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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Black Power: Gender, Race, and Resistance

Essay Instructions:

Write a response that critically reflects on at least one required reading from each week of a given Unit.

o For example: Critical Reflection 1 (Unit 1) must include analysis of at least required reading from Week 1 and Week 2 each in relation to each other.

o Relate the films and readings to each other in the context of the broader themes/topics of the course.

o Course themes include but are not limited to:

▪ Structures of identity, ethnicity, sexuality, class, race, otherness

▪ Issues of social/political/environmental justice

▪ Notions of mobility, and ideas about the migrant through film and media; gender and migration; the city and migration; migration and climate change; queer migration; notions of home; border-crossings etc.

▪ Political oppression; incarceration; technologies of surveillance; protest cultures; human rights discourse, labor struggles, modes of solidarity etc.

o Note: Your assignments should demonstrate your understanding of reading in relation to each other.

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Throughout history, it is evident how people continuously degrade others based on skin color, ethnicity, and gender. Most think that one is superior to the other, which permits them to perform inhumane actions toward inferior beings. This paper focuses on the structures of identity, ethnicity, class, and otherness manifested in the 1966 film by Sembene’s “Black Power” and Marsha Landry’s “Politics and Style in Black Girl.”
The film highlights the negative impact of racism and colonialism in Africans exposed to the Europeans CITATION Zwo66 \l 1033 (Sembene, 1966). The mask given by Diouana to her master is a symbol of peace and unity to the Africans. However, it is but a piece of souvenir hanging solitarily on the white wall of a French couple’s apartment to the westerns. The mask represents Diouana and her loneliness surrounded by the discriminatory white people.
Because of the unsympathetic situation of Diouana due to her masters’ exploitation of her overall well-being, she succumbed to d...
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