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Theoretical Framework

Essay Instructions:

For Section 1 of your course project, you will select two theories of personality presented in this class to examine and analyze and then apply these theories to a film character in Section. Choose two of the following theories explored in this course:

• Psychodynamic.

• Phenomenological.

• Behavioral.

• Trait.

• Social-cognitive.

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Theoretical Framework
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Theoretical Framework
Various approaches describe psychology, and each approach emphasizes different factors in their descriptions of mind and behavior. On another hand, there are personality attributes that every individual possess, and these attributes have an impact on the individual’s behavior. In this regard, there are varieties of personality theories in the field of psychology that have attempted giving an explanation concerning personality development (Abbott, 2001). Although there are many personality theories, the focus of this paper will be on the psychodynamic and socio-cognitive theories. The two theories examine personality differently; thus, such a difference makes them appropriate for the subsequent comparison and contrasting. Furthermore, the theories are unique; hence, they have their strengths and weaknesses, and their weaknesses have provided a rationale for scholars to criticize them.
Basic Philosophies of Theory
Sigmund Freud initiated the psychodynamic theory, and the theory explains behavior in terms of unconscious motivations and the dynamics of the id, ego and superego. The focus of the theory was on what was going on in the heads of human beings, in other words, the theory aimed at explaining the natural process in human beings, which establishes behaviors that are central to their relationships, experiences and environment. An assumption, which Sigmund Freud made in developing the theory, was that the human mind comprised of three sections, which include the conscious, unconscious and preconscious parts. Similarly, the identified three factors, id, ego and superego influence human behavior in different ways. First, Freud felt that, one of the ways the three factors influence behavior is unconscious; thus, human beings are not aware of the process. Secondly, the parts of the human mind are in conflict with each other. Then, Freud suggested that sexual and aggressive forces motivate behavior, and fourthly, Freud felt that development, mainly childhood development is a facilitator of personality (Munsaka, 2014).
Albert Bandura founded the socio-cognitive theory, and the theory focused on human thoughts. Furthermore, the theory highlights the interaction between an individual’s thoughts and their society. The socio-cognitive theory is a humanist theory, which provides an alternative to the psychodynamic theory. The theory emphasizes on the potential of human beings and on the essence of viewing situations from an individual perspective (Abbott, 2001). In the same context, the theory does not approach human behavior using definite factors, as such, the theory gained support from renowned theorists such as Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. The theorist rejected the Freudian psychodynamic theory. In particular, the theorists developed theories, for example, Maslow’s theory suggested that hierarchy needs motivated human beings, and achieving each need means that an individual is in the process of fulfilling their potential. Such potential describes the person’s personality. On the other hand, Rogers’ concept of personality is central to the persons’ need for self-actualization and unconditional positive perspective. Well, Freud’s theory, on the other hand, perceives an individual’s needs as being central to sexual nature and fulfilling the sexual desires explains human personality (Cervona, & Shoda, 1999).
Theoretical Constructs
The social cognitive theory offers an agentic theoretical framework, which makes it easy to understand various constructs....
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