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The Inadequacy of Riches as a Source of True Happiness

Essay Instructions:
Hi, I must see the outline on NOVEMBER 14 After all the talk I had with Ashley, the customer service, we have came into an agreement of having this paper written down By the best best best writer of your company. Anyways, from now i will explain how this professional argumentative essay needs to be written down in order to fulfill the best mark from the Proff; So in order to write this paper, i will provide you my lecture notes, the things we have covered in the class, the writer who is writing this paper needs be specialized in Philosophy, or else wont be able to to do the right job , the writer needs to read the book that we are going to use as the citation and needs to cite the paper preferably using the standard Book-chapter-sentence numbering for Boethius (sentence numbers in the margin) for instance: " Mortal creatures have one overall concern" : (Beheth,. BOOK 3, Chapter 2, Line 2) in a shorter version... The writer has to only use the same version book that everyone else is using in the class, which the link to it is : http://books(dot)google(dot)ca/books?id=4jOgkxc2BOwC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false although, this ebook does not include the actual pages unfortunately due the copyrights, this online link only includes the introduction of Boethius which is not the main thing you need to focus on. The main thing is the Actual, BOOK 1 , BOOK2, BOOK 3 , BOOK4 , BOOK5 ,BOOK6 ... and chapters 1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 ... so on and so forth.. IF you're not able to find the online book, then please tell me so I can scan every-page, there is about 100 pages, it will take me couple hours to scan them, but at the end I can get them to you safely. So the book name is Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy Translated with an introduction and Notes by P.G. Walsh Oxford World's Classics, There is another version out there, but make sure No other books can be used rather then that The cover page is the prison with a light shining in... that is how you can make sure, if it's the correct book. So again, i really want you to read the book first then start finding the arguments and specially write counter arguments so it proves that you understood the instructions well. Make sure that you're writing this to another educated person, who is seeking for only the information that has been asked for, therefore no extra HISTORY DRAMA STUFF, don't be broad about anything... ONLY ONLY and DIRECTLY Get in into the argument set up objections and set up counter arguments in regards to the book and the lecture notes that i will provide you. Make sure that you understand the whole book, there is about 100 pages to read, so don't just focus in one sort of thing, ANSWER THE question that has asked on the essay topics. You have about 6 topic choices, read the topic choices and choose whatever you are capable to argue about, bring in STRONG STRONG THESIS. Please don't write anything extra on the paper, Be simple and straight forward. Cite anything that you use, for example: "According to critics every human being has to follow rules and norms of the society. " That's right, but cite it, where did you get that from? Also, be cautious on the grammar, This is a CANADIAN University. So for example, Favor is american, but Favour is canadian. Use the canadian version. One more thing i have to mention, is that on the paper choices, there are 6 choices you can choose, but there are two books that Aristotle wrote . You can either choose reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics or Boethius's which is the one that i sent the link. The Nicomachean Ethics Translated and Edited by Roger Crisp The whole book is: http://www26(dot)us(dot)archive(dot)org/stream/TheNicomacheanEthics/Aristotle-NicomacheanEthicsCrisp#page/n3/mode/2up Or The Consolation of Philosophy Boethius : http://www(dot)oup(dot)com/us/catalog/general/subject/Philosophy/History/Medieval/?view=usa&ci=9780199540549# DEADLINE IS pretty simple, i want this argumentative essay to be done by November 18th which is 10 days. But i really recommend the writer to give me an outline by November 14 or 15th so i can go show it to my T.A and make sure if we are on the right track then come back to you and tell you what you need to cover and what you don't. So please Provide me an Outline/Draft of what your Thesis will be and Your arguments and counter arguments regarding whatever topic you choose out of 6 and then you will have until November 18th to complete the whole essay. Again, i don't need any extra wording to fill up the page, I want you to be as concise as you can, and if you think you can't do this job for me please tell me. expectation level for grading will be really high since i have got a D- on the other essay. Let me know what ever you need, and i will go ahead and upload all the lecture notes of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and Boethius that we covered in the classes. Please put time and effort, because it's not a simple one night thing.. this takes days to read the book, days to analyze the arguments, and days to write it.. King Regards
