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The Language Used to Describe Their Bodies Degrading and Disrespectful

Essay Instructions:

L14 Sara Baartman Discussion 6 6To complete this discussion:1. Read the articles on Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, and Caster Semenya.2. Watch The Life and Times of Sarah Baartman.3. Write a reflection of 1000–1500 words on the similarities and/or differences in the languageused to describe the bodies of Sarah Baartman, Michelle Obama, Caster Semenya, and SerenaWilliams, focusing on:what this language meanswhat it means to describe women and/or human beings using such language4. Post your reflection as a “reply” to this discussion prompt—do not upload it as an attachment5. Your work must be posted by the end of the week of Lesson 14 to give other students time toread and respond to it.6. The final day to make responses to your other classmates’ posts is Tuesday during the week ofLesson 15.This initial post is due Sunday, 11:59 PM ESTThis forum is set to "post first" meaning that you will not see any activity from your classmates untilyou post your reflection.Following the initial due date, you are required to post one reply of 200-250 words to aclassmate's comment. 
You must critically evaluate your classmate's post.To evaluate your classmates, you may want to comment on:Something new you have learned from your classmateThe organization of their argumentWhat crucial points may be missing in their argumentWhat you like or dislike about their argument

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The Language Used to Describe Their Bodies Degrading and Disrespectful
When describing an individual's body, especially a woman's, it is crucial to choose proper adjectives. This means that when doing so, decency must be paramount in the mind of the person undertaking such a duty. History is replete with accounts of people who lost the meaning of life after being subjected to unrelenting body-shaming. In all honesty, using indecent and belittling language to describe a fellow human being is the lowest one can stoop. Relating to this, some phenomenal black women have had to contend with this unfortunate and disgusting trend. In their wisdom or lack thereof, some people have used the most degrading epithets to describe these women, their remarkable exploits notwithstanding. It is unfortunate and disturbing that such racist slurs should have ample space in this time and age. The language used to describe the bodies of Baartman, Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, and Caster Semenya is almost similar to the word. Unfortunately, it is so for the wrong reasons. It is dehumanizing, oppressive, brutalizing, and meant to silence these women of substance.
In all the accounts of these phenomenal black women, I find the language used to describe their bodies degrading and disrespectful. Apart from Baartman, the other three have raced against all odds to achieve incredible feats. The case of Baartman is understandable in the context of the times and conditions she grew up in. Despite being born into a well-heeled family, going by the African standards of the time, she found herself in the shackles of slavery at a fairly young age. Her masters, being goaded by an unholy fetish, treated her in the most degrading of ways. After shipping her to Europe, they used all means to display her buttocks and genitalia to the public. Ostensibly, lore had it that Hottentot women were endowed with unique genitalia, which is what her insensitive masters sought to prove. I believe they did so because they relied on the misguided and racially inclined ideology. As such, they had absolutely no regard for her. Why should they regard a woman whose extraction was considered the missing link between apes and humans? (Chipembere, 2011). In this regard, the European masters felt she deserved no better treatment than an animal. To underscore their perception of Baartman, and according to Chipembere (2011), many regarded Hottentots as very stupid and brutal. According to "credible writers," they were also more of beasts than men. Some believed that her prodigious buttocks resulted from menstrual disorder, as is usually the case with female apes (Maseko, 1998). To me, this is the coarsest language one can use to describe a fellow human being.
Michelle Obama's case was no different despite the yawning difference between Baartman's time and hers. The language used to describe her was also degrading, dehumanizing, disparaging, and outright offensive. Many of her detractors, blinded by the notion of white supremacy and entitlement, cast her in the most disparaging of ways. They were also blinded by the rather shop-worn belief that a black woman's body was the territory of anyone who could see or access it. They held that it must be controlled and contained. Further, in total disregard for her exceptional intelligence and class status, they employed such insidious epithets as "ape-like" and "terrorist" to describe her body (Chipembere, 2011). On account of being a black woman, just like Sarah Baartman, Michelle was regarded as a low animal, devoid of any decency. Being knee-deep in racism, the detractors could not wrap their minds around how a black woman could have the lethal combination of beauty and brains. In addition, they found the idea of having a black woman as the first lady of the most powerful nation quite offensive. To them, it was akin to allowing a disgusting animal to occupy the hallowed white house. That being the case, they used every conceivable epithet to portray her on the contrary. For instance, their descripti...
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