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Life as An Entrepreneur in Malaysia

Essay Instructions:

You are an extraordinary person living in Malaysia. You are producing a digital story about special days in your life.

Be sure to do ALL of the following:

Use first-person narrative (i.e. I, we).

Cover your profession as a singer, artist, physician, engineer, entrepreneur, elementary school teacher, chef, police officer, etc. Describe your daily professional life and include noteworthy, interesting cultural information.

Discuss your participation in a special occasion such as holidays, a wedding, movie making, a scientific project, cooking TV shows, arts exhibitions, political demonstrations, etc. Describe your days in detail.

Identify aspects of your country that you like and dislike. Explain why.

Make connections with India by drawing from the textbook or online sources.

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My Life as an Entrepreneur in Malaysia
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My Life as an Entrepreneur in Malaysia
I am an ordinary entrepreneur in Malaysia. The country has been one of the best to invest in, at least before the coronavirus pandemic broke out. Businesses were grooming prior to the pandemic. One of the main factors which have contributed to the stable economic market in Malaysia is the culture of the people and consumer purchasing trends. However, sustainability in the market requires one to understand the culture of the locals and thus align business activities with the culture. As a result, I have also fallen in love with the culture despite being a foreign culture. Although I have made milestones, I face various challenges, with some days involving struggles with the culture in a normal day in my profession.
I wake up at 5:00am every day. I have developed this schedule and adhered to it for the last five years that I have been in Malaysia, and so I am used to it. I wake up this early so that I can get enough time for some activities, with morning jogging being at the top of the list. I jog for 30 minutes before taking shower and then later preparing my breakfast. One of the reasons as to why this schedule has been effective for me is because Malaysia has the culture of a fast-paced life. Everything and everybody is always moving in the country. As such, I want to keep pace with the rest of the entrepreneurs and also the culture in the market. Once I am done with breakfast, I move out to go to my office. The Malaysian culture of a fast-paced society has made me to be a smart and fast think.
My typical day in the field involves several activities that I have to undertake. In the morning, I first check whether and who among the workers has reported for work. Since I deal with wholesale and distribution of serviettes and tissue papers, I first take stock count when as the first activity. I do this to ensure that there is consistency in stock-taking and monitor the progress of the business. I also ensure that all the supplies from suppliers are in a good condition, as well as that they are fit for consumers. One of the common practices in business in Malaysia is honesty; the value is further advanced by the religious beliefs of the people, as well as the cultural requirement that entrepreneurs have to evaluate the quality of products before releasing to the consumers. As such, I also ensure tha...
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