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The Homelessness Policy in New York City

Essay Instructions:

Topic The homeless policy in New City Please answer these questions

1. Describe the goals and objectives of the policy or program you are studying.
2. How are the goals connected to the social problems analysis?
3. Describe the historical context of the creation of the policy/program you are analyzing. Does your policy represent the continuation of or a departure from previous attempts to solve the social problem in question?
4. What larger historical trends were going on at the time of the policy's creation that influenced its formulation?
5. Have the policy/program goals changed over time? If so, how?
6. As you learn more about the history, revisit/integrate an analysis of the social problem as defined by the creators/advocates of the policy (as you would have discussed in the previous module's assignment). How did the ideological assumptions that underlie the creation of the policy grow out of (or contradict) larger historical trends? Think about some of the major ideological issues we have discussed in class, such as the role of government, the root causes of poverty, and the notion of "deservingness".
7. Consider the impact of inequalities such as race, class and gender on the historical development of the policy and its goals. How do assumptions about race, class, gender, disability, or other inequalities affect the ideological assumptions underlying the policy and its goals?

Chambers, D., & Bonk, J.F. (2013). Social Policy and Social Programs.

To maximize your score on this assignment, consider the following. Good papers will:
• Address all four areas of social problems analysis presented in the previous module and the text
• Use analytic tools effectively to examine a particular social problems viewpoint
• Integrate an analysis of inequalities into the paper
• Contain very few spelling and grammatical errors
• Have a clear overall organization and argument
• Include paragraphs that have a clear thesis statement and use examples from research to illustrate the main point

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Homelessness Policy in New York City
The Homelessness Policy in New York City
Goals and objectives
The homelessness policy in the New York City seeks to bring more people off the street. It also looks forward to reducing the number of shelter sites that are found in the streets by almost half. The homeless policy has the goal of strengthening and keeping the homeless citizens close to all the needed support to assist them to get back on their feet (Main, 2017). The policy also seeks to strengthen the support to help the homeless citizens to make the transition from their shelter (temporary housing) to permanent housing.
Goals Connection to Social Problem Analysis
The above-mentioned goals and objectives of the homelessness policy are clearly connected to the social problem analysis. Well, a social problem is a certain issue that the society views as undesirable (Chambers, & Bonk, 2013). Well, as seen earlier the policy seeks to reduce the number of people living in the streets. The environment on the streets is undesirable. It is not only undesirable but also very unhealthy since there exists improper sanitation thus may cause several diseases. The goal of reducing street shelters is connected to social problems in that the shelters are temporary thus the settlers are prone to attacks or destruction any moment (Main, 2017). By implementing the homelessness policy, it reduces poverty which is a big social problem.
Historical Context of the Policy
In the previous years, politicians have always tried to curb the homelessness issue. However, this has always failed due to the less investment on the policy. The policy fails due to negligence. Another reason for the failure of the homelessness policy is due to the tackling of the issue from a political notion. The previous mayors of the New York City have be...
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