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SOC 207 Midterm Exam: Answers to Part II Mendelian Genetics

Essay Instructions:

General instructions

* Watch for news alerts in the Course News Forum – where discussion of any ambiguities or typos discovered in the exam will be posted.

* You may contact your instructor by email for clarifications. However, queries submitted 48 hrs. prior to the deadline may not receive a response.

* Place your name and student number, the name and number of the course (Sociology 207 Online Fall 2017), and the date of submission at the top of the first page of your exam submission.

* This an “open book” exam. You are permitted to employ information provided in this course and from the academic literature to help you develop your answers. You may engage in discussions with fellow students to hone your answers but be aware that highly similar or identical answers (especially for long answer questions) could be subject to a 50% deduction.

* Your answers should be drafted in Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing format.

* There is no requirement to repeat the questions in your completed exam document, but you can if you like. Be sure to indicate which parts of the exam that your answers apply to i.e., the number of the question, e.g. Part I #3.

* All answers should be in complete, grammatically correct sentences. Even when a one word answer or a single number appears to be the correct answer, please provide your answer(s) in a complete sentence(s). For example: “The correct answer to Part II question Option #2 is seven;” or “No, the terms ‘eugenics' and ‘social Darwinism' are not synonymous, they mean different things.

* Answers can be single spaced and should be written in a 12 point type.

* If you closely paraphrase or directly quote (copy) material from other sources in your answers and/or employ ideas originating from other writers in your answers, say so. That is, you need to name the author or authors and/or the sources. You can do this informally (simply by naming the source in the text) or by providing a citation for the material.

* If you answer more than the required number of questions for Part IV, the first answer(s) provided up to the prescribed limit will be the only answer(s) graded.

* Post your completed exam documents using the submit button on the UR Courses site by the deadline.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name
Your Student Number
Sociology 207Online Fall 2017
Answers to Part II Mendelian Genetics:
In the case presented, it was argued by the lawyer of one of Kennedy’s heirs that the lack of the phenotype displaying Widow’s Peak in Trump presents a fact that he is not the son of Monroe and JFK. This argument is indeed valid especially if genetics and dominant inheritance is considered in the case. According to Summers and Arnold (2017), widow’s peak is a characteristic that is considered to be “dominant trait”, as compared to the having a normal hairline. Since this is a dominant trait, then it means that even when only one allele of this trait is present, then the phenotype would definitely result in offsprings having the trait. More specifically, this could be shown through visualization via the Punnett Square CITATION Knond \l 1033 (KnowGenetics.org, n.d.). As the dominant allele could be represented with a big W, the recessive one could then be represented with a small w. Remember that for the big W, only one is needed to be able to express the trait. A combination of the allele with both “WW” refers to homozygous dominant, while a combination of two “ww” are homozygous recessive. In any case, when these two combines together and the results would be a Ww, or a heterozygous recessive, which still express a widow’s peak in the offsprings’ phenotype. Therefore, what makes it a valid case is that since JFK has no widow’s peak (ww) and Marilyn Monroe has (Ww), then the resulting offspring should one hundred percent be a Heterozygous recessive (Ww), which would still possess a widow’s peak (a characteristic that Trump doesn’t have).
Part III Short answer (5 points each)
Answer (or at least attempt to answer) the short answer questions in this section. Use complete, grammatically correct sentences. Good answers should be in the range of one to five sentences.
1. According to Gregor Mendel’s model of dominant-recessive inheritance, what can we reasonably assume will happen when a group of heterozygous Tt tall pea plants are mated with each other? What proportion of the offspring will be tall? What proportion will be short?
Based on the Gregor Mendel’s model of dominant-recessive inheritance, pairing two heterozygous Tt with one another, would have a 75% chance of having a tall offspring and a 25% chance of having a short one. This is because in pea plants, the dominant gene is the T (Tall), while t (short) is recessive. When placed in a Punnett Square, this would then result with a ¼ homozygous TT, ½ Heterozygous Tt, and ¼ homozygous tt.
2. How might a social Darwinist, such as Herbert Spencer, use the principles of genetic inheritance to explain social class hierarchy in Britain during the 19th century?
Using the principles of Social Darwinism, the social hierarchy in Britain could be explained as the result of some people having better genes than others. On one hand, Social Darwinists would view those with better genes as having more superior qualities (e.g. frugality, determination, hard work, etc.), placing them on the top of the social ladder. On the other hand, the same theory would pose that those with inferior genes, would also have more negative and unappealing qualities, thus placing them in the bottom of the same ladder.
3. Why has breeding for fads and fashion had adverse impacts on some dog breeds?
The reason why breeding for fads and fashion have an adverse impact towards some dog breeds is that at ti...
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