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Understanding Hazard Clustering, Clustering Dynamics, and Its Impacts

Essay Instructions:

Reading: Read the assignment material for the week. This week, the reading assignment is:

Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disasters, (Entire Book)

Assignment: Provide an approximate 1500-word document analyzing important concepts in the readings. Assume that you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read. Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource that you are reviewing, so the reader will understand what they're reading and why. Include the following topics for inclusion in this week's discussion:

- Discuss Hazard Clustering including how do hazards 'cluster' and what are the impacts?

- Discuss how Hazard Clustering disasters impact the economy and growth?

- Discuss individual preparedness including are individuals adequately self-sufficient and concerned for their own welfare and safety?

- Discuss how governments can help individuals and society overall?

- What is the role of insurance? Is insurance sustainable in an environment of increasing risk?

- How are cities inherently hazardous?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emergency and Disaster Management
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Emergency and Disaster Management
Introduction/Background of Resource
This report is anchored on the analysis of the textbook titled: Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disasters: The Economics of Effective Prevention. The text discusses disasters mainly via a critical economic lens. The main findings include (a) a disaster communicates many initial decisions’ cumulative implications, some take collectively, others individually, and a few by default, (b) prevention is often cost-effective and possible, (c) many measures – public and private – should operate well together to attain effective prevention, and (d) the exposure to hazards will continue rising within cities, but more significant exposure should not necessarily increase vulnerability (World Bank & United Nations, 2010). In addition, this report discusses hazard clustering, including how they “cluster” and the impacts, how hazards clustering disasters affect economy and growth, individual preparedness, government role in assisting society and individuals, the role of insurance and its sustainability within this context, and how cities are inherently hazardous.
Hazard Clustering, Clustering Dynamics, and Impacts
Hazard constitutes a natural event that has detrimental ramifications on the community, individuals, ecology, and economy. Dangerous circumstances culminate in a disaster. These occurrences are harmful to human well-being and adversely impact society’s sustainability (World Bank & United Nations, 2010). Hazard clustering entails a more significant situation than expected cases or the number of adverse natural occurrences within a group of individuals working and living within the same place (Pappada et al., 2018). The number of hazard clusters mirrors the particular event’s regional variability within the impacted area.
Regarding clustering dynamics, particularly within mine workplaces, laborers are exposed to environmental hazards including sound pollution, air pollution, raining water pushing debris and mud into homes, and contaminated water due to chemicals released into rivers. Moreover, people staying or working near such workplaces suffer health outcomes deteriorations due to hazard dynamics delineated above (Pappada et al., 2018). Accordingly, hazard clustering within workplaces could result in health-related problems such as difficulty breathing, health problems such as HIV/AIDS and Covid-19, skin irritation, deteriorated well-being, and loss of life (Shereen et al., 2020). In addition, workers often suffer from skin irritation issues within the mines due to hazardous chemicals.
Impact of Hazard Clustering on Economy and Growth
Natural hazard clustering often culminates in adverse ramifications on human beings’ physical well-being. This undermines the economic development pace in a country. Within the past years, society has experienced a heightened incidence of natural hazards clustering, resulting in devastating consequences. These disasters led to the world accumulative $2 trillion in property damages and claimed 3.6 million lives (World Bank & United Nations, 2010). Accordingly, the natural hazard cluster leads to budgetary pressures, culminating in short-term and long-term impacts on a nation’s economic development. The physical natural hazards clustering such as vibrations leads to mass loss, destruction of property, and loss of lives. Given the lower number of laborers in the respective industries, the overall output reduces beyond the optimal levels driving companies to shut down. This reduces the government’s annual revenue collection, adversely impacting economic growth (Pappada et al., 2018). Also, endogenous development models indicate that natural hazards clustering could enhance a nation’s economic development. The shocks emanating from the hazard clustering disaster could catalyze reinvestment and the firm’s production capacity growth (Pappada et al., 2018).
Individual Preparedness
Many natural hazard clustering calamities happen anytime without signaling government agencies or people. Therefore, it is vital to protect individuals, families, and businesses from such devastating events. Individuals are adequately self-sufficient and concerned about their safety and welfare. First, people are purchasing insurance covers to protect against hazards clustering calamities. The insurance companies safeguard people and their properties by paying claims to policyholders to enable communities to restructure and rebuild their lost parcels (Maduz et al., 2019). Also, individuals living within affected areas should first identify the natural hazard clustering calamity they are vulnerable to, the chances of the disaste...
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