support the strong relationship between the USA and Mexico (Harmon, 2021). For instance, the proximity between the two countries makes business flow fast and effective. The NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) fosters a strong relationship between Mexico and North America (Griffin, 2018). Both USA and Mexico have strong cultural and economic ties which cannot be broken. Every country has its challenges but identifying strength is the most crucial entity in business. For this reason, USA and Mexico have realized their potential in terms of export and imports. Canada has been included in the bracket, and it is increasing excellent business relations with Mexico. However, the cost of their relations has been relatively high, especially with a political imbalance in Mexico.
The economic policy was officiated in 1994, and the agreement's objective (NAFTA) was to enhance the supply chain for companies in both countries (Hiemstra, 2019). Mexico is a top import destination for American products after China and Canada. However, the USA and Mexico have had great tension in immigrants and business for the last five years. These two items affected their relations, especially during the Trump administration. The Trump administration imposed the aluminum tariffs led to a breakout between the two countries. The increased tariffs on imports affected business on both sides. The prices of oil increased, which also affected supply chain manufacturers. There has been a bilateral meeting to foster and curb some of the challenges associated with the fallout. The High-Level Economic Dialogue is a bilateral effort meant to strengthen economic relations between the two countries.
HLRCC (High-Level Regulatory Cooperation Council) is a border management policy that was started to solve border issues (Becerra, 2012). Policy interests are critical in every country since they help enhance productivity and boost the economy of a nation. The vast market for USA products has enabled the relations between the two countries to be incredible. The credibility of the policies structured by both USA and Mexico policies is reflected in business expansion on both sides. Mexico has a large population which provides a ready market for different products. In this case, the country has a high purchasing power, making the USA their best allies (Harmon, 2021).
America also has high imports from Mexico, and it is an interdependence between the two countries. Proximity and purchasing power in both countries enhance their economic relations. Foreign Direct Investment between USA and Mexico cannot be left without recognition since it built a platform to introduce NAFTA Agreement policies.
Recommendations and Implementations
* Improving Asylum System
Asylum systems are meant to give refugee protection to immigrants. It is significant to have a compelling Asylum system because it helps foster good relations in the involved parties. USA and Mexico have had significant fallout when it comes to immigrants. In most cases, immigrants come to the USA to seek better wages and evade their corrupt government. The Mexican government is never stable and is inflicted with coups that shake the region's growth. Despite being a country with great opportunities, people still run from their regions to the USA. What are the implications of having a weak asylum system? The Trump administration proved that the wrong perception of refugees could trigger international wars (Griffin, 2018). In this case, the Mexican government and international bodies on human rights came against the Asylum system in the USA (Becerra, 2012). According to the immigration department in the USA, it is a requirement to seek asylum when you are in America.
The process of attaining the visa and being present in the departments of immigration is a complex process that bars most refugees from getting the proper assistance (Harmon, 2021). Therefore, it is recommendable to set an effective system that will help asylum seekers immigrate to the USA without friction. There are different benefits associated with the implementation of the system. Firstly, the government will not fight and set perimeter walls to stop immigrants. It will be a legal system that will feature scrutiny and other essential details to help refugees stay in America (Hiemstra, 2019). The USA is an international and powerful country known for diplomacy; hence it should have the most competitive asylum system to support humanity.
* Strengthening Immigration Institutions
Three central agencies are mandated with immigration issues in America. These institutions include the state department, immigration, and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. These are the leading institutions that facilitate immigration needs for both citizens and non-citizens. The collaboration of these institutions determines the efficiency of immigration in the country. Most immigrants from Mexico cross the border unlawfully, making it harder to access some of the services in the USA (Griffin, 2018). Unlawful immigration results from fear of denial to enter the state since they do not have the required documents. Strengthening the immigration system has extensive benefits to the USA.
For example, they help foster good relations between the USA and Mexico since Mexican citizens are treated with dignity. The state department deals with visas, while the immigration and customer service department focuses on document documentation. It is recommended that the two departments work together closely (Hiemstra, 2019). The USA’s congress should fund immigration institutions to enable efficiency in terms of service delivery. If the departments work together harmoniously, it will help solve several problems.
Firstly, there will be no separation of families which is a disservice to both the USA and Mexican governments (Becerra, 2012). It will help the USA grow economically due to increased human labor (Harmon, 2021). Most people from the USA need better jobs and shelter for their families. Secondly, unlawful immigration across the ...
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