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Thomas Aquinas proofs for the existence of God. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Thomas Aquinas proofs for the existence of God.

An essay (2 pages, double space) about Thomas Aquinas. Specifically, you should develop the following topic:

“Five Proofs for the existence of God”. Textbook, p.p. 226-234.

Summarize both lectures, comment on it, and give your own proof at the end of the essay. Remember to check any other article about this theme. Include it in the reference list.

Due date: Complete and submit the assignment by Sunday (23:59)

*This assignment represents 15 points of your Final Grade.

** Beware of plagiarism.

*** Use APA citation style for the references if you need to quote other authors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Thomas Aquinas Proofs for the Existence of God
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Thomas Aquinas Proofs for the Existence of God
Thomas Aquinas provided a primer philosophy for theological studies through arguments. He established a natural theology by synthesizing the doctrine of Western Christianity and the perspective of God by Aristotle in Greek. Specifically, the influence of Aristotle’s philosophy was more extensive on Aquinas’s theological system’s constitution. He developed five arguments to prove God’s existence, which proved immensely influential among theology students and critics.
Aquinas’s first three arguments related to motion, causation, and contingency are from the cosmological argument category to relevant to God’s reality. All of them activate a universal truth concerning ordinary occurrences and continues to the presence of an eventual creative source of everything in the world (Feser, 2017). In all cases, the philosopher categorizes the source with divine existence.
Talking about the first prove of divine existence by Aquinas, the argument from motion derives from Aristotle’s thought based on observation. The Greek theologian asserts that moving things in the universe are moved by another moving force. He articulated that the sequence of movers must have a prime mover as the first force, totally dependable on itself without any motivating force working behind (Kenny, 2008). In Aristotle’s words, it is “God” while Aquinas reasons it as the God of the bible.
The second argument is from causation, which Aquinas develops on the Aristotelian perspective of entity or cause, which generates changes in specific things being the ‘First Cause.’ Aristotle exemplifies his philosophy by giving several causes fr...
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