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Theoretical Application

Essay Instructions:
My paper has to be based on Laci\'s Peterson victim. Format: o The paper must be typed, double-spaced with one inch-margins and 12pt font. o Each section will be approximately 2 pages, with the exception of the conclusion. o Each section must include APA style in text citations along with a reference section. For the purposes of this paper, the reference section can just go at the end of your section and does not need to be on a separate page. Your reference section does not count toward your page limit. You do not need to include a cover page, headers, abstract, etc. o You will also be graded on your writing. Writing clearly and concisely is an important skill for both college and the workforce. You must proofread and correct errors before turning in your papers. You more than likely will not have any scholarly sources for this section, but please make sure that you appropriately cite any sources used including Wikipedia, popular books, etc. - APA in text and reference citations are required. This section should be approximately 2 pages. *************My paper has to based on the below instructions and follow above information please. ******* Theoretical Application In this section you will discuss a theory which fits well with your selected female (as this is a CRJ class, make sure that you choose a criminological theory). First you will thoroughly explain the theory that you have selected. Then, you will explain how your female fits with this theory, using her background information or behaviors to link up with the theory. If your theory has three main points, you will describe each point, and show me clearly how each point matches up with your female. I am not going to grade you on whether I think you selected the correct theory, as several theories could probably fit with her situation. However, if your selected female is a victim and the theory you choose is about offenders, clearly this is incorrect and you will lose points. I will be grading you on how well you are able to describe your theory and demonstrate how your subject matches it. This section must include AT LEAST ONE scholarly source and APA in text and reference citations are required. This section should be approximately 2 pages. This section is worth 14 points and is due 11/11/2012 by 11:59p. Late work will not be accepted. DO NOT FORGET TO APPROPRIATELY CITE YOUR THEORY! For example, if your theory is the life course perspective, you would cite the authors of the theory, Sampson and Laub, not Katz, the author of the chapter in your textbook which talks about the life course theory. You must cite the original source.
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Theoretical Application
Theoretical Application
Victim precipitation theory is one of the most controversial entries may have been developed in response to try and unravel the overtures that the victim of a homicide triggers. As such the theory implies that the victims of most homicides contribute to their own death, to mean that they actively played a part in their murder. It first came to light in the late 60s, introduced by Wolfgang, where he argued that the victim may be the one who actually initiates the trigger mechanism in the killer (what-when-how, 2012). By collecting more than five hundred homicide cases that had taken place in Philadelphia over the span of less than four years, he planned to support his theory. In his findings, Wolfgang, found out that of all the cases that he had collected for analysis, more than twenty per cent of those cases fitted the profile of victims having pushed the perpetrator to act the way they did. In subsequent researches that have been conducted by different researchers, it has also been determined that the crimes occur in scenarios that involve men and women that are familiar with one another, preferably having had a relationship. The other incident that came before the homicides was the presence of alcohol (what-when-how, 2012). There is a high likelihood of murder when the victim and the victimizer had too much alcohol to drink.
The theory did not pass without attracting its own share of controversy, with most people calling for the theory to be scraped as it lays blame on the victims of ho...
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