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How Can Unions And Business Groups Provide Potential Change In Legislation?

Essay Instructions:

In a 2-page paper (500 words), discuss the actions being taken by unions and business groups across the country to address SB 1070. How can unions and business groups provide potential change in legislation?

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The SB1070

Actions being taken by unions and business groups across the country to address SB 1070
The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Act introduced in Arizona commonly referred to as the Arizona SB 1070 in 2010, is one of the strict measures taken by the state to curb illegal immigration (Freeman, 2016). Part of the provision requires police officers to check the immigration status of anybody they suspect to be staying in the country without proper documentation. The SB 1070-sparked immediate national outcry from various sectors including, business groups and civil rights groups (Freeman, 2016).
In an attempt to address the negative impact caused by the SB1070 law, business groups in Arizona, including executive directors of tourist companies signed a letter of opposition in fear of the negative image caused by the law (Freeman, 2016). The Arizona Chamber of Commerce opposed the legislation because they believed that there are many consequences of profiling specific ethnic groups (Freeman, 2016). The organization stated that even though the goal of SB1070 is to cut tax-funded services for illegal immigrant the law has not helped Arizona to grow Freeman, 2016).
Across other states, business groups expressed concerns about the economic impact of such laws. That is why they have presented a written petition to the state governments not to enact these laws Freeman, 2016). To avoid the negative impact of the laws, The Arizona hotel and lodging association expressed their concern stating that many companies were canceling their bookings. Such moves affected the industry forcing them to take immediate steps of filing a petition to...
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