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Traits, Power, and Leadership Style of a Multicultural Leader, Barack Obama

Essay Instructions:

For this paper, you will select a multicultural leader and discuss their leadership. After selecting a leader, write a 1,250-1,500-word paper addressing the following:

Trait Leadership Theory identifies and prescribes individual characteristics and behaviors needed for effective leadership. Provide a brief bio and overview of the leader you chose and discuss the traits they possess that make them an effective leader.

Styles Leadership Theory describes a collection of specific behaviors that can be categorized into autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire leadership styles. Select the style that most appropriately describes the leader you chose and explain why this style most accurately reflects your leader.

Power can stem from either one’s position or personal characteristics. Describe the types of power the leader uses to help achieve goals.

Multicultural leaders relate effectively to and motivate people across race, gender, age, social attitudes and lifestyles. How has the leader you’ve selected effectively motivated their audience?

You must use a minimum of five cited and referenced sources.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Paper: Barack Obama
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Barack Obama
The world has many leaders whose leadership styles and characteristics are different. These leaders choose to be democrats and autocrats. Democrats choose to involve their subjects in their leadership, while autocrats are hard on subjects. The individual leaders' characteristics can be informational, motivational persuasive, coercive, or legitimate. One of the notable multicultural leaders globally is Barack Obama, an African American politician, author, and lawyer who was the 44th President of the United States. He was a member of the Democratic Party, a privilege he held after building his social, political, and economic life as a teenager. This piece discusses Barack Obama as a leader. It argues that Obama was a Democratic leader whose power was legitimate, charismatic, and persuasive. He is a multicultural leader who is a role model to African American origin and other oppressed society members like the LGBTQ groups.
Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, in the United States. He worked as a community organizer after graduating from Columbia University in 1983. Obama enrolled in Harvard Law School in 1988, where he became the first African student president. After graduating from Harvard Law School, he became a civil rights attorney and a lecturer teaching law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years from 1992. Obama turned to elective politics in 1997, where he represented the 13th district in the Illinois senate until 2004 when he was elected in the US senate. Barack Obama won the Democratic Party ticket for the presidential election in 2008, beating Hillary Clinton. He won the election with his running mate Joe Biden, the current US president, also beating the Republican Party candidate John McCain. Obama led the US until 2017.
Obama's leadership was successful and had a significant impact on multicultural relationships. This success is attributed to Obama's charismatic character, effective communication skills, visionary nature, and cultural sensitivity (Madiba, 2020). The charismatic leader uses their communication skills and persuasiveness to influence others. Barack Obama significantly influenced the people of the US and the world. His speeches had a great impact on his audience. In an interview with Ben Tiggelaar, an author and a visiting professor at IE Business School, Obama said that the secret to being a great orator is telling your story (Tiggelaar, n.d.). Charisma contributed heavily to Obama's leadership influence. His speech moves the crowds every time he speaks because he tells stories that people can relate to.
Another characteristic that made Obama a great multicultural leader is his excellent communication skills. Obama's oratory skills and other communication skills are unmatched. When he addresses his audience, he attracts attention through his fluency and smooth transition of ideas. Obama always talks with logic and uses his facts well to unmatched delivery, targeting and influencing his audience (Leadership lessons from Barack Obama, 2021). Obama also uses non-verbal cues like maintaining eye contact and using signs to compliment his excellent delivery.
Obama is a visionary leader who has left a performance record throughout his time. He studied the people of the US and the social, political, and economic gaps that needed to be filled to raise the living standards of Americans. Obama's visionary leadership dates back to when he was a student at Colombia University. His lecturers pushed him to take education seriously because he was wise. He was elected the first African student president for Harvard University Law School because of his outstanding leadership qualities (Nelson, 2020). When Obama ventured into politics after he graduated from the Harvard University Law School, he moved to Chicago, where he became active in activities of the Democratic Party.
Obama organized the Project Vote as his pioneer project in the Democratic Party. Project Vote was a drive to register thousands of African Americans, which ultimately helped Bill Clinton secure votes in Illinois state and win the 1992 presidential elections (Nelson, 2020). That project also helped Carol Moseley Braun win the US senatorial seat, becoming the first African American elected to the Senate. During this period, Obama authored his first book, Dreams from My Father, in 1995. This shows the beginning of Obama's Visionary nature. He maintained his dream to change the status quo and ensure that all cultures are equally treated in the united states, including the LGBTQ people. This is evident through his legislation to recognize and legalize same-gender relationships.
Obama is a culturally sensitive leader who knows ho...
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