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Inadequacy of Riches as a Source of True Happiness
The most convincing objection that Boethius presents against riches as a source of happiness is the observation that abundant wealth neither frees man from want nor enables him to be self-sufficient. Boethius argues that people’s quest for riches, pleasure, fame, and power do not lead to true happiness. The most they can achieve through material possessions, he contends, is a temporary state of satisfaction that soon or later gets overtaken by other concerns like anxiety, fear, and worry about losing their possessions. He observes that the ultimate goal of humans is the attainment of a perfect state of satisfaction, in which the individual does not long for anything more. He refers to this condition as a state of “self-sufficiency,” in which the individual is independent of all his needs and wants and content of his present circumstances. However, he notes, there is always something that denies human beings total happiness, either through its absence or presence. This is because no one can posses everything; if anyone did, the presence of something undesirable threatens overshadows the happiness attained through riches. Even the wealthy are worried about the prospect of losing their possessions, having it taken by force or by someone stronger. The presence of a stronger person, or some destructive force such as natural disasters, an unpreventable threat to their wealth, counters the absence of “lack” in their lives. Consequently, they are compelled to seek protection outside their wealth, effectively making them dependent upon others. This dependence voids the claim of self-sufficiency afforded by wealth, leading to the conclusion that riches do not offer true happiness since it still leaves its possessors with unfulfilled desires.
Lady Philosopher states that true happiness should be “the good which once attained ensures that no one can aspire to anything further; it’s the highest s of all goods, and gathers all goods within itself” (Boethius, 3.2.3). Consequently, mortals pursue riches in the hope that it will satisfy all their needs and wants and enable them experience happiness. “There’s surely no condition,” the Philosopher observes further, “ capable of happiness to compare with an abundance of all possessions, for this makes you wholly self-sufficient and independent of what other people have” (Boethius, 3.2.14). Thus, men always strive to own possessions and use them for self gratification. However, Lady Philosopher cautions, riches do not satisfy want once and fall; want is like a bottomless pit that demands more and more. Even the rich, with all their wealth, cannot completely satisfy their wants. She states: “Want can be assuaged by riches, but it cannot be wholly dispelled, for it sits there with its mouth open, making incessant demands, and even if it is gorged with riches, it must still remain there, waiting to be satisfied” (Boethius, 3.3. 18). If wealth and other forms of material possessions cannot guarantee happiness, then men’s conception of happiness as the direct consequence of wealth is false. Lady Philosopher asks Boethius a fundamentally relevant question that weakens the notion that the possession of riches leads to happiness. She poses: “when you had all the money, was there never a time when you were worried and disturbed in mind through some wrong you sustained?” (Boethius, 3.3.5). This question could be asked of any wealthy man, and no one would say with sure certainty that there was never a moment when they were not consumed by one worry or another. It could be about something that is yet to be achieved, or the likelihood of something undesirable happening, or regretting about a missed opportunity. Possessing abundant wealth does not dispel these worries from the minds of the rich. Therefore, worries represent the presence of something undesirable that riches cannot take care of to guarantee complete happiness.
True happiness ought to bring about a state of perfection by combining all goods within it, such that the individual is satisfied of all desires. However, error and self-deception diverts human beings “off course towards false goods” (Boethius, 3.2.4). One error that mortals make in this regard is the false notion that the satisfaction of all material needs, and not lacking in anything leads to happiness. Consequently, they strive to acquire abundant riches and become self-sufficient. Regardless, the acquisition of riches does not prevent the rich from seeking external protection to keep their wealth safe. Thus, the position of the rich in relation to their riches is reversed: “the riches which people thought made them self-sufficient compel them instead to require external protection” Boethius, (3.3.16). This situation contradicts the notion that riches ought to cushion the rich from all forms of external worries and concerns like the fear of losing their possessions. If riches were indeed capable of providing complete happiness, t...
